2022-09-03 10:24:13 -04:00

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Get a Haskell development environment up and running quickly, as long as Nix is available on your system1.

This repository is a Haskell project template that is optimized for a fully reproducible and friendly development environment. It is based on:

Getting Started

First-time setup:

  • Install Nix (>= 2.8) & enable Flakes (Using Windows? See footnote1)
  • Run nix develop -i -c haskell-language-server to sanity check your environment
  • Open as single-folder workspace in Visual Studio Code
    • When prompted by VSCode, install the workspace recommended extensions
    • Ctrl+Shift+P to run command "Nix-Env: Select Environment" and then select shell.nix.
      • The extension will ask you to reload VSCode at the end. Do it.

To run the program with auto-recompile:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+B in VSCode, or run bin/run in terminal, to launch Ghcid running your program.

Open Main.hs, and expect all HLS IDE features like hover-over tooltip to work out of the box. Try changing the source, and expect Ghcid to re-compile and re-run the app in the terminal below.

Renaming the project:

# First, click the green "Use this template" button on GitHub to create your copy.
git clone <your-clone-url>
cd your-project

git mv haskell-template.cabal ${NAME}.cabal
nix run nixpkgs#sd -- haskell-template ${NAME} * */*
git add . && git commit -m rename


  • Run nix flake update to update all flake inputs.
  • Run nix --option sandbox false build .#check -L to run the flake checks.
  • Run treefmt in nix shell to autoformat the project. This uses treefmt, which uses ./treefmt.toml (where fourmolu and nixpkgs-fmt are specified).
  • Run bin/hoogle to start Hoogle with packages in your cabal file.
  • Run bin/test to run the test suite.
  • Run the application without installing: nix run github:srid/haskell-template (or nix run . from checkout)

Common workflows

Adding tests

  1. Split any logic code out of Main.hs into, say, a Lib.hs.
  2. Correspondingly, add other-modules: Lib to the "shared" section of your cabal file.
  3. Add tests/Spec.hs (example below):
    module Main where
    import Lib qualified
    import Test.Hspec (describe, hspec, it, shouldContain)
    main :: IO ()
    main = hspec $ do
      describe "Lib.hello" $ do
        it "contains the world emoji" $ do
          toString Lib.hello `shouldContain` "🌎"
  4. Add the tests stanza to the cabal file:
    test-suite tests
    import:         shared
    main-is:        Spec.hs
    type:           exitcode-stdio-1.0
    hs-source-dirs: tests
    build-depends:  hspec
  5. Update hie.yaml accordingly; for example, by adding,
      - path: "tests"
        component: "test:tests"
  6. Add bin/test and chmod a+x it:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -xe
    exec nix develop -i -c ghcid -c "cabal repl test:tests" -T :main
  7. Commit your changes to Git, and test it out by running bin/test.

Adding Garnix CI

To use Garnix instead of Github Actions, you may provide a garnix.yaml like the below:

    - "packages.x86_64-linux.*"
    - "packages.aarch64-darwin.*"
    - "checks.x86_64-linux.*"
    - "checks.aarch64-darwin.*"
    - "devShells.x86_64-linux.default"
    - "devShells.aarch64-darwin.default"
    - "checks.*.default-hls"
    - "packages.*.check"


Got questions? Ideas? Suggestions? Post them here:

  1. On Windows, you may install Nix under WSL2 and use the Remote - WSL extension to connect from the native VSCode. This runs your project under Linux while providing a near-native development experience on Windows. ↩︎