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* Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 by
* Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied
* only in accordance of the terms of such license and with the
* inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other
* copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
* other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby
* transferred.
* The information in this software is subject to change without notice
* and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment
* Corporation.
* Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its
* software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital.
#define com1Rbr 0x3f8 /* Receiver Buffer - Read */
#define com1Thr 0x3f8 /* Transmitter Holding - Write */
#define com1Ier 0x3f9 /* Interrupt Enable */
#define com1Iir 0x3fa /* Interrupt Identification */
#define com1Lcr 0x3fb /* Line Control */
#define com1Mcr 0x3fc /* Modem Control */
#define com1Lsr 0x3fd /* Line Status */
#define com1Msr 0x3fe /* Modem Status */
#define com1Scr 0x3ff /* Scratch */
#define com1Dll 0x3f8 /* Divisor Latch - lsb */
#define com1Dlm 0x3f9 /* Divisor Latch - msb */
#define com2Rbr 0x2f8 /* Receiver Buffer - Read */
#define com2Thr 0x2f8 /* Transmitter Holding - Write */
#define com2Ier 0x2f9 /* Interrupt Enable */
#define com2Iir 0x2fa /* Interrupt Identification */
#define com2Lcr 0x2fb /* Line Control */
#define com2Mcr 0x2fc /* Modem Control */
#define com2Lsr 0x2fd /* Line Status */
#define com2Msr 0x2fe /* Modem Status */
#define com2Scr 0x2ff /* Scratch */
#define com2Dll 0x2f8 /* Divisor Latch - lsb */
#define com2Dlm 0x2f9 /* Divisor Latch - msb */
#define lptDr 0x3bc
#define lptSr 0x3bd
#define lptCr 0x3be
#define lptSTB 0x01
#define lptAFD 0x02
#define lptnInit 0x04
#define lptSlct 0x08
#define lptIrq 0x10
#define lptDir 0x20
#define lptDly 100000