#include #include #include #include #define CONST const /* This file provides stubs and equivalent interfaces for all functions that the debugger stub needs, but aren't yet implemented. */ int AIOReadData (int portHandle, char *buffer, LONG length, LONG *numberBytesRead) { return AIO_SUCCESS; } int AIOWriteData (int portHandle, char *buffer, LONG length, LONG *numberBytesWritten) { return AIO_SUCCESS; } int AIOAcquirePort (int *hardwareType, int *boardNumber, int *portNumber, int *portHandle) { return AIO_SUCCESS; } int AIOConfigurePort (int portHandle, BYTE bitRate, BYTE dataBits, BYTE stopBits, BYTE parityMode, BYTE flowCtrlMode) { return AIO_SUCCESS; } int AIOGetPortConfiguration (int portHandle, AIOPORTCONFIG *pPortConfig, AIODVRCONFIG *pDvrConfig) { fprintf (stderr, "AIOGetPortConfiguration stubbed out\n"); exit (1); } int AIOReleasePort (int portHandle) { return AIO_SUCCESS; } int AIOSetExternalControl (int portHandle, int requestType, int requestValue) { return AIO_SUCCESS; } int AIOGetExternalStatus (int portHandle, LONG *extStatus, LONG *chgdExtStatus) { fprintf (stderr, "AIOGetExternalStatus stubbed out\n"); exit (1); } void StopBell () { } int Breakpoint (int __arg) { fprintf (stderr, "Breakpoint() stubbed out\n"); exit (1); }