# Copyright 1999-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Test Machine interface (MI) operations
# Test MI breakpoint commands.
# The goal is not to test gdb functionality, which is done by other
# tests, but to verify the correct output response to MI operations.

load_lib mi-support.exp
set MIFLAGS "-i=mi"

if [mi_gdb_start] {

standard_testfile basics.c

if  { [gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable {debug}] != "" } {
     untested mi-break.exp
     return -1

mi_gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
mi_gdb_load ${binfile}

# Locate line numbers in basics.c.
set line_callee4_head  [gdb_get_line_number "callee4 ("]
set line_callee4_body  [expr $line_callee4_head + 2]
set line_callee3_head  [gdb_get_line_number "callee3 ("]
set line_callee3_body  [expr $line_callee3_head + 2]
set line_callee2_head  [gdb_get_line_number "callee2 ("]
set line_callee2_body  [expr $line_callee2_head + 2]
set line_callee1_head  [gdb_get_line_number "callee1 ("]
set line_callee1_body  [expr $line_callee1_head + 2]
set line_main_head     [gdb_get_line_number "main ("]
set line_main_body     [expr $line_main_head + 2]
set line_callme_head   [gdb_get_line_number "callme ("]
set line_callme_body   [expr $line_callme_head + 2]

set fullname "fullname=\"${fullname_syntax}${srcfile}\""

proc test_tbreak_creation_and_listing {} {
    global srcfile
    global line_callee4_head
    global line_callee3_head
    global line_callee2_body
    global line_main_body

    # Insert some breakpoints and list them
    # Also, disable some so they do not interfere with other tests
    # Tests:
    # -break-insert -t main
    # -break-insert -t basics.c:callee2
    # -break-insert -t basics.c:$line_callee3_head
    # -break-insert -t srcfile:$line_callee4_head
    # -break-list

    set bps {}
    lappend bps [mi_create_breakpoint "-t main" "break-insert -t operation" \
		     -number 1 -disp del -func main -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_main_body]

    lappend bps [mi_create_breakpoint "-t basics.c:callee2" \
		     "insert temp breakpoint at basics.c:callee2" \
		     -number 2 -disp del -func callee2 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee2_body]

    lappend bps [mi_create_breakpoint "-t basics.c:$line_callee3_head" \
		     "insert temp breakpoint at basics.c:\$line_callee3_head" \
		     -number 3 -disp del -func callee3 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee3_head]

    # Getting the quoting right is tricky.
    # That is "\"<file>\":$line_callee4_head"
    lappend bps [mi_create_breakpoint \
		     "-t \"\\\"${srcfile}\\\":$line_callee4_head\"" \
		     "insert temp breakpoint at \"<fullfilename>\":\$line_callee4_head" \
		     -number 4 -disp del -func callee4 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee4_head]

    mi_gdb_test "666-break-list" \
	"666\\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint_table $bps]" \
	"list of breakpoints"

    mi_gdb_test "777-break-delete" \
	    "777\\^done" \
	    "delete temp breakpoints"

proc test_rbreak_creation_and_listing {} {
    global line_callee4_body
    global line_callee3_body
    global line_callee2_body
    global line_callee1_body
    global line_main_body

    # Insert some breakpoints and list them
    # Also, disable some so they do not interfere with other tests
    # Tests:
    # -break-insert -r main
    # -break-insert -r callee2
    # -break-insert -r callee
    # -break-insert -r .*llee
    # -break-list

    setup_kfail "*-*-*" mi/14270
    set bps {}
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 5 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_main_body]
    mi_gdb_test "122-break-insert -r main" \
	"122\\^done,[lindex $bps end]" \
	"break-insert -r operation"

    setup_kfail "*-*-*" mi/14270
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 6 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee2_body]
    mi_gdb_test "133-break-insert -r callee2" \
	"133\\^done,[lindex $bps end]" \
	"insert breakpoint with regexp callee2"

    setup_kfail "*-*-*" mi/14270
    set start [llength $bps]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 7 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee1_body]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 8 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee2_body]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 9 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee3_body]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 10 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee4_body]
    mi_gdb_test "144-break-insert -r callee" \
	"144\\^done,[join [lrange $bps $start end] ,]" \
	"insert breakpoint with regexp callee"

    setup_kfail "*-*-*" mi/14270
    set start [llength $bps]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 11 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee1_body]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 12 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee2_body]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 13 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee3_body]
    lappend bps [mi_make_breakpoint -number 14 -file ".*basics.c" \
		     -line $line_callee4_body]
    mi_gdb_test "155-break-insert -r \.\*llee" \
	"155\\^done,[join [lrange $bps $start end] ,]" \
	"insert breakpoint with regexp .*llee"

    setup_kfail "*-*-*" mi/14270
    mi_gdb_test "166-break-list" \
	"166\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint_table $bps]" \
	"list of breakpoints"

    mi_gdb_test "177-break-delete" \
	    "177\\^done" \
	    "delete temp breakpoints"

proc test_abreak_creation {} {
    mi_create_varobj tpnum \$tpnum "create local variable tpnum"
    # Test that $tpnum is not set before creating a tracepoint.
    mi_gdb_test "521-var-evaluate-expression tpnum" \
	"521\\^done,value=\"void\"" "eval tpnum before tracepoint"

    mi_gdb_test "522-break-insert -a main" \
	"522\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint -number 10 -type tracepoint]" \
	"break-insert -a operation"

    mi_gdb_test "523-var-update tpnum" \
	"523\\^done,changelist=\\\[\{name=\"tpnum\",in_scope=\"true\",type_changed=\"false\",has_more=\"0\"\}\\\]" \
	"update tpnum"
    # Test that $tpnum is updated after creating a tracepoint.
    mi_gdb_test "524-var-evaluate-expression tpnum" \
	"524\\^done,value=\"10\"" "eval tpnum after tracepoint"

proc test_ignore_count {} {
    global line_callme_body

    mi_gdb_test "-break-insert -i 1 callme" \
        "\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint -ignore 1]" \
        "insert breakpoint with ignore count at callme"


    mi_expect_stop "breakpoint-hit" "callme" "\{name=\"i\",value=\"2\"\}" ".*basics.c" $line_callme_body \
        {"" "disp=\"keep\"" } "run to breakpoint with ignore count"

proc test_error {} {
    mi_gdb_test "-break-insert function_that_does_not_exist" \
        ".*\\^error,msg=\"Function \\\\\"function_that_does_not_exist\\\\\" not defined.\"" \
        "breakpoint at nonexistent function"

    # We used to have a bug whereby -break-insert that failed would not
    # clear some event hooks.  As result, whenever we evaluate expression
    # containing function call, the internal breakpoint created to handle
    # function call would be reported, messing up MI output.
    mi_gdb_test "-var-create V * return_1()" \
        "\\^done,name=\"V\",numchild=\"0\",value=\"1\",type=\"int\",has_more=\"0\"" \
        "create varobj for function call"

    mi_gdb_test "-var-update *" \
        "\\^done,changelist=\\\[\\\]" \
        "update varobj for function call"    

    # Try setting breakpoints with garbage after the location.

    # "if" only works in the CLI.  It's not supposed to be accepted by
    # MI.  The way to specify a condition is with -c.
    mi_gdb_test "-break-insert \"callme if i < 4\"" \
        ".*\\^error,msg=\"Garbage 'if i < 4' at end of location\"" \
        "breakpoint with garbage after location"

    mi_gdb_test "-break-insert -c i==4 \"callme if i < 4\"" \
        ".*\\^error,msg=\"Garbage 'if i < 4' at end of location\"" \
        "conditional breakpoint with garbage after location"

proc test_disabled_creation {} {
    global line_callee2_body

    set bp [mi_make_breakpoint -number 6 -type breakpoint -disp keep \
		-enabled n -func callee2 -file ".*basics.c" \
		-line $line_callee2_body]
    mi_gdb_test "-break-insert -d basics.c:callee2" \
        "\\^done,$bp" \
	"test disabled creation"

    mi_gdb_test "-break-delete" \
	    "\\^done" \
            "test disabled creation: cleanup"

proc test_breakpoint_commands {} {
    global line_callee2_body

    set bp_no_script \
	[mi_create_breakpoint "basics.c:callee2" \
	     "breakpoint commands: insert breakpoint at basics.c:callee2" \
	     -number 7 -disp keep -func callee2 -file ".*basics.c" \
	     -line $line_callee2_body]

    mi_gdb_test "-break-commands 7 \"print 10\" \"continue\"" \
        "\\^done" \
        "breakpoint commands: set commands"

    # Rebuild the breakpoint regexp instead of using the one returned
    # by mi_create_breakpoint.  Only in -break-info is the actual script
    # seen.
    set bp_script [mi_make_breakpoint -number 7 -disp keep -func callee2 \
		       -file ".*basics.c" -line $line_callee2_body \
		       -script {\{"print 10","continue"\}}]
    mi_gdb_test "-break-info 7" \
	"\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint_table [list $bp_script]]" \
        "breakpoint commands: check that commands are set"

    mi_gdb_test "-break-commands 7" \
        "\\^done" \
        "breakpoint commands: clear commands"

    mi_gdb_test "-break-info" \
	"\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint_table [list $bp_no_script]]" \
        "breakpoint commands: check that commands are cleared"


    mi_create_breakpoint "basics.c:callee2" \
	"breakpoint commands: insert breakpoint at basics.c:callee2, again" \
	-number 9 -disp keep -func callee2 -file ".*basics.c" \
	-line $line_callee2_body

    mi_gdb_test "-break-commands 9 \"set \$i=0\" \"while \$i<10\" \"print \$i\" \"set \$i=\$i+1\" \"end\" \"continue\" " \
        "\\^done" \
        "breakpoint commands: set commands"

    mi_send_resuming_command "exec-continue" "breakpoint commands: continue"

    set test "intermediate stop and continue"
    gdb_expect {
        -re ".*\\\$1 = 0.*\\\$10 = 9.*\\*running" {
	    pass $test
        timeout {
	    fail $test

    mi_expect_stop "exited-normally" "" "" "" "" "" "test hitting breakpoint with commands"

# Test explicit breakpoints.  These tests only test the MI portion of the
# code.  In-depth testing of explicit breakpoints is accomplished in
# gdb.linespec tests.

proc test_explicit_breakpoints {} {
    global srcfile
    global line_callee3_head line_callee4_head
    global line_callee2_body line_main_body


    # First check mixed explicit/parsed linespecs.
    mi_gdb_test "-break-insert --function main $srcfile:$line_callee3_head" \
	".*Garbage following explicit linespec"

    # Insert some breakpoints and list them
    # Also, disable some so they do not interfere with other tests
    # Tests:
    # -break-insert -t --function main
    # -break-insert -t --source basics.c --function callee2
    # -break-insert -t --source basics.c --line $line_callee3_head
    # -break-insert -t --source srcfile --line $line_callee4_head
    # -break-list

    set bps {}
    lappend bps [mi_create_breakpoint "-t --function main" \
		     "insert temp explicit breakpoint in main" \
		     -func main -file ".*$srcfile" -line $line_main_body]

    lappend bps \
	[mi_create_breakpoint "-t --source $srcfile --function callee2" \
	     "insert temp explicit breakpoint at $srcfile:callee2" \
	     -func callee2 -file ".*$srcfile" -line $line_callee2_body]

    lappend bps \
	[mi_create_breakpoint "-t --source $srcfile --line $line_callee3_head" \
	     "insert temp explicit breakpoint at $srcfile:$line_callee3_head" \
	     -func callee3 -file ".*$srcfile" -line $line_callee3_head]

    lappend bps \
	[mi_create_breakpoint \
	     "-t --source \"$srcfile\" --line  $line_callee4_head" \
	     "insert temp explicit breakpoint at \"$srcfile\":$line_callee4_head" \
	     -func callee4 -file ".*$srcfile" -line $line_callee4_head]

    mi_gdb_test "-break-list" "\\^done,[mi_make_breakpoint_table $bps]" \
	"list of explicit breakpoints"

    mi_gdb_test "-break-delete" \
	    "\\^done" \
	    "delete temp breakpoints"

    mi_create_breakpoint "-c \"intarg == 3\" --function callee2" \
	"insert explicit conditional breakpoint in callee2" \
	-func callee2 ".*$srcfile" -line $line_callee2_body \
	-cond "intarg == 3"

    # mi_create_breakpoint cannot deal with displaying canonical
    # linespecs.
    mi_gdb_test \
	"-break-insert -c \"foo == 3\" --source $srcfile --function main --label label" \
	".*No symbol \"foo\" in current context.*"

    mi_gdb_test \
	"-break-insert --source foobar.c --line 3" \
	".*No source file named foobar.c.*"

    mi_gdb_test \
	"-break-insert --source $srcfile --function foobar" \
	".*Function \"foobar\" not defined in \"$srcfile\".*"

    mi_gdb_test \
	"-break-insert --source $srcfile --function main --label foobar" \
	".*No label \"foobar\" defined in function \"main\".*"

    mi_gdb_test \
	"-break-insert --source $srcfile" \
	".*Source filename requires function, label, or line offset.*"








return 0