Ensure that injection of a stub section does not break a link where there is an xpectation that flow of control can pass from one input section to another simply by linking the input sections in series. The solution here is to allow stub sections to be inserted after any input section (existing behaviour), but inject an additional branch at the start of each stub section such that control flow falling into the stub section will branch over the stub section.
74 lines
2.1 KiB
74 lines
2.1 KiB
#name: aarch64-farcall-back
#source: farcall-back.s
#ld: -Ttext 0x1000 --section-start .foo=0x100000000
#notarget: aarch64_be-*-*
#objdump: -dr
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000001000 <_start>:
1000: 14000413 b 204c <__bar1_veneer>
1004: 94000412 bl 204c <__bar1_veneer>
1008: 14000407 b 2024 <__bar2_veneer>
100c: 94000406 bl 2024 <__bar2_veneer>
1010: 14000409 b 2034 <__bar3_veneer>
1014: 94000408 bl 2034 <__bar3_veneer>
1018: d65f03c0 ret
000000000000201c <_back>:
201c: d65f03c0 ret
[ \t]+2020:[ \t]+14000013[ \t]+b[ \t]+206c <__bar1_veneer\+0x20>
0000000000002024 <__bar2_veneer>:
2024: f07ffff0 adrp x16, 100001000 <bar1\+0x1000>
2028: 91002210 add x16, x16, #0x8
202c: d61f0200 br x16
2030: 00000000 .inst 0x00000000 ; undefined
0000000000002034 <__bar3_veneer>:
2034: 58000090 ldr x16, 2044 <__bar3_veneer\+0x10>
2038: 10000011 adr x17, 2038 <__bar3_veneer\+0x4>
203c: 8b110210 add x16, x16, x17
2040: d61f0200 br x16
2044: ffffffd8 .word 0xffffffd8
2048: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
000000000000204c <__bar1_veneer>:
204c: d07ffff0 adrp x16, 100000000 <bar1>
2050: 91000210 add x16, x16, #0x0
2054: d61f0200 br x16
Disassembly of section .foo:
0000000100000000 <bar1>:
100000000: d65f03c0 ret
100000004: 14000806 b 10000201c <___start_veneer>
0000000100001008 <bar2>:
100001008: d65f03c0 ret
10000100c: 14000404 b 10000201c <___start_veneer>
0000000100002010 <bar3>:
100002010: d65f03c0 ret
100002014: 14000008 b 100002034 <___back_veneer>
[ \t]+100002018:[ \t]+1400000d[ \t]+b[ \t]+10000204c <___back_veneer\+0x18>
000000010000201c <___start_veneer>:
10000201c: 58000090 ldr x16, 10000202c <___start_veneer\+0x10>
100002020: 10000011 adr x17, 100002020 <___start_veneer\+0x4>
100002024: 8b110210 add x16, x16, x17
100002028: d61f0200 br x16
10000202c: ffffefe0 .word 0xffffefe0
100002030: fffffffe .word 0xfffffffe
0000000100002034 <___back_veneer>:
100002034: 90800010 adrp x16, 2000 <_start\+0x1000>
100002038: 91007210 add x16, x16, #0x1c
10000203c: d61f0200 br x16