12 NAND Size
Plailect edited this page 2016-08-16 17:55:09 -04:00

A valid NAND backup should be one of the following sizes in most situations.

Occasionally, you will get a backup with a different size than one of these listed. It is fine for a backup to be larger than expected, just ensure that it is never smaller than the sizes listed.

Your backup should match one of the sizes on this page; if it does not, you should delete it and make a new one!

The brand name refers to the manufacturer of the NAND chip in your device, not your SD card.

Note that a min size NAND will always be the smallest possible size for the purpose of saving space, and may not match the size of other NAND backups from your device. This is fine, just make sure that it matches one of the sizes on this page.



+ Toshiba NAND:     
  988.807.168 bytes = 943 MiB    

+ Toshiba NAND:    
  1.979.711.488 bytes = 1.84 GiB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.000.341.504 bytes = 954 MiB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.300.234.240 bytes = 1.21 GiB    

Old 3DS:

+ Toshiba NAND:     
  988.807.168 bytes = 943 MiB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.000.341.504 bytes = 954 MiB    

New 3DS:

+ Toshiba NAND:    
  1.979.711.488 bytes = 1.84 GiB    

+ Samsung NAND:    
  1.300.234.240 bytes = 1.21 GiB    

+ Unknown NAND:
  1.954.545.664 bytes = 1.82 GiB