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SuperVM is a stack machine with a simple, but flexible command set.

The Stack

The virtual machine utilizes a stack to provide operands to instructions. This stack stores temporary values the program is working with.

Registers and Flags

The SuperVM virtual machine is a stack machine, but has also some control registers that can be set with special instructions. The registers mainly control stack access or control flow.

Mnemonic Register Function
SP Stack Pointer Stores the current 'top' position of the stack.
BP Base Pointer Stores the current stack frame position.
CP Code Pointer Stores the instruction which is executed next.
FG Flag Register Stores the state of the flags.

Stack Pointer

The stack pointer points to the top of the stack. Each push operation increases the stack pointer by one, each pop operation reduces it by one.

Base Pointer

The base pointer is a pointer that can be set to access the stack relative to it. The indended use is to create a stack frame with the base pointer by pushing the previous base pointer to the stack and setting the new base pointer to the current stack pointer.

Returning a function with this mechanism is moving the stack pointer to the current base pointer, then popping the previous base pointer from the stack.

Flag Register

Bit Flag Option
0 Zero Is set when the output is zero.
1 Negative Is set when the MSB is set.


An SuperVM instruction is composed of multiple components:

Component Range Size Function
execution Z See below. 2 Excution dependend on Zero?
execution N See below. 2 Excution dependend on Negative?
input0 Zero/Pop/Peek/Arg 2 Where does input0 come from?
input1 Zero/Pop 1 Where does input1 come from?
command [6bit] 6 Which command is executed?
cmdinfo [16bit] 16 Parameter value for the command.
flagmod yes/no 1 Does this command modifies flags?
output Discard/Push/Jump 2 What is done with the output?
argument [32bit] 32 Some commands can take extra information

Execution Modes

The execution mode checks whether the instruction will be execution or not. The execution depends on the state of the flags. An X means "Don't care", a 0 means the flag must be cleared and a 1 means the flag must be set.

An instruction is only executed when all conditions are met.

Flag Range
Zero X/0/1
Negative X/0/1


ID Command Action
0 COPY output = input0
1 STORE output = MEMORY[input0] = input1
2 LOAD output = MEMORY[input0]
3 GET output = STACK[BP + input0]
4 SET output = STACK[BP + input0] = input1
5 BPGET output = BP
6 BPSET output = BP = input0
7 RSTSTACK output = SP = BP
8 MATH output = input0 OP[info] input1
9 SPGET output = SP + input0
10 SPSET output = SP + input0 = input1


The math operator is a compound operator that contains all arithmetic operations. The arithmetic operation is selected by the cmdinfo.

cmdinfo Operation
0 Addition
1 Subtraction
2 Multiplication
3 Division
4 Euclidean Division / Modulo
5 Bitwise Logic And
6 Bitwise Logic Or
7 Bitwise Logic Xor
8 Bitwise Logic Not
9 Rotating Bit Shift Left
10 Rotating Bit Shift Right
11 Arithmetic Bit Shift Left
12 Arithmetic Bit Shift Right
13 Logic Bit Shift Left
14 Logic Bit Shift Right

Assembler Mnemonics

Mnemonic Arg? i0 i1 Cmd CmdInfo Output
nop no zero zero copy 0 discard
push yes arg zero copy 0 push
drop no pop zero copy 0 discard
dup no peek zero copy 0 push
jmp yes arg zero copy 0 jump
jmpi no pop zero copy 0 jump
ret no pop zero copy 0 jump
load yes arg zero load 0 push
loadi no pop zero load 0 push
store yes arg pop store 0 discard
storei no pop pop store 0 discard
get yes arg zero get 0 push
geti no pop zero get 0 push
set yes arg pop set 0 discard
seti no pop pop set 0 discard
bpget no zero zero bpget 0 push
bpset no pop zero bpset 0 discard
add no pop pop math 0 push
sub no pop pop math 1 push
mul no pop pop math 2 push
div no pop pop math 3 push
mod no pop pop math 4 push
and no pop pop math 5 push
or no pop pop math 6 push
xor no pop pop math 7 push
not no pop zero math 8 push
rol no pop pop math 9 push
ror no pop pop math 10 push
asl no pop pop math 11 push
asr no pop pop math 12 push
shl no pop pop math 13 push
shr no pop pop math 14 push