/* Copyright 2018 Jason Williams (Wilba) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "wt_mono_backlight.h" #include "wt_rgb_backlight_api.h" // reuse these for now #include "wt_rgb_backlight_keycodes.h" // reuse these for now #include #include #include "i2c_master.h" #include "host.h" #include "progmem.h" #include "eeprom.h" #include "via.h" // uses EEPROM address, lighting value IDs #define MONO_BACKLIGHT_CONFIG_EEPROM_ADDR (VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ADDR) #if VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_SIZE == 0 #error VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_SIZE was not defined to store backlight_config struct #endif #include "drivers/led/issi/is31fl3736-mono.h" #define BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_MAX 3 #ifndef MONO_BACKLIGHT_COLOR_1 #define MONO_BACKLIGHT_COLOR_1 { .h = 0, .s = 255 } #endif backlight_config g_config = { .disable_when_usb_suspended = MONO_BACKLIGHT_DISABLE_WHEN_USB_SUSPENDED, .disable_after_timeout = MONO_BACKLIGHT_DISABLE_AFTER_TIMEOUT, .brightness = MONO_BACKLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS, .effect = MONO_BACKLIGHT_EFFECT, .effect_speed = MONO_BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_SPEED, .color_1 = MONO_BACKLIGHT_COLOR_1, }; bool g_suspend_state = false; // Global tick at 20 Hz uint32_t g_tick = 0; // Ticks since any key was last hit. uint32_t g_any_key_hit = 0; void backlight_init_drivers(void) { is31fl3736_init_drivers(); } void backlight_set_key_hit(uint8_t row, uint8_t column) { g_any_key_hit = 0; } // This is (F_CPU/1024) / 20 Hz // = 15625 Hz / 20 Hz // = 781 #define TIMER3_TOP 781 void backlight_timer_init(void) { static uint8_t backlight_timer_is_init = 0; if ( backlight_timer_is_init ) { return; } backlight_timer_is_init = 1; // Timer 3 setup TCCR3B = _BV(WGM32) | // CTC mode OCR3A as TOP _BV(CS32) | _BV(CS30); // prescale by /1024 // Set TOP value uint8_t sreg = SREG; cli(); OCR3AH = (TIMER3_TOP >> 8) & 0xff; OCR3AL = TIMER3_TOP & 0xff; SREG = sreg; } void backlight_timer_enable(void) { TIMSK3 |= _BV(OCIE3A); } void backlight_timer_disable(void) { TIMSK3 &= ~_BV(OCIE3A); } void backlight_set_suspend_state(bool state) { g_suspend_state = state; } void backlight_set_brightness_all( uint8_t value ) { is31fl3736_set_value_all( value ); } void backlight_effect_all_off(void) { is31fl3736_set_value_all( 0 ); } void backlight_effect_all_on(void) { is31fl3736_set_value_all( g_config.brightness ); } void backlight_effect_raindrops(bool initialize) { // Change one LED every tick uint8_t led_to_change = ( g_tick & 0x000 ) == 0 ? rand() % 96 : 255; for ( int i=0; i<96; i++ ) { // If initialize, all get set to random brightness // If not, all but one will stay the same as before. if ( initialize || i == led_to_change ) { is31fl3736_set_value(i, rand() & 0xFF ); } } } void backlight_effect_cycle_all(void) { uint8_t offset = ( g_tick << g_config.effect_speed ) & 0xFF; backlight_set_brightness_all( offset ); } // This runs after another backlight effect and replaces // colors already set void backlight_effect_indicators(void) { #if defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT75_A) HSV hsv = { .h = g_config.color_1.h, .s = g_config.color_1.s, .v = g_config.brightness }; RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb( hsv ); // SW7,CS8 = (6*8+7) = 55 // SW8,CS8 = (7*8+7) = 63 // SW9,CS8 = (8*8+7) = 71 is31fl3736_set_value(55, rgb.r); is31fl3736_set_value(63, rgb.g); is31fl3736_set_value(71, rgb.b); #endif // MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT75_A // This pairs with "All Off" already setting zero brightness, // and "All On" already setting non-zero brightness. #if defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT60_A) || \ defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT65_A) || \ defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT65_B) || \ defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT75_A) || \ defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT75_B) || \ defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT75_C) || \ defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT80_A) if ( host_keyboard_led_state().caps_lock ) { // SW3,CS1 = (2*8+0) = 16 is31fl3736_set_value(16, 255); } #endif #if defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT80_A) if ( host_keyboard_led_state().scroll_lock ) { // SW7,CS7 = (6*8+6) = 54 is31fl3736_set_value(54, 255); } #endif #if defined(MONO_BACKLIGHT_WT75_C) if ( host_keyboard_led_state().scroll_lock ) { // SW7,CS8 = (6*8+7) = 55 is31fl3736_set_value(55, 255); } #endif } ISR(TIMER3_COMPA_vect) { // delay 1 second before driving LEDs or doing anything else static uint8_t startup_tick = 0; if ( startup_tick < 20 ) { startup_tick++; return; } g_tick++; if ( g_any_key_hit < 0xFFFFFFFF ) { g_any_key_hit++; } // Ideally we would also stop sending zeros to the LED driver PWM buffers // while suspended and just do a software shutdown. This is a cheap hack for now. bool suspend_backlight = ((g_suspend_state && g_config.disable_when_usb_suspended) || (g_config.disable_after_timeout > 0 && g_any_key_hit > g_config.disable_after_timeout * 60 * 20)); uint8_t effect = suspend_backlight ? 0 : g_config.effect; // Keep track of the effect used last time, // detect change in effect, so each effect can // have an optional initialization. static uint8_t effect_last = 255; bool initialize = effect != effect_last; effect_last = effect; // this gets ticked at 20 Hz. // each effect can opt to do calculations // and/or request PWM buffer updates. switch ( effect ) { case 0: backlight_effect_all_off(); break; case 1: backlight_effect_all_on();; break; case 2: backlight_effect_raindrops(initialize); break; default: backlight_effect_all_off(); break; } if ( ! suspend_backlight ) { backlight_effect_indicators(); } } // Some helpers for setting/getting HSV void _set_color( HS *color, uint8_t *data ) { color->h = data[0]; color->s = data[1]; } void _get_color( HS *color, uint8_t *data ) { data[0] = color->h; data[1] = color->s; } void backlight_config_set_value( uint8_t *data ) { bool reinitialize = false; uint8_t *value_id = &(data[0]); uint8_t *value_data = &(data[1]); switch ( *value_id ) { case id_disable_when_usb_suspended: { g_config.disable_when_usb_suspended = (bool)*value_data; break; } case id_disable_after_timeout: { g_config.disable_after_timeout = *value_data; break; } case id_brightness: { g_config.brightness = *value_data; break; } case id_effect: { g_config.effect = *value_data; break; } case id_effect_speed: { g_config.effect_speed = *value_data; break; } case id_color_1: { _set_color( &(g_config.color_1), value_data ); break; } } if ( reinitialize ) { backlight_init_drivers(); } } void backlight_config_get_value( uint8_t *data ) { uint8_t *value_id = &(data[0]); uint8_t *value_data = &(data[1]); switch ( *value_id ) { case id_disable_when_usb_suspended: { *value_data = ( g_config.disable_when_usb_suspended ? 1 : 0 ); break; } case id_disable_after_timeout: { *value_data = g_config.disable_after_timeout; break; } case id_brightness: { *value_data = g_config.brightness; break; } case id_effect: { *value_data = g_config.effect; break; } case id_effect_speed: { *value_data = g_config.effect_speed; break; } case id_color_1: { _get_color( &(g_config.color_1), value_data ); break; } } } void backlight_config_load(void) { eeprom_read_block( &g_config, ((void*)MONO_BACKLIGHT_CONFIG_EEPROM_ADDR), sizeof(backlight_config) ); } void backlight_config_save(void) { eeprom_update_block( &g_config, ((void*)MONO_BACKLIGHT_CONFIG_EEPROM_ADDR), sizeof(backlight_config) ); } void backlight_update_pwm_buffers(void) { is31fl3736_flush(); } bool process_record_backlight(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { // Record keypresses for backlight effects if ( record->event.pressed ) { backlight_set_key_hit( record->event.key.row, record->event.key.col ); } switch(keycode) { case BR_INC: if (record->event.pressed) { backlight_brightness_increase(); } return false; break; case BR_DEC: if (record->event.pressed) { backlight_brightness_decrease(); } return false; break; case EF_INC: if (record->event.pressed) { backlight_effect_increase(); } return false; break; case EF_DEC: if (record->event.pressed) { backlight_effect_decrease(); } return false; break; case ES_INC: if (record->event.pressed) { backlight_effect_speed_increase(); } return false; break; case ES_DEC: if (record->event.pressed) { backlight_effect_speed_decrease(); } return false; break; } return true; } // Deals with the messy details of incrementing an integer uint8_t increment( uint8_t value, uint8_t step, uint8_t min, uint8_t max ) { int16_t new_value = value; new_value += step; return MIN( MAX( new_value, min ), max ); } uint8_t decrement( uint8_t value, uint8_t step, uint8_t min, uint8_t max ) { int16_t new_value = value; new_value -= step; return MIN( MAX( new_value, min ), max ); } void backlight_effect_increase(void) { g_config.effect = increment( g_config.effect, 1, 0, BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_MAX ); backlight_config_save(); } void backlight_effect_decrease(void) { g_config.effect = decrement( g_config.effect, 1, 0, BACKLIGHT_EFFECT_MAX ); backlight_config_save(); } void backlight_effect_speed_increase(void) { g_config.effect_speed = increment( g_config.effect_speed, 1, 0, 3 ); backlight_config_save(); } void backlight_effect_speed_decrease(void) { g_config.effect_speed = decrement( g_config.effect_speed, 1, 0, 3 ); backlight_config_save(); } void backlight_brightness_increase(void) { g_config.brightness = increment( g_config.brightness, 8, 0, 255 ); backlight_config_save(); } void backlight_brightness_decrease(void) { g_config.brightness = decrement( g_config.brightness, 8, 0, 255 ); backlight_config_save(); } void backlight_device_indication(uint8_t value) { static uint8_t current_effect = 0; static uint8_t alternate_effect = 0; if ( value == 0 ) { current_effect = g_config.effect; alternate_effect = g_config.effect > 0 ? 0 : 1; } g_config.effect = value % 2 == 0 ? alternate_effect : current_effect; }