1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
# A tool to read quad-data input and generate a
# c test-program to help testing PKE/GIF, etc.
# To Invoke:
# c_gen <input_data_file> <output_c_file>
# Expected input format:
# <first column> <second_column> <third column> <forth column>
# (indicator ) ( quad_word ) ( source_addr) (flag)
# ------------- --------------- -------------- -------------
# n (for data) 0xH_H_H_H 0xH 4-CHARs
# ? (for test) 0xH (addr) 0xH (value) 0xH (mask)
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
# ! (reg wrt 32) 0xH (addr) 0xH (data)
1998-04-06 20:49:47 +00:00
# ~ (reg wrt 64) 0xH (addr) 0xHigh_Low (data)
# % (reg read 64) 0xH (addr) 0xHigh_Low (data)
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
# @ (read only) 0xH (addr) 4/8
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
# # comment line
# Note: n can be 0 (for VU1), 1 (for VU2), or 2 (for GIF).
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
# H, High, or Low is hex data in the format of FFFFFFFF
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
# Result output:
# A c file, either with the name specified, or default.c
# Main script:
$numargs = @ARGV;
if ( $numargs == 2 ) {
$infile_name = $ARGV[0];
$outfile_name = $ARGV[1];
elsif ( $numargs == 1)
$infile_name = $ARGV[0];
$outfile_name = "default.c"
die ("Usage: c_gen <input_data_file_name> <output_c_file_name>\n");
# Header containing SCEI system addresses
die ("Cannot open input file $infile_name.\n")
unless (open (INFILE, $infile_name));
die ("Cannot open output file $outfile_name.\n")
unless (open (OUTFILE, ">".$outfile_name));
print ("The input data file is: $infile_name \n");
print ("The output c file is: $outfile_name \n");
$current_line_number = 0;
#Now process the input and print the body_part_of_c_code:
while( $inputline = <INFILE> )
chop($inputline); # get rid of the new line char;
$current_line_number ++;
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
print OUTFILE ("/* #line \"$infile_name\" $current_line_number */\n");
if ($inputline =~ /^\#/ ) # A line starts with "#" is a comment
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
elsif ( $inputline =~ /^[01234]/ ) # This is a data line
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
elsif ( $inputline =~ /^\!/ ) # This is a 32-bit register write
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
elsif ( $inputline =~ /^\~/ ) # This is a 64-bit register write
1998-04-06 20:49:47 +00:00
elsif ( $inputline =~ /^\?/ ) # A line starts with "?" is a 32bit read/verification request
elsif ( $inputline =~ /^\%/ ) # A line starts with "%" is a 64bit read/verification request
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
elsif ( $inputline =~ /^\@/ ) # A line starts with "@" is a read only test request
1998-04-08 20:57:28 +00:00
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
else # ignore this input
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print ("Done!\n");
# Subroutines:
sub process_comment {
$inputline =~ s/#//;
print OUTFILE ("/*".$inputline."*/\n");
sub process_data {
print OUTFILE ("/*****************************************************************/\n");
print OUTFILE ("/* Assign a quadword: */\n");
@columns = split ( /[\s]+/, $inputline );
$data_count = @columns;
#column[0] tells to which unit (VU0, VU1, or GIF) these data should go to.
$src_addr_name = "SRC_ADDR_CONST_".$columns[0];
$data_addr_name = "DATA_ADDR_CONST_".$columns[0];
$flag_addr_name = "FLAG_ADDR_CONST_".$columns[0];
#column[1] is the qual_word in format of 0xH_H_H_H:
@quadword = split ("_", $columns[1]);
$quadword[0] =~ s/0x//i;
print OUTFILE ("\n{\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile unsigned* flag_ptr = \(unsigned *\)$flag_addr_name;\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile unsigned* src_ptr = \(unsigned *\)$src_addr_name;\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile unsigned* data_ptr = \(unsigned *\)$data_addr_name;\n");
if ( $data_count > 3 )
{ #column[3] is the DMA_tag flag, if exist
$flag = $columns[3];
if ( $flag =~ /d/i ) {
print OUTFILE (" *flag_ptr = 1;\n");
else {
print OUTFILE (" *flag_ptr = 0;\n");
if ( $data_count > 2 )
#column[2] is the src_address, if exist
$src_addr = $columns[2];
print OUTFILE (" *src_ptr = $src_addr; \n");
#Now write the quadword:
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE (" *data_ptr++ = 0x".$quadword[3].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" *data_ptr++ = 0x".$quadword[2].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" *data_ptr++ = 0x".$quadword[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" *data_ptr = 0x".$quadword[0].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" num_qw_written ++;\n");
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE (" *flag_ptr = 0;\n") unless ($data_count < 4);
print OUTFILE (" *src_ptr = 0;\n") unless ( $data_count < 3);
print OUTFILE ("}\n");
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
sub process_data_reg32 {
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("/******************************************************************/\n");
print OUTFILE ("/*Writing the specified data into the specified address: */\n\n");
@columns = split ( /[\s]+/, $inputline );
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
#column[1] is the address, column[2] is the value, both in the format of 0xH;
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
print OUTFILE ("\n{\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile unsigned* addr_ptr = \(unsigned *\)".$columns[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" *addr_ptr = ".$columns[2].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" num_w_written ++;\n");
print OUTFILE ("}\n");
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
sub process_data_reg64 {
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("/******************************************************************/\n");
print OUTFILE ("/*Writing the specified 64-bit data into the specified address: */\n\n");
@columns = split ( /[\s]+/, $inputline );
#column[1] is the address, in the format of 0xH;
#column[2] is the value, in the format of 0xH_H;
@llword = split ("_", $columns[2]);
print OUTFILE ("\n{\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile long long int* reg64_ptr = \(long long int *\)".$columns[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" *reg64_ptr = \(long long\)".$llword[0]." \<\< 32 \| \(long long\)0x".$llword[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" num_w_written ++;\n");
print OUTFILE ("}\n");
1998-04-06 20:49:47 +00:00
sub perform_test32 {
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("/******************************************************************/\n");
print OUTFILE ("/*Verify the data in the specified address with the input value: */\n\n");
@columns = split ( /[\s]+/, $inputline );
#column[1] is the address;
#column[2] is the value, in the format of oxH;
#column[3] is the mask, in the format of oxH;
print OUTFILE ("\n{\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile unsigned* test_ptr = \(unsigned *\)".$columns[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" unsigned test_data = *test_ptr;\n");
print OUTFILE (" if \( \( test_data & $columns[3] \) == $columns[2] \) {\n");
print OUTFILE (" num_passed ++;\n");
print OUTFILE (" } else {\n");
print OUTFILE (" printf \(\"Data Verification (line $current_line_number) failed!\\n\"\); \n" );
print OUTFILE (" printf \(\"Expecting \%08x mask \%08x in address \%08x but got \%08x !\\n\", $columns[2], $columns[3], $columns[1], test_data\); \n");
print OUTFILE (" num_failed++;\n");
print OUTFILE (" }\n}\n");
sub perform_test64 {
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("/******************************************************************/\n");
print OUTFILE ("/*Verify the data in the specified address with the input value: */\n\n");
@columns = split ( /[\s]+/, $inputline );
#column[1] is the address;
#column[2] is the value, in the format of 0xH_H;
@llword = split ("_", $columns[2]);
print OUTFILE ("\n{\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile long long int* test64_ptr = \(long long int *\)".$columns[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" long long int test64_data = \(long long\)".$llword[0]." \<\< 32 \| \(long long\)0x".$llword[1].";\n");
print OUTFILE (" if \( \( test64_data \) == *test64_ptr \) {\n");
print OUTFILE (" num_passed ++;\n");
print OUTFILE (" } else {\n");
print OUTFILE (" printf \(\"Data Verification (line $current_line_number) failed!\\n\"\); \n" );
print OUTFILE (" printf \(\"Expecting \%20s in address \%08x but got \%16x !\\n\", \"$columns[2]\", $columns[1], *test64_ptr\); \n");
print OUTFILE (" num_failed++;\n");
print OUTFILE (" }\n}\n");
1998-04-08 20:57:28 +00:00
sub perform_test_read_only {
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("/******************************************************************/\n");
print OUTFILE ("/*Just trying to read data from the specified address: */\n\n");
@columns = split ( /[\s]+/, $inputline );
#column[1] is the address;
#column[2] is the byte-indicator, which can be 4 or 8;
1998-04-14 16:25:44 +00:00
if ( $columns[2] =~ /^4/ ) # This is a 4-byte data address
{ $d_type = " "; }
1998-04-08 20:57:28 +00:00
else {
$d_type = "long long "; # assuming the input is "8"
print OUTFILE ("\n{\n");
print OUTFILE (" volatile ".$d_type."int* test_add = \(".$d_type."int *\)".$columns[1].";\n");
1998-04-14 16:25:44 +00:00
print OUTFILE (" ".$d_type."int test_data = *test_add;\n");
1998-04-08 20:57:28 +00:00
print OUTFILE ("}\n");
1998-04-03 19:59:11 +00:00
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
sub print_header_part_of_c_code {
print OUTFILE ("\n/*");
print OUTFILE ("\n * This file is automatically generated.");
$version='$Revision$ $Date$';
print OUTFILE ("\n * c_gen.pl $version");
print OUTFILE ("\n * Input file: $infile_name");
print OUTFILE ("\n * Date: $date");
print OUTFILE ("\n */");
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("\n#include <stdio.h>\n");
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE ("
/* Memory mapping constants: */
/* VIF0 */
#define SRC_ADDR_CONST_0 0x10008010
#define DATA_ADDR_CONST_0 0x10004000
#define FLAG_ADDR_CONST_0 0x10008060
/* VIF1 */
#define SRC_ADDR_CONST_1 0x10009010
#define DATA_ADDR_CONST_1 0x10005000
#define FLAG_ADDR_CONST_1 0x10009060
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
/* GIF PATH1 */
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
#define SRC_ADDR_CONST_2 0x1000a010
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
#define DATA_ADDR_CONST_2 0x10006020
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
#define FLAG_ADDR_CONST_2 0x1000a060
1998-04-09 17:06:19 +00:00
/* GIF PATH2 */
#define SRC_ADDR_CONST_3 0x1000a010
#define DATA_ADDR_CONST_3 0x10006010
#define FLAG_ADDR_CONST_3 0x1000a060
/* GIF PATH3 */
#define SRC_ADDR_CONST_4 0x1000a010
#define DATA_ADDR_CONST_4 0x10006000
#define FLAG_ADDR_CONST_4 0x1000a060
1998-03-17 20:47:03 +00:00
print OUTFILE ("\n\n");
print OUTFILE ("int main()\n");
print OUTFILE ("{\n");
print OUTFILE (" unsigned num_qw_written = 0;\n");
print OUTFILE (" unsigned num_w_written = 0;\n");
print OUTFILE (" unsigned num_passed = 0;\n");
print OUTFILE (" unsigned num_failed = 0;\n");
print OUTFILE (" printf \(\"Start of execution...\\n\"\); \n" );
print OUTFILE ("\n\n");
sub print_foot_part_of_c_code {
print OUTFILE ("\n");
print OUTFILE (" printf \(\"End of execution. %d FIFO quadwords, %d pokes, %d checks ok, %d failed.\\n\", num_qw_written, num_w_written, num_passed, num_failed\); \n\n" );
print OUTFILE ("exit (num_failed);\n");
print OUTFILE ("}\n");