2014-04-01 10:31:14 -05:00

378 lines
10 KiB

Drone is a [Continuous Integration](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration) platform built on [Docker](https://www.docker.io/)
[![Build Status](http://beta.drone.io/github.com/drone/drone/status.svg?branch=master)](http://beta.drone.io/github.com/drone/drone)
### Getting Started
* [Installation](http://drone.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html)
* [Configuration](http://drone.readthedocs.org/en/latest/setup.html)
* [Getting Help](http://drone.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html#need-help)
### Contributing
Interested in contributing? Great! Please read our [contributor guidelines](http://drone.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contribute.html#pull-requests).
* [System Requirements](#system)
* [Installation](#setup)
* [Builds](#builds)
* [Images](#images)
* [Application Environment](#environment)
* [Git Command Options](#git-command-options)
* [Deployments](#deployments)
* [Notifications](#notifications)
* [Database Services](#databases)
* [Caching](#caching)
* [Params Injection](#params-injection)
* [Wall display](#wall-display)
* [Local development](#local-development)
* [Documentation and References](#docs)
### System
Drone is tested on the following versions of Ubuntu:
* Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS) (64-bit)
* Ubuntu Raring 13.04 (64 bit)
Drone's only external dependency is the latest version of Docker (0.8)
### Setup
Drone is packaged and distributed as a debian file. You can download an install
using the following commands:
$ wget http://downloads.drone.io/latest/drone.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i drone.deb
$ sudo start drone
Once Drone is running (by default on :80) navigate to **http://localhost:80/install**
and follow the steps in the setup wizard.
**IMPORTANT** You will also need a GitHub Client ID and Secret:
* Register a new application https://github.com/settings/applications
* Set the homepage URL to http://$YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/
* Set the callback URL to http://$YOUR_IP_ADDRESS/auth/login/github
* Copy the Client ID and Secret into the Drone admin console http://localhost:80/account/admin/settings
I'm working on a getting started video. Having issues with volume, but hopefully
you can still get a feel for the steps:
**Using MySQL**
By default, Drone use sqlite as its database storage. To use MySQL/MariaDB instead, use `-driver` flag
and set it to `mysql`. You will need to set your DSN (`-datasource`) in this form:
Change it according to your database settings. The parseTime above is required since drone using
`time.Time` to represents `TIMESTAMP` data. Please refer to [1] for more options on mysql driver.
You may also need to tweak some innodb options, especially if you're using `utf8mb4` collation type.
innodb_file_format = Barracuda
innodb_file_per_table = On
innodb_large_prefix = On
Please consult to the MySQL/MariaDB documentation for further information
regarding large prefix for index column and dynamic row format (which is used in Drone).
[1] https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
### Builds
Drone use a **.drone.yml** configuration file in the root of your
repository to run your build:
image: mischief/docker-golang
- GOPATH=/var/cache/drone
- go build
- go test -v
- redis
- brad@drone.io
- burke@drone.io
### Images
In the above example we used a custom Docker image from index.docker.io **mischief/docker-golang**
Drone also provides official build images. These images are configured specifically for CI and
have many common software packages pre-installed (git, xvfb, firefox, libsqlite, etc).
Official Drone images are referenced in the **.drone.yml** by an alias:
image: go1.2 # same as bradrydzewski/go:1.2
Here is a list of our official images:
# these two are base images. all Drone images are built on top of these
# these are BIG (~3GB) so make sure you have a FAST internet connection
docker pull bradrydzewski/ubuntu
docker pull bradrydzewski/base
# clojure images
docker pull bradrydzewski/lein # image: lein
# dart images
docker pull bradrydzewski/dart:stable # image: dart
# erlang images
docker pull bradrydzewski/erlang:R16B # image: erlangR16B
docker pull bradrydzewski/erlang:R16B02 # image: erlangR16B02
docker pull bradrydzewski/erlang:R16B01 # image: erlangR16B01
# gcc images (c/c++)
docker pull bradrydzewski/gcc:4.6 # image: gcc4.6
docker pull bradrydzewski/gcc:4.8 # image: gcc4.8
# go images
docker pull bradrydzewski/go:1.0 # image: go1
docker pull bradrydzewski/go:1.1 # image: go1.1
docker pull bradrydzewski/go:1.2 # image: go1.2
# haskell images
docker pull bradrydzewski/haskell:7.4 # image: haskell
# java and jdk images
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:openjdk6 # image: openjdk6
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:openjdk7 # image: openjdk7
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:oraclejdk7 # image: oraclejdk7
docker pull bradrydzewski/java:oraclejdk8 # image: oraclejdk8
# node images
docker pull bradrydzewski/node:0.10 # image node0.10
docker pull bradrydzewski/node:0.8 # image node0.8
# php images
docker pull bradrydzewski/php:5.5 # image: php5.5
docker pull bradrydzewski/php:5.4 # image: php5.4
# python images
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:2.7 # image: python2.7
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:3.2 # image: python3.2
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:3.3 # image: python3.3
docker pull bradrydzewski/python:pypy # image: pypy
# ruby images
docker pull bradrydzewski/ruby:2.0.0 # image: ruby2.0.0
docker pull bradrydzewski/ruby:1.9.3 # image: ruby1.9.3
# scala images
docker pull bradrydzewski/scala:2.10.3 # image: scala2.10.3
docker pull bradrydzewski/scala:2.9.3 # image: scala2.9.3
### Environment
Drone clones your repository into a Docker container
at the following location:
Please take this into consideration when setting up your build commands, or
if you are using a custom Docker image.
### Git Command Options
You can specify the `--depth` option of the `git clone` command (default value is `50`):
depth: 1
### Deployments
Drone can trigger a deployment at the successful completion of your build:
app: safe-island-6261
acl: public-read
region: us-east-1
bucket: downloads.drone.io
access_key: C24526974F365C3B
secret_key: 2263c9751ed084a68df28fd2f658b127
source: /tmp/drone.deb
target: latest/
username: someuser
password: 030e39a1278a18828389b194b93211aa
auth_url: https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0
region: DFW
container: drone
source: /tmp/drone.deb
target: latest/drone.deb
Drone currently has these `deploy` and `publish` plugins implemented (more to come!):
- [heroku](#docs)
- [git](#docs)
- [modulus](#docs)
- [nodejitsu](#docs)
- [ssh](#docs)
- [tsuru](#docs)
- [bash](#docs)
- [Amazon s3](#docs)
- [OpenStack Swift](#docs)
### Notifications
Drone can trigger email, hipchat and web hook notification at the beginning and
completion of your build:
- brad@drone.io
- burke@drone.io
- http://my-deploy-hook.com
room: support
token: 3028700e5466d375
on_started: true
on_success: true
on_failure: true
### Databases
Drone can launch database containers for your build:
- cassandra
- couchdb
- couchdb:1.0
- couchdb:1.4
- couchdb:1.5
- elasticsearch
- elasticsearch:0.20
- elasticsearch:0.90
- neo4j
- neo4j:1.9
- mongodb
- mongodb:2.2
- mongodb:2.4
- mysql
- mysql:5.5
- postgres
- postgres:9.1
- rabbitmq
- rabbitmq:3.2
- redis
- riak
- zookeeper
If you omit the version, Drone will launch the latest version of the database. (For example, if you set `mongodb`, Drone will launch MongoDB 2.4.)
You can also launch custom Docker containers using standard docker notation:
- dockerfile/rethinkdb # same as dockerfile/rethinkdb:latest
- barnybug/elasticsearch:1.0.1
**NOTE 1:** database and service containers are exposed over TCP connections and
have their own local IP address. If the **socat** utility is installed inside your
Docker image, Drone will automatically proxy localhost connections to the correct
IP address.
**NOTE 2:** avoid running services that use the same ports. For example, don't specify
multiple versions of Elastic Search since the port will already be in use.
### Caching
Drone can persist directories between builds. This should be used for caching dependencies to
decrease overall build time. Examples include your `.npm`, `.m2`, `bundler`, etc.
- /usr/local/bin/go/pkg
This will cache the directory relative to the root directory of your repository:
- .npm
**NOTE:** this is an alpha quality feature and still has some quirks. See https://github.com/drone/drone/issues/147
### Params Injection
You can inject params into .drone.yml.
room: {{hipchatRoom}}
token: {{hipchatToken}}
on_started: true
on_success: true
on_failure: true
### Wall display
A wall display for Drone is available as a separate service. See [Drone Wall](https://github.com/drone/drone-wall)
for details.
### Local development
Local Drone setup for development is pretty straightforward.
You will need to clone the repo, install Vagrant and run `vagrant up`.
This command will download base Ubuntu image, setup the virtual machine and build Drone.
Afterwards, you may `vagrant ssh` into the vagrant instance, where docker is already installed and ready to go.
Once in the vagrant instance, run `make run`, the visit http://localhost:8080/install in your browser.
The Makefile has other targets so check that out for more build, test, run configurations.
### Docs
* [drone.readthedocs.org](http://drone.readthedocs.org/) (Coming Soon)
* [GoDoc](http://godoc.org/github.com/drone/drone)