#define STARRY_NIGHT_ANIM_FRAME_DURATION 30 // how long each frame lasts in ms
#define NUMBER_OF_FRAMES 20 // Self explanatory. Probably shouldn't touch this, not sure how stuff will work if it's changed. If changed should be multiple of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
#define WIDTH OLED_DISPLAY_HEIGHT // for vertical displays
#define HEIGHT OLED_DISPLAY_WIDTH // for vertical displays
#define MOON_LINE 4 // the line you want the moon to appear at
#define MOON_COLUMN 4 // the column you want the moon to appear at
//#define STATIC_MOON // uncomment this to make the moon a static image, no animation
# define ANIMATE_MOON_EVERY_N_FRAMES 100 // animate the moon every n frames
#define OCEAN_LINE 14 // Line you want to render the ocean starting at (best at oled_max_lines() - 2)
#define WAVE_CALM 20 // render calm ocean under this WPM and ripple ocean at this WPM
#define WAVE_HEAVY_STORM 40 // render medium ocean at this WPM
#define WAVE_HURRICANE 60 // render heavy waves above this WPM
// What number of frames you want to animate the ocean at.
// Should be equal to or smaller than NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, e.g. 30, would animate on every other frame, 20, every third frame, etc
// Don't set equal to 0.
#define SHOOTING_STAR_DELAY 12 // delay modulus for time between shooting stars. Decides number of frames to delay, e.g. 12 means 0-11 frames of delay between each shooting star
#define SHOOTING_STAR_FRAMES 16 // how many 2 pixel frames per shooting star. Increment this for longer shooting stars
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHOOTING_STARS 12 // maximum number of shooting stars that can be on screen at the same time
#define SHOOTING_STAR_WPM_INCREMENT 10 // every n WPM increase, add an extra star, up to MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHOOTING_STARS, e.g. an increment of 5 would result in 1 shooting star at 5-9wpm, 2 at 10-14, etc.
// What number of frames you want to animate the shooting stars at.
// Should be equal to or smaller than NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, e.g. 30, would animate on every other frame, 20, every third frame, etc
// Don't set equal to 0.
#define STARS_PER_LINE 4 // number of stars per line (for a display that is 128x32, this would be 4 stars spread out evenly over the 32byte width, one every 8 bytes)
#define NUMBER_OF_STAR_LINES 16 // number of lines to fill up with stars (for a display that is 128x32, 16 bytes are filled with the ocean animation, so that leaves 112 pixels left over. The number of lines depends on your OLED_FONT_HEIGHT)
#define TWINKLE_PROBABILITY 25 // probability that any star twinkles on a given frame
// What number of frames you want to animate the stars at.
// Should be equal to or smaller than NUMBER_OF_FRAMES, e.g. 20, would animate on every frame, 10, every other frame, etc
// Don't set equal to 0.
#define ISLAND_LINE 12 // line that the island starts at. Island is 2 lines tall
#define ISLAND_COLUMN 0 // column that the island starts at
#define ISLAND_CALM 20 // WPM at which the palm tree calmly moves
#define ISLAND_HEAVY_STORM 40 // WPM at which the heavy storm occurs