Sridhar Ratnakumar 7ae116cf34 init
2021-05-31 19:21:58 -04:00

1 KiB


Haskell project template using Nix + Flakes + VSCode (HLS).


To develop with full IDE support in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

  • Install Nix & enable Flakes
  • Run nix-shell --run haskell-language-server to sanity check your environment
  • Open as single-folder workspace in Visual Studio Code
    • Install the workspace recommended extensions
    • Ctrl+Shift+P to run command "Nix-Env: Select Environment" and select shell.nix. The extension will ask you to reload VSCode at the end.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+B in VSCode, or run bin/run (bin/run-via-tmux if you have tmux installed) in terminal, to launch the Ema dev server, and navigate to http://localhost:9010/

All but the final step need to be done only once.