313 lines
9.7 KiB
313 lines
9.7 KiB
"""Interactions with compatible XAP devices
import cmd
import json
import random
import gzip
from platform import platform
from milc import cli
from qmk.xap.common import get_xap_keycodes
KEYCODE_MAP = get_xap_keycodes('0.2.0')
def _is_xap_usage(x):
return x['usage_page'] == 0xFF51 and x['usage'] == 0x0058
def _is_filtered_device(x):
name = "%04x:%04x" % (x['vendor_id'], x['product_id'])
return name.lower().startswith(cli.args.device.lower())
def _search():
devices = filter(_is_xap_usage, hid.enumerate())
if cli.args.device:
devices = filter(_is_filtered_device, devices)
return list(devices)
def print_dotted_output(kb_info_json, prefix=''):
"""Print the info.json in a plain text format with dot-joined keys.
for key in sorted(kb_info_json):
new_prefix = f'{prefix}.{key}' if prefix else key
if key in ['parse_errors', 'parse_warnings']:
elif key == 'layouts' and prefix == '':
cli.echo(' {fg_blue}layouts{fg_reset}: %s', ', '.join(sorted(kb_info_json['layouts'].keys())))
elif isinstance(kb_info_json[key], bytes):
conv = "".join(["{:02X}".format(b) for b in kb_info_json[key]])
cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, conv)
elif isinstance(kb_info_json[key], dict):
print_dotted_output(kb_info_json[key], new_prefix)
elif isinstance(kb_info_json[key], list):
data = kb_info_json[key]
if len(data) and isinstance(data[0], dict):
for index, item in enumerate(data, start=0):
cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s.%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, index, str(item))
cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, ', '.join(sorted(map(str, data))))
cli.echo(' {fg_blue}%s{fg_reset}: %s', new_prefix, kb_info_json[key])
def _xap_transaction(device, sub, route, *args):
# gen token
tok = random.getrandbits(16)
token = tok.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
# send with padding
# TODO: this code is total garbage
args_data = []
args_len = 2
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], (bytes, bytearray)):
args_len += len(args[0])
args_data = args[0]
args_len += 2
args_data = args[0].to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
padding_len = 64 - 3 - args_len
padding = b"\x00" * padding_len
if args_data:
padding = args_data + padding
buffer = token + args_len.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') + sub.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') + route.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') + padding
# prepend 0 on windows because reasons...
if 'windows' in platform().lower():
buffer = b"\x00" + buffer
# get resp
array_alpha = device.read(64, 100)
# validate tok sent == resp
if str(token) != str(array_alpha[:2]):
return None
if int(array_alpha[2]) != 0x01:
return None
payload_len = int(array_alpha[3])
return array_alpha[4:4 + payload_len]
def _query_device(device):
ver_data = _xap_transaction(device, 0x00, 0x00)
if not ver_data:
return {'xap': 'UNKNOWN', 'secure': 'UNKNOWN'}
# to u32 to BCD string
a = (ver_data[3] << 24) + (ver_data[2] << 16) + (ver_data[1] << 8) + (ver_data[0])
ver = f'{a>>24}.{a>>16 & 0xFF}.{a & 0xFFFF}'
secure = int.from_bytes(_xap_transaction(device, 0x00, 0x03), 'little')
secure = 'unlocked' if secure == 2 else 'LOCKED'
return {'xap': ver, 'secure': secure}
def _query_device_id(device):
return _xap_transaction(device, 0x01, 0x08)
def _query_device_info_len(device):
len_data = _xap_transaction(device, 0x01, 0x05)
if not len_data:
return 0
# to u32
return (len_data[3] << 24) + (len_data[2] << 16) + (len_data[1] << 8) + (len_data[0])
def _query_device_info_chunk(device, offset):
return _xap_transaction(device, 0x01, 0x06, offset)
def _query_device_info(device):
datalen = _query_device_info_len(device)
if not datalen:
return {}
data = []
offset = 0
while offset < datalen:
data += _query_device_info_chunk(device, offset)
offset += 32
str_data = gzip.decompress(bytearray(data[:datalen]))
return json.loads(str_data)
def _list_devices():
"""Dump out available devices
cli.log.info('Available devices:')
devices = _search()
for dev in devices:
device = hid.Device(path=dev['path'])
data = _query_device(device)
cli.log.info(" %04x:%04x %s %s [API:%s] %s", dev['vendor_id'], dev['product_id'], dev['manufacturer_string'], dev['product_string'], data['xap'], data['secure'])
if cli.config.general.verbose:
# TODO: better formatting like "lsusb -v"?
data = _query_device_info(device)
data["_id"] = _query_device_id(device)
def xap_dummy(device):
# get layer count
layers = _xap_transaction(device, 0x04, 0x01)
layers = int.from_bytes(layers, "little")
# get keycode [layer:0, row:0, col:0]
# keycode = _xap_transaction(device, 0x04, 0x02, b"\x00\x00\x00")
# get encoder [layer:0, index:0, clockwise:0]
keycode = _xap_transaction(device, 0x05, 0x02, b"\x00\x00\x00")
keycode = int.from_bytes(keycode, "little")
print(f'keycode:{KEYCODE_MAP.get(keycode, "unknown")}[{keycode}]')
# set encoder [layer:0, index:0, clockwise:0, keycode:KC_A]
_xap_transaction(device, 0x05, 0x03, b"\x00\x00\x00\x04\00")
def xap_broadcast_listen(device):
cli.log.info("Listening for XAP broadcasts...")
while 1:
array_alpha = device.read(64, 100)
if str(b"\xFF\xFF") == str(array_alpha[:2]):
if array_alpha[2] == 1:
cli.log.info(" Broadcast: Secure[%02x]", array_alpha[4])
cli.log.info(" Broadcast: type[%02x] data:[%02x]", array_alpha[2], array_alpha[4])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def xap_unlock(device):
_xap_transaction(device, 0x00, 0x04)
class XAPShell(cmd.Cmd):
intro = 'Welcome to the XAP shell. Type help or ? to list commands.\n'
prompt = 'Ψ> '
def __init__(self, device):
self.device = device
# cache keycodes for this device
self.keycodes = get_xap_keycodes(_query_device(device)['xap'])
def do_about(self, arg):
"""Prints out the current version of QMK with a build date
data = _query_device(self.device)
def do_unlock(self, arg):
"""Initiate secure unlock
def do_listen(self, arg):
"""Log out XAP broadcast messages
def do_keycode(self, arg):
"""Prints out the keycode value of a certain layer, row, and column
data = bytes(map(int, arg.split()))
if len(data) != 3:
cli.log.error("Invalid args")
keycode = _xap_transaction(self.device, 0x04, 0x02, data)
keycode = int.from_bytes(keycode, "little")
print(f'keycode:{self.keycodes.get(keycode, "unknown")}[{keycode}]')
def do_keymap(self, arg):
"""Prints out the keycode values of a certain layer
data = bytes(map(int, arg.split()))
if len(data) != 1:
cli.log.error("Invalid args")
info = _query_device_info(self.device)
rows = info['matrix_size']['rows']
cols = info['matrix_size']['cols']
# TODO: render like qmk info?
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
q = data + r.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little') + c.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little')
keycode = _xap_transaction(self.device, 0x04, 0x02, q)
keycode = int.from_bytes(keycode, "little")
print(f'| {self.keycodes.get(keycode, "unknown").ljust(7)} ', end='', flush=True)
def do_exit(self, line):
"""Quit shell
return True
def do_EOF(self, line): # noqa: N802
"""Quit shell (ctrl+D)
return True
def loop(self):
"""Wrapper for cmdloop that handles ctrl+C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return False
@cli.argument('-d', '--device', help='device to select - uses format <pid>:<vid>.')
@cli.argument('-l', '--list', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='List available devices.')
@cli.argument('-i', '--interactive', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Start interactive shell.')
@cli.argument('action', nargs='*', default=['listen'], arg_only=True)
@cli.subcommand('Acquire debugging information from usb XAP devices.', hidden=False if cli.config.user.developer else True)
def xap(cli):
"""Acquire debugging information from XAP devices
# Lazy load to avoid issues
global hid
import hid
if cli.args.list:
return _list_devices()
# Connect to first available device
devices = _search()
if not devices:
cli.log.error("No devices found!")
return False
dev = devices[0]
device = hid.Device(path=dev['path'])
cli.log.info("Connected to:%04x:%04x %s %s", dev['vendor_id'], dev['product_id'], dev['manufacturer_string'], dev['product_string'])
# shell?
if cli.args.interactive:
return True
XAPShell(device).onecmd(" ".join(cli.args.action))