201 lines
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201 lines
5.1 KiB
# This file contains support code for the gdbtk test suite.
# Based on the Tcl testsuite support code, portions of this file
# are Copyright (c) 1990-1994 The Regents of the University of California and
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
global srcdir _test env srcdir objdir
if {![info exists srcdir]} {
if {[info exists env(SRCDIR)]} {
set srcdir $env(SRCDIR)
} else {
set srcdir .
if {![info exists objdir]} {
if {[info exists env(OBJDIR)]} {
set objdir $env(OBJDIR)
} elseif {$_test(interactive)} {
# If running interactively, assume that the objdir is
# relative to the executable's location
set objdir [file join [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] testsuite gdb.gdbtk]
} else {
set objdir .
if {![info exists _test(verbose)]} {
if {[info exists env(GDBTK_VERBOSE)]} {
set _test(verbose) $env(GDBTK_VERBOSE)
} else {
set _test(verbose)
if {![info exists _test(tests)]} {
if {[info exists env(GDBTK_TESTS)]} {
set _test(tests) $env(GDBTK_TESTS)
} else {
set _test(tests) {}
if {[info exists env(GDBTK_LOGFILE)]} {
set _test(logfile) [open $env(GDBTK_LOGFILE) a+]
fconfigure $_test(logfile) -buffering none
} else {
set _test(logfile) {}
# Informs gdbtk internals that testsuite is running. An example
# where this is needed is the window manager, which must place
# all windows at some place on the screen so that the system's
# window manager does not interfere. This is reset in gdbtk_test_done.
proc gdbtk_print_verbose {status name description script code answer} {
global _test
switch $code {
0 {
set code_words {}
1 {
set code_words "Test generated error:\n$answer"
2 {
set code_words "Test generated return exception; result was:\n$answer"
3 {
set code_words "Test generated break exception"
4 {
set code_words "Test generated continue exception"
5 {
set code_words "Test generated exception $code; message was:\n$answer"
debug "gdbtk_test_verbose: _test(verbose)=$_test(verbose) status=$status"
if {$_test(verbose) > 1 \
|| ($_test(verbose) != 1 && ($status == "error" || $status == "fail"))} {
# Printed when user verbose mode (verbose > 1) or an error/failure occurs
# not running the testsuite (dejagnu)
puts stdout "\n"
puts stdout "==== $name $description"
puts stdout "==== Contents of test case:"
puts stdout "$script"
if {$code_words != ""} {
puts stdout $code_words
puts stdout "==== Result was:"
puts stdout "$answer"
} elseif {$_test(verbose)} {
# Printed for the testsuite (verbose = 1)
puts stdout "[list $status $name $description $code_words]"
if {$_test(logfile) != ""} {
puts $_test(logfile) "\n"
puts $_test(logfile) "==== $name $description"
puts $_test(logfile) "==== Contents of test case:"
puts $_test(logfile) "$script"
if {$code_words != ""} {
puts $_test(logfile) $code_words
puts $_test(logfile) "==== Result was:"
puts $_test(logfile) "$answer"
# gdbtk_test
# This procedure runs a test and prints an error message if the
# test fails.
# Arguments:
# name - Name of test, in the form foo-1.2.
# description - Short textual description of the test, to
# help humans understand what it does.
# script - Script to run to carry out the test. It must
# return a result that can be checked for
# correctness.
# answer - Expected result from script.
proc gdbtk_test {name description script answer} {
global _test test_ran
set test_ran 0
if {[string compare $_test(tests) ""] != 0} then {
set ok 0
foreach test $_test(tests) {
if [string match $test $name] then {
set ok 1
if !$ok then return
set code [catch {uplevel $script} result]
set test_ran 1
if {$code != 0} {
# Error
gdbtk_print_verbose error $name $description $script \
$code $result
} elseif {[string compare $result $answer] == 0} {
if {$_test(verbose)} {
gdbtk_print_verbose pass $name $description $script \
$code $result
if {$_test(verbose) != 1} {
puts stdout "++++ $name PASSED"
if {$_test(logfile) != ""} {
puts $_test(logfile) "++++ $name PASSED"
} else {
gdbtk_print_verbose fail $name $description $script \
$code $result
if {$_test(verbose) != 1} {
puts stdout "---- Result should have been:"
puts stdout "$answer"
puts stdout "---- $name FAILED"
if {$_test(logfile) != ""} {
puts $_test(logfile) "---- Result should have been:"
puts $_test(logfile) "$answer"
puts $_test(logfile) "---- $name FAILED"
proc gdbtk_dotests {file args} {
global _test
set savedTests $_test(tests)
set _test(tests) $args
source $file
set _test(tests) $savedTests
proc gdbtk_test_done {} {
global _test env
if {$_test(logfile) != ""} {
close $_test(logfile)
if {![info exists _test(interactive)] || !$_test(interactive)} {