463 lines
12 KiB
463 lines
12 KiB
exhal / inhal (de)compression routines
by Devin Acker
This code is released under the terms of the MIT license.
See copying.txt for details.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "compress.h"
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
#define debug(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define debug(...)
uint8_t rotate (uint8_t);
rle_t rle_check (uint8_t*, uint8_t*, uint32_t, int);
backref_t ref_search (uint8_t*, uint8_t*, uint32_t, int);
uint16_t write_backref (uint8_t*, uint16_t, backref_t);
uint16_t write_rle (uint8_t*, uint16_t, rle_t);
uint16_t write_raw (uint8_t*, uint16_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
// Compresses a file of up to 64 kb.
// unpacked/packed are 65536 byte buffers to read/from write to,
// inputsize is the length of the uncompressed data.
// Returns the size of the compressed data in bytes.
size_t pack(uint8_t *unpacked, uint32_t inputsize, uint8_t *packed, int fast) {
// current input/output positions
uint32_t inpos = 0;
uint32_t outpos = 0;
// backref and RLE compression candidates
backref_t backref;
rle_t rle;
// used to collect data which should be written uncompressed
uint8_t dontpack[LONG_RUN_SIZE];
uint16_t dontpacksize = 0;
debug("inputsize = %d\n", inputsize);
while (inpos < inputsize) {
// check for a potential back reference
backref = ref_search(unpacked, unpacked + inpos, inputsize, fast);
// and for a potential RLE
rle = rle_check(unpacked, unpacked + inpos, inputsize, fast);
// if the backref is a better candidate, use it
if (backref.size > 3 && backref.size > rle.size) {
// flush the raw data buffer first
outpos += write_raw(packed, outpos, dontpack, dontpacksize);
dontpacksize = 0;
outpos += write_backref(packed, outpos, backref);
inpos += backref.size;
// or if the RLE is a better candidate, use it instead
else if (rle.size >= 2) {
// flush the raw data buffer first
outpos += write_raw(packed, outpos, dontpack, dontpacksize);
dontpacksize = 0;
outpos += write_rle(packed, outpos, rle);
inpos += rle.size;
// otherwise, write this byte uncompressed
else {
dontpack[dontpacksize++] = unpacked[inpos++];
// if the raw data buffer is full, flush it
if (dontpacksize == LONG_RUN_SIZE) {
outpos += write_raw(packed, outpos, dontpack, dontpacksize);
dontpacksize = 0;
// flush any remaining uncompressed data
outpos += write_raw(packed, outpos, dontpack, dontpacksize);
//add the terminating byte
packed[outpos++] = 0xFF;
return (size_t)outpos;
// Decompresses a file of up to 64 kb.
// unpacked/packed are 65536 byte buffers to read/from write to,
// Returns the size of the uncompressed data in bytes.
size_t unpack(uint8_t *packed, uint8_t *unpacked) {
// current input/output positions
uint32_t inpos = 0;
uint32_t outpos = 0;
uint8_t input;
uint16_t command, length, offset;
int methoduse[7] = {0};
while (1) {
// read command byte from input
input = packed[inpos++];
// command 0xff = end of data
if (input == 0xFF)
// check if it is a long or regular command, get the command no. and size
if ((input & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
command = (input >> 2) & 0x07;
// get LSB of length from next byte
length = (((input & 0x03) << 8) | packed[inpos++]) + 1;
} else {
command = input >> 5;
length = (input & 0x1F) + 1;
switch (command) {
// write uncompressed bytes
case 0:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
unpacked[outpos++] = packed[inpos++];
// 8-bit RLE
case 1:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
unpacked[outpos++] = packed[inpos];
// 16-bit RLE
case 2:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
unpacked[outpos++] = packed[inpos];
unpacked[outpos++] = packed[inpos+1];
inpos += 2;
// 8-bit increasing sequence
case 3:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
unpacked[outpos++] = packed[inpos] + i;
// regular backref
// (offset is big-endian)
case 4:
case 7:
command = 4;
offset = (packed[inpos] << 8) | packed[inpos+1];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
unpacked[outpos++] = unpacked[offset + i];
inpos += 2;
// backref with bit rotation
// (offset is big-endian)
case 5:
offset = (packed[inpos] << 8) | packed[inpos+1];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
unpacked[outpos++] = rotate(unpacked[offset + i]);
inpos += 2;
// backwards backref
// (offset is big-endian)
case 6:
offset = (packed[inpos] << 8) | packed[inpos+1];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
unpacked[outpos++] = unpacked[offset - i];
inpos += 2;
// keep track of how many times each compression method is used
#ifdef EXTRA_OUT
printf("Method Uses\n");
printf("No compression : %i\n", methoduse[0]);
printf("RLE (8-bit) : %i\n", methoduse[1]);
printf("RLE (16-bit) : %i\n", methoduse[2]);
printf("RLE (sequence) : %i\n", methoduse[3]);
printf("Backref (normal) : %i\n", methoduse[4]);
printf("Backref (rotate) : %i\n", methoduse[5]);
printf("Backref (reverse): %i\n", methoduse[6]);
return (size_t)outpos;
// Decompress data from an offset into a file
size_t unpack_from_file (FILE *file, unsigned int offset, uint8_t *unpacked) {
uint8_t packed[DATA_SIZE];
fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET);
fread((void*)packed, DATA_SIZE, 1, file);
return unpack(packed, unpacked);
// Reverses the order of bits in a byte.
// One of the back reference methods does this. As far as game data goes, it seems to be
// pretty useful for compressing graphics.
uint8_t rotate (uint8_t i) {
uint8_t j = 0;
if (i & 0x01) j |= 0x80;
if (i & 0x02) j |= 0x40;
if (i & 0x04) j |= 0x20;
if (i & 0x08) j |= 0x10;
if (i & 0x10) j |= 0x08;
if (i & 0x20) j |= 0x04;
if (i & 0x40) j |= 0x02;
if (i & 0x80) j |= 0x01;
return j;
// Searches for possible RLE compressed data.
// start and current are positions within the uncompressed input stream.
// fast enables faster compression by ignoring sequence RLE.
rle_t rle_check (uint8_t *start, uint8_t *current, uint32_t insize, int fast) {
rle_t candidate = { 0, 0, 0 };
int size;
// check for possible 8-bit RLE
for (size = 0; current + size < start + insize; size++)
if (current[size] != current[0]) break;
// if this is better than the current candidate, use it
if (size > LONG_RUN_SIZE) size = LONG_RUN_SIZE;
if (size > 2 && size > candidate.size) {
candidate.size = size;
candidate.data = current[0];
candidate.method = rle_8;
debug("\trle_check: found new candidate (size = %d, method = %d)\n", candidate.size, candidate.method);
// check for possible 16-bit RLE
uint16_t first = current[0] | (current[1] << 8);
for (size = 0; current + size < start + insize; size += 2) {
uint16_t next = current[size] | (current[size + 1] << 8);
if (next != first) break;
// if this is better than the current candidate, use it
if (size > LONG_RUN_SIZE) size = LONG_RUN_SIZE;
if (size > 2 && size > candidate.size) {
candidate.size = size;
candidate.data = first;
candidate.method = rle_16;
debug("\trle_check: found new candidate (size = %d, method = %d)\n", candidate.size, candidate.method);
// fast mode: don't use sequence RLE
if (fast) return candidate;
// check for possible sequence RLE
for (size = 0; current + size < start + insize; size++)
if (current[size] != (current[0] + size)) break;
// if this is better than the current candidate, use it
if (size > LONG_RUN_SIZE) size = LONG_RUN_SIZE;
if (size > 2 && size > candidate.size) {
candidate.size = size;
candidate.data = current[0];
candidate.method = rle_seq;
debug("\trle_check: found new candidate (size = %d, method = %d)\n", candidate.size, candidate.method);
return candidate;
// Searches for the best possible back reference.
// start and current are positions within the uncompressed input stream.
// fast enables fast mode which only uses regular forward references
backref_t ref_search (uint8_t *start, uint8_t *current, uint32_t insize, int fast) {
backref_t candidate = { 0, 0, 0 };
uint16_t size;
for (uint8_t *pos = start; pos < current; pos++) {
// see how many bytes in a row are the same between the current uncompressed data
// and the data at the position being searched
for (size = 0; size <= LONG_RUN_SIZE && current + size < start + insize; size++)
if (pos[size] != current[size]) break;
// if this is better than the current candidate, use it
if (size > LONG_RUN_SIZE) size = LONG_RUN_SIZE;
if (size > 3 && size > candidate.size) {
candidate.size = size;
candidate.offset = pos - start;
candidate.method = lz_norm;
debug("\tref_search: found new candidate (offset: %4x, size: %d, method = %d)\n", candidate.offset, candidate.size, candidate.method);
// fast mode: forward references only
if (fast) continue;
// now repeat the check with the bit rotation method
for (size = 0; size <= LONG_RUN_SIZE && current + size < start + insize; size++)
if (pos[size] != rotate(current[size])) break;
// if this is better than the current candidate, use it
if (size > LONG_RUN_SIZE) size = LONG_RUN_SIZE;
if (size > 3 && size > candidate.size) {
candidate.size = size;
candidate.offset = pos - start;
candidate.method = lz_rot;
debug("\tref_search: found new candidate (offset: %4x, size: %d, method = %d)\n", candidate.offset, candidate.size, candidate.method);
// now repeat the check but go backwards
for (size = 0; size <= LONG_RUN_SIZE && current + size < start + insize; size++)
if (start[pos - start - size] != current[size]) break;
// if this is better than the current candidate, use it
if (size > LONG_RUN_SIZE) size = LONG_RUN_SIZE;
if (size > 3 && size > candidate.size) {
candidate.size = size;
candidate.offset = pos - start;
candidate.method = lz_rev;
debug("\tref_search: found new candidate (offset: %4x, size: %d, method = %d)\n", candidate.offset, candidate.size, candidate.method);
return candidate;
// Writes a back reference to the compressed output stream.
// Returns number of bytes written
uint16_t write_backref (uint8_t *out, uint16_t outpos, backref_t backref) {
uint16_t size = backref.size - 1;
int outsize;
debug("write_backref: writing backref to %4x, size %d (method %d)\n", backref.offset, backref.size, backref.method);
// long run
if (size >= RUN_SIZE) {
// write command byte / MSB of size
out[outpos++] = (0xF0 + (backref.method << 2)) | (size >> 8);
// write LSB of size
out[outpos++] = size & 0xFF;
outsize = 4;
// normal size run
else {
// write command byte / size
out[outpos++] = (0x80 + (backref.method << 5)) | size;
outsize = 3;
// write MSB of offset
out[outpos++] = backref.offset >> 8;
// write LSB of offset
out[outpos++] = backref.offset & 0xFF;
return outsize;
// Writes RLE data to the compressed output stream.
// Returns number of bytes written
uint16_t write_rle (uint8_t *out, uint16_t outpos, rle_t rle) {
uint16_t size;
int outsize;
if (rle.method == rle_16)
size = (rle.size / 2) - 1;
size = rle.size - 1;
debug("write_rle: writing %d bytes of data 0x%02x (method %d)\n", rle.size, rle.data, rle.method);
// long run
if (size >= RUN_SIZE) {
// write command byte / MSB of size
out[outpos++] = (0xE4 + (rle.method << 2)) | (size >> 8);
// write LSB of size
out[outpos++] = size & 0xFF;
outsize = 3;
// normal size run
else {
// write command byte / size
out[outpos++] = (0x20 + (rle.method << 5)) | size;
outsize = 2;
out[outpos++] = rle.data;
// write upper byte of 16-bit RLE (and adjust written data size)
if (rle.method == rle_16) {
out[outpos++] = rle.data >> 8;
return outsize;
// Write uncompressed data to the output stream.
// Returns number of bytes written.
uint16_t write_raw (uint8_t *out, uint16_t outpos, uint8_t *in, uint16_t insize) {
if (!insize) return 0;
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
printf("write_raw: writing %d bytes unpacked data: ", insize);
for (int i = 0; i < insize; i++)
printf("%02x ", in[i]);
uint16_t size = insize - 1;
int outsize;
if (size >= RUN_SIZE) {
// write command byte + MSB of size
out[outpos++] = 0xE0 + (size >> 8);
// write LSB of size
out[outpos++] = size & 0xFF;
outsize = insize + 2;
// normal size run
else {
// write command byte / size
out[outpos++] = size;
outsize = insize + 1;
// write data
for (int i = 0; i < insize; i++)
out[outpos++] = in[i];
return outsize;