// main program for Class Foo

#include "cdtest-foo.h"

// If we're using "../gcc/xgcc -B../gcc/", we may not have fixed C++
// header files to work with.  So we can't use assert.h here.
extern "C" void exit (int);
#define assert(X)	if (!(X)) exit(1)

extern "C" void __init_start();

extern Foo f(void);
extern void g(void);

/* This function should *not* be called by the environment.  There is
   no way in C++ to ``run something after the initializers but before main()''.
   The library that depends on this (NIHCL) is broken.  -- John Gilmore
   We leave this here to test that future changes to the compiler
   do not re-introduce this losing ``feature''.  */

static Foo static_foo( "static_foo");

    assert (Foo::nb_foos() == 2);
    Foo automatic_foo( "automatic_foo");
    Foo bla_foo = f();
    assert (Foo::nb_foos() == 4);
    assert (Foo::nb_foos() == 4);
    // `automatic_foo' and `bla_foo' are destructed here