Mark Eichin 9138a2e2f6 Makefile.in: .c.o rule needed, default one (under solaris) ignores CFLAGS
Makefile: it shouldn't be under cvs; given that it is, fix it too
arcs.c: fprintf used where printf should have been.
lookup.c: misdeclared calloc; use a cast instead.
1992-06-02 17:22:47 +00:00

566 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright
* notice and comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display
* the following acknowledgement: ``This product includes software
* developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors''
* in the documentation or other materials provided with the distribution
* and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
* software. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)arcs.c 5.6 (Berkeley) 6/1/90";
#endif /* not lint */
#include "gprof.h"
* add (or just increment) an arc
addarc( parentp , childp , count )
nltype *parentp;
nltype *childp;
long count;
arctype *arcp;
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & TALLYDEBUG ) {
printf( "[addarc] %d arcs from %s to %s\n" ,
count , parentp -> name , childp -> name );
# endif DEBUG
arcp = arclookup( parentp , childp );
if ( arcp != 0 ) {
* a hit: just increment the count.
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & TALLYDEBUG ) {
printf( "[tally] hit %d += %d\n" ,
arcp -> arc_count , count );
# endif DEBUG
arcp -> arc_count += count;
arcp = (arctype *) calloc( 1 , sizeof *arcp );
arcp -> arc_parentp = parentp;
arcp -> arc_childp = childp;
arcp -> arc_count = count;
* prepend this child to the children of this parent
arcp -> arc_childlist = parentp -> children;
parentp -> children = arcp;
* prepend this parent to the parents of this child
arcp -> arc_parentlist = childp -> parents;
childp -> parents = arcp;
* the code below topologically sorts the graph (collapsing cycles),
* and propagates time bottom up and flags top down.
* the topologically sorted name list pointers
nltype **topsortnlp;
topcmp( npp1 , npp2 )
nltype **npp1;
nltype **npp2;
return (*npp1) -> toporder - (*npp2) -> toporder;
nltype **
nltype *parentp, **timesortnlp;
arctype *arcp;
long index;
* initialize various things:
* zero out child times.
* count self-recursive calls.
* indicate that nothing is on cycles.
for ( parentp = nl ; parentp < npe ; parentp++ ) {
parentp -> childtime = 0.0;
arcp = arclookup( parentp , parentp );
if ( arcp != 0 ) {
parentp -> ncall -= arcp -> arc_count;
parentp -> selfcalls = arcp -> arc_count;
} else {
parentp -> selfcalls = 0;
parentp -> propfraction = 0.0;
parentp -> propself = 0.0;
parentp -> propchild = 0.0;
parentp -> printflag = FALSE;
parentp -> toporder = DFN_NAN;
parentp -> cycleno = 0;
parentp -> cyclehead = parentp;
parentp -> cnext = 0;
if ( cflag ) {
findcall( parentp , parentp -> value , (parentp+1) -> value );
* topologically order things
* if any node is unnumbered,
* number it and any of its descendents.
for ( parentp = nl ; parentp < npe ; parentp++ ) {
if ( parentp -> toporder == DFN_NAN ) {
dfn( parentp );
* link together nodes on the same cycle
* Sort the symbol table in reverse topological order
topsortnlp = (nltype **) calloc( nname , sizeof(nltype *) );
if ( topsortnlp == (nltype **) 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr , "[doarcs] ran out of memory for topo sorting\n" );
for ( index = 0 ; index < nname ; index += 1 ) {
topsortnlp[ index ] = &nl[ index ];
qsort( topsortnlp , nname , sizeof(nltype *) , topcmp );
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & DFNDEBUG ) {
printf( "[doarcs] topological sort listing\n" );
for ( index = 0 ; index < nname ; index += 1 ) {
printf( "[doarcs] " );
printf( "%d:" , topsortnlp[ index ] -> toporder );
printname( topsortnlp[ index ] );
printf( "\n" );
# endif DEBUG
* starting from the topological top,
* propagate print flags to children.
* also, calculate propagation fractions.
* this happens before time propagation
* since time propagation uses the fractions.
* starting from the topological bottom,
* propogate children times up to parents.
* Now, sort by propself + propchild.
* sorting both the regular function names
* and cycle headers.
timesortnlp = (nltype **) calloc( nname + ncycle , sizeof(nltype *) );
if ( timesortnlp == (nltype **) 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr , "%s: ran out of memory for sorting\n" , whoami );
for ( index = 0 ; index < nname ; index++ ) {
timesortnlp[index] = &nl[index];
for ( index = 1 ; index <= ncycle ; index++ ) {
timesortnlp[nname+index-1] = &cyclenl[index];
qsort( timesortnlp , nname + ncycle , sizeof(nltype *) , totalcmp );
for ( index = 0 ; index < nname + ncycle ; index++ ) {
timesortnlp[ index ] -> index = index + 1;
return( timesortnlp );
int index;
for ( index = 0 ; index < nname ; index += 1 ) {
timepropagate( topsortnlp[ index ] );
timepropagate( parentp )
nltype *parentp;
arctype *arcp;
nltype *childp;
double share;
double propshare;
if ( parentp -> propfraction == 0.0 ) {
* gather time from children of this parent.
for ( arcp = parentp -> children ; arcp ; arcp = arcp -> arc_childlist ) {
childp = arcp -> arc_childp;
if ( arcp -> arc_count == 0 ) {
if ( childp == parentp ) {
if ( childp -> propfraction == 0.0 ) {
if ( childp -> cyclehead != childp ) {
if ( parentp -> cycleno == childp -> cycleno ) {
if ( parentp -> toporder <= childp -> toporder ) {
fprintf( stderr , "[propagate] toporder botches\n" );
childp = childp -> cyclehead;
} else {
if ( parentp -> toporder <= childp -> toporder ) {
fprintf( stderr , "[propagate] toporder botches\n" );
if ( childp -> ncall == 0 ) {
* distribute time for this arc
arcp -> arc_time = childp -> time
* ( ( (double) arcp -> arc_count ) /
( (double) childp -> ncall ) );
arcp -> arc_childtime = childp -> childtime
* ( ( (double) arcp -> arc_count ) /
( (double) childp -> ncall ) );
share = arcp -> arc_time + arcp -> arc_childtime;
parentp -> childtime += share;
* ( 1 - propfraction ) gets lost along the way
propshare = parentp -> propfraction * share;
* fix things for printing
parentp -> propchild += propshare;
arcp -> arc_time *= parentp -> propfraction;
arcp -> arc_childtime *= parentp -> propfraction;
* add this share to the parent's cycle header, if any.
if ( parentp -> cyclehead != parentp ) {
parentp -> cyclehead -> childtime += share;
parentp -> cyclehead -> propchild += propshare;
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & PROPDEBUG ) {
printf( "[dotime] child \t" );
printname( childp );
printf( " with %f %f %d/%d\n" ,
childp -> time , childp -> childtime ,
arcp -> arc_count , childp -> ncall );
printf( "[dotime] parent\t" );
printname( parentp );
printf( "\n[dotime] share %f\n" , share );
# endif DEBUG
register nltype *nlp;
register nltype *cyclenlp;
int cycle;
nltype *memberp;
arctype *arcp;
* Count the number of cycles, and initialze the cycle lists
ncycle = 0;
for ( nlp = nl ; nlp < npe ; nlp++ ) {
* this is how you find unattached cycles
if ( nlp -> cyclehead == nlp && nlp -> cnext != 0 ) {
ncycle += 1;
* cyclenl is indexed by cycle number:
* i.e. it is origin 1, not origin 0.
cyclenl = (nltype *) calloc( ncycle + 1 , sizeof( nltype ) );
if ( cyclenl == 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr , "%s: No room for %d bytes of cycle headers\n" ,
whoami , ( ncycle + 1 ) * sizeof( nltype ) );
* now link cycles to true cycleheads,
* number them, accumulate the data for the cycle
cycle = 0;
for ( nlp = nl ; nlp < npe ; nlp++ ) {
if ( !( nlp -> cyclehead == nlp && nlp -> cnext != 0 ) ) {
cycle += 1;
cyclenlp = &cyclenl[cycle];
cyclenlp -> name = 0; /* the name */
cyclenlp -> value = 0; /* the pc entry point */
cyclenlp -> time = 0.0; /* ticks in this routine */
cyclenlp -> childtime = 0.0; /* cumulative ticks in children */
cyclenlp -> ncall = 0; /* how many times called */
cyclenlp -> selfcalls = 0; /* how many calls to self */
cyclenlp -> propfraction = 0.0; /* what % of time propagates */
cyclenlp -> propself = 0.0; /* how much self time propagates */
cyclenlp -> propchild = 0.0; /* how much child time propagates */
cyclenlp -> printflag = TRUE; /* should this be printed? */
cyclenlp -> index = 0; /* index in the graph list */
cyclenlp -> toporder = DFN_NAN; /* graph call chain top-sort order */
cyclenlp -> cycleno = cycle; /* internal number of cycle on */
cyclenlp -> cyclehead = cyclenlp; /* pointer to head of cycle */
cyclenlp -> cnext = nlp; /* pointer to next member of cycle */
cyclenlp -> parents = 0; /* list of caller arcs */
cyclenlp -> children = 0; /* list of callee arcs */
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & CYCLEDEBUG ) {
printf( "[cyclelink] " );
printname( nlp );
printf( " is the head of cycle %d\n" , cycle );
# endif DEBUG
* link members to cycle header
for ( memberp = nlp ; memberp ; memberp = memberp -> cnext ) {
memberp -> cycleno = cycle;
memberp -> cyclehead = cyclenlp;
* count calls from outside the cycle
* and those among cycle members
for ( memberp = nlp ; memberp ; memberp = memberp -> cnext ) {
for ( arcp=memberp->parents ; arcp ; arcp=arcp->arc_parentlist ) {
if ( arcp -> arc_parentp == memberp ) {
if ( arcp -> arc_parentp -> cycleno == cycle ) {
cyclenlp -> selfcalls += arcp -> arc_count;
} else {
cyclenlp -> ncall += arcp -> arc_count;
int cycle;
nltype *cyclenlp;
nltype *childp;
for ( cycle = 1 ; cycle <= ncycle ; cycle += 1 ) {
cyclenlp = &cyclenl[ cycle ];
for ( childp = cyclenlp -> cnext ; childp ; childp = childp -> cnext ) {
if ( childp -> propfraction == 0.0 ) {
* all members have the same propfraction except those
* that were excluded with -E
cyclenlp -> time += childp -> time;
cyclenlp -> propself = cyclenlp -> propfraction * cyclenlp -> time;
* in one top to bottom pass over the topologically sorted namelist
* propagate:
* printflag as the union of parents' printflags
* propfraction as the sum of fractional parents' propfractions
* and while we're here, sum time for functions.
int index;
nltype *childp;
nltype *oldhead;
oldhead = 0;
for ( index = nname-1 ; index >= 0 ; index -= 1 ) {
childp = topsortnlp[ index ];
* if we haven't done this function or cycle,
* inherit things from parent.
* this way, we are linear in the number of arcs
* since we do all members of a cycle (and the cycle itself)
* as we hit the first member of the cycle.
if ( childp -> cyclehead != oldhead ) {
oldhead = childp -> cyclehead;
inheritflags( childp );
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & PROPDEBUG ) {
printf( "[doflags] " );
printname( childp );
printf( " inherits printflag %d and propfraction %f\n" ,
childp -> printflag , childp -> propfraction );
# endif DEBUG
if ( ! childp -> printflag ) {
* printflag is off
* it gets turned on by
* being on -f list,
* or there not being any -f list and not being on -e list.
if ( onlist( flist , childp -> name )
|| ( !fflag && !onlist( elist , childp -> name ) ) ) {
childp -> printflag = TRUE;
} else {
* this function has printing parents:
* maybe someone wants to shut it up
* by putting it on -e list. (but favor -f over -e)
if ( ( !onlist( flist , childp -> name ) )
&& onlist( elist , childp -> name ) ) {
childp -> printflag = FALSE;
if ( childp -> propfraction == 0.0 ) {
* no parents to pass time to.
* collect time from children if
* its on -F list,
* or there isn't any -F list and its not on -E list.
if ( onlist( Flist , childp -> name )
|| ( !Fflag && !onlist( Elist , childp -> name ) ) ) {
childp -> propfraction = 1.0;
} else {
* it has parents to pass time to,
* but maybe someone wants to shut it up
* by puttting it on -E list. (but favor -F over -E)
if ( !onlist( Flist , childp -> name )
&& onlist( Elist , childp -> name ) ) {
childp -> propfraction = 0.0;
childp -> propself = childp -> time * childp -> propfraction;
printtime += childp -> propself;
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( debug & PROPDEBUG ) {
printf( "[doflags] " );
printname( childp );
printf( " ends up with printflag %d and propfraction %f\n" ,
childp -> printflag , childp -> propfraction );
printf( "time %f propself %f printtime %f\n" ,
childp -> time , childp -> propself , printtime );
# endif DEBUG
* check if any parent of this child
* (or outside parents of this cycle)
* have their print flags on and set the
* print flag of the child (cycle) appropriately.
* similarly, deal with propagation fractions from parents.
inheritflags( childp )
nltype *childp;
nltype *headp;
arctype *arcp;
nltype *parentp;
nltype *memp;
headp = childp -> cyclehead;
if ( childp == headp ) {
* just a regular child, check its parents
childp -> printflag = FALSE;
childp -> propfraction = 0.0;
for (arcp = childp -> parents ; arcp ; arcp = arcp -> arc_parentlist) {
parentp = arcp -> arc_parentp;
if ( childp == parentp ) {
childp -> printflag |= parentp -> printflag;
* if the child was never actually called
* (e.g. this arc is static (and all others are, too))
* no time propagates along this arc.
if ( childp -> ncall ) {
childp -> propfraction += parentp -> propfraction
* ( ( (double) arcp -> arc_count )
/ ( (double) childp -> ncall ) );
} else {
* its a member of a cycle, look at all parents from
* outside the cycle
headp -> printflag = FALSE;
headp -> propfraction = 0.0;
for ( memp = headp -> cnext ; memp ; memp = memp -> cnext ) {
for (arcp = memp->parents ; arcp ; arcp = arcp->arc_parentlist) {
if ( arcp -> arc_parentp -> cyclehead == headp ) {
parentp = arcp -> arc_parentp;
headp -> printflag |= parentp -> printflag;
* if the cycle was never actually called
* (e.g. this arc is static (and all others are, too))
* no time propagates along this arc.
if ( headp -> ncall ) {
headp -> propfraction += parentp -> propfraction
* ( ( (double) arcp -> arc_count )
/ ( (double) headp -> ncall ) );
for ( memp = headp ; memp ; memp = memp -> cnext ) {
memp -> printflag = headp -> printflag;
memp -> propfraction = headp -> propfraction;