
524 lines
18 KiB

#include "cmd.h"
#include "3ds/3ds.h"
#include "pc/wav.h"
#include "pc/stb_vorbis.h"
#include "types.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
u8* convert_to_cgfx(const std::string image, u32 width, u32 height, u32* size) {
u32 convertedSize = 0;
u16* converted = image_to_tiles(image.c_str(), width, height, RGBA4444, &convertedSize);
if(converted == NULL) {
return NULL;
u8* ret = (u8*) malloc(BANNER_CGFX_HEADER_LENGTH + convertedSize);
memcpy(ret + BANNER_CGFX_HEADER_LENGTH, converted, convertedSize);
*size = BANNER_CGFX_HEADER_LENGTH + convertedSize;
return ret;
u8* convert_to_cwav(const std::string file, u32* size) {
u8* ret = NULL;
// Determine what file type we have
FILE* fd = fopen(file.c_str(), "rb");
char magic[4];
fread(magic, sizeof(magic), 1, fd);
rewind(fd); // equivalent to SEEK_SET to pos 0
if (magic[0] == 'R' && magic[1] == 'I' && magic[2] == 'F' && magic[3] == 'F') {
WAV* wav = wav_read(fd);
if(wav != NULL) {
CWAV cwav;
cwav.channels = wav->format.numChannels;
cwav.sampleRate = wav->format.sampleRate;
cwav.bitsPerSample = wav->format.bitsPerSample;
cwav.dataSize = wav->data.chunkSize;
cwav.data = wav->data.data;
ret = cwav_build(cwav, size);
} else if (magic[0] == 'O' && magic[1] == 'g' && magic[2] == 'g' && magic[3] == 'S') {
int error;
stb_vorbis* vorb = stb_vorbis_open_file(fd, false, &error, NULL);
if(vorb != NULL) {
stb_vorbis_info info = stb_vorbis_get_info(vorb);
CWAV cwav;
cwav.channels = info.channels;
cwav.sampleRate = info.sample_rate;
cwav.bitsPerSample = 16; // stb_vorbis always outputs 16 bit samples
int sampleCount = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(vorb) * info.channels;
cwav.dataSize = sampleCount * 2;
cwav.data = (u8*) calloc(sampleCount, 2);
stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved(vorb, info.channels, (short*) cwav.data, sampleCount);
ret = cwav_build(cwav, size);
} else {
printf("ERROR: Vorbis open failed, error %d.\n", error);
} else {
printf("ERROR: Audio file header '%c%c%c%c' unrecognized.\n", magic[0], magic[1], magic[2], magic[3]);
return ret;
int cmd_make_banner(const std::string image, const std::string audio, const std::string cgfxFile, const std::string cwavFile, const std::string output) {
u32 cgfxSize = 0;
u8* cgfx = NULL;
if(!cgfxFile.empty()) {
FILE* fd = fopen(cgfxFile.c_str(), "r");
if(!fd) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open CGFX file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
cgfxSize = (u32) ftell(fd);
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
cgfx = (u8*) malloc(cgfxSize);
fread(cgfx, 1, cgfxSize, fd);
} else {
cgfx = convert_to_cgfx(image, 256, 128, &cgfxSize);
if(cgfx == NULL) {
return 2;
u32 cwavSize = 0;
u8* cwav = NULL;
if(!cwavFile.empty()) {
FILE* fd = fopen(cwavFile.c_str(), "r");
if(!fd) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open CWAV file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 3;
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
cwavSize = (u32) ftell(fd);
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
cwav = (u8*) malloc(cwavSize);
fread(cwav, 1, cwavSize, fd);
} else {
cwav = convert_to_cwav(audio, &cwavSize);
if(cwav == NULL) {
return 4;
CBMD cbmd;
cbmd.cgfxs[CGFX_COMMON] = cgfx;
cbmd.cgfxSizes[CGFX_COMMON] = cgfxSize;
cbmd.cwav = cwav;
cbmd.cwavSize = cwavSize;
u32 bnrSize = 0;
u8* bnr = bnr_build(cbmd, &bnrSize);
FILE* fd = fopen(output.c_str(), "wb");
if(fd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open output file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 5;
fwrite(bnr, 1, bnrSize, fd);
printf("Created banner \"%s\".\n", output.c_str());
return 0;
int cmd_make_smdh(const std::string shortTitle, const std::string longTitle, const std::string publisher, const std::string icon, SMDHRegionFlag regionFlags, u64 matchMakerId, u32 smdhFlags, u16 eulaVersion, u32 optimalBannerFrame, u32 streetpassId, const std::string output) {
u8* icon48Data = load_image(icon.c_str(), 48, 48);
if(icon48Data == NULL) {
return 1;
u16* icon48 = image_data_to_tiles(icon48Data, 48, 48, RGB565, NULL);
if(icon48 == NULL) {
return 1;
u8 icon24Data[24 * 24 * 4];
for(int y = 0; y < 48; y += 2) {
for(int x = 0; x < 48; x += 2) {
int i1 = (y * 48 + x) * 4;
u8 r1 = icon48Data[i1 + 0];
u8 g1 = icon48Data[i1 + 1];
u8 b1 = icon48Data[i1 + 2];
u8 a1 = icon48Data[i1 + 3];
int i2 = (y * 48 + (x + 1)) * 4;
u8 r2 = icon48Data[i2 + 0];
u8 g2 = icon48Data[i2 + 1];
u8 b2 = icon48Data[i2 + 2];
u8 a2 = icon48Data[i2 + 3];
int i3 = ((y + 1) * 48 + x) * 4;
u8 r3 = icon48Data[i3 + 0];
u8 g3 = icon48Data[i3 + 1];
u8 b3 = icon48Data[i3 + 2];
u8 a3 = icon48Data[i3 + 3];
int i4 = ((y + 1) * 48 + (x + 1)) * 4;
u8 r4 = icon48Data[i4 + 0];
u8 g4 = icon48Data[i4 + 1];
u8 b4 = icon48Data[i4 + 2];
u8 a4 = icon48Data[i4 + 3];
int id = ((y / 2) * 24 + (x / 2)) * 4;
icon24Data[id + 0] = (u8) ((r1 + r2 + r3 + r4) / 4);
icon24Data[id + 1] = (u8) ((g1 + g2 + g3 + g4) / 4);
icon24Data[id + 2] = (u8) ((b1 + b2 + b3 + b4) / 4);
icon24Data[id + 3] = (u8) ((a1 + a2 + a3 + a4) / 4);
u16* icon24 = image_data_to_tiles(icon24Data, 24, 24, RGB565, NULL);
if(icon24 == NULL) {
return 1;
SMDH smdh;
for(int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
utf8_to_utf16(smdh.titles[i].shortTitle, shortTitle.c_str(), 0x40);
utf8_to_utf16(smdh.titles[i].longTitle, longTitle.c_str(), 0x80);
utf8_to_utf16(smdh.titles[i].publisher, publisher.c_str(), 0x40);
smdh.settings.regionLock = regionFlags;
memcpy(smdh.settings.matchMakerId, &matchMakerId, 0xC);
smdh.settings.flags = smdhFlags;
smdh.settings.eulaVersion = eulaVersion;
smdh.settings.optimalBannerFrame = optimalBannerFrame;
smdh.settings.streetpassId = streetpassId;
memcpy(smdh.largeIcon, icon48, 0x1200);
memcpy(smdh.smallIcon, icon24, 0x480);
FILE* fd = fopen(output.c_str(), "wb");
if(fd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open output file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 2;
fwrite(&smdh, 1, sizeof(SMDH), fd);
printf("Created SMDH \"%s\".\n", output.c_str());
return 0;
int cmd_make_cwav(const std::string input, const std::string output) {
u32 cwavSize = 0;
u8* cwav = convert_to_cwav(input, &cwavSize);
if(cwav == NULL) {
return 1;
FILE* fd = fopen(output.c_str(), "wb");
if(fd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open output file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 2;
fwrite(cwav, 1, cwavSize, fd);
printf("Created CWAV \"%s\".\n", output.c_str());
return 0;
int cmd_lz11(const std::string input, const std::string output) {
FILE* in = fopen(input.c_str(), "r");
if(in == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open input file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END);
u32 size = (u32) ftell(in);
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_SET);
u8* data = (u8*) malloc(size);
if(data == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Could not allocate data buffer.\n");
return 2;
fread(data, 1, size, in);
u32 compressedSize;
u8* compressed = lz11_compress(data, size, &compressedSize);
if(compressed == NULL) {
return 3;
FILE* fd = fopen(output.c_str(), "wb");
if(fd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open output file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 4;
fwrite(compressed, 1, compressedSize, fd);
printf("Compressed to file \"%s\".\n", output.c_str());
return 0;
std::map<std::string, std::string> cmd_get_args(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> args;
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if((strncmp(argv[i], "-", 1) == 0 || strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2) == 0) && argc != i + 1) {
args.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(argv[i], argv[i + 1]));
return args;
std::string cmd_find_arg(std::map<std::string, std::string> args, const std::string shortOpt, const std::string longOpt, const std::string def) {
std::string sopt = "-" + shortOpt;
std::string lopt = "--" + longOpt;
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator match = args.find(sopt);
if(match != args.end()) {
return (*match).second;
match = args.find(lopt);
if(match != args.end()) {
return (*match).second;
return def;
std::vector<std::string> cmd_parse_list(const std::string list) {
std::vector<std::string> ret;
std::string::size_type lastPos = 0;
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while((pos = list.find(',', lastPos)) != std::string::npos) {
ret.push_back(list.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
lastPos = pos + 1;
if(lastPos < list.size()) {
return ret;
void cmd_print_info(const std::string command) {
if(command.compare("makebanner") == 0) {
printf("makebanner - Creates a .bnr file.\n");
printf(" -i/--image: PNG file to use as the banner's image. Interchangeable with -ci.\n");
printf(" -a/--audio: WAV file to use as the banner's tune. Interchangeable with -ca.\n");
printf(" -ci/--cgfximage: CGFX file to use as the banner's image. Interchangeable with -i.\n");
printf(" -ca/--cwavaudio: CWAV file to use as the banner's tune. Interchangeable with -a.\n");
printf(" -o/--output: File to output the created banner to.\n");
} else if(command.compare("makesmdh") == 0) {
printf("makesmdh - Creates a .smdh/.icn file.\n");
printf(" -s/--shorttitle: Short title of the application.\n");
printf(" -l/--longtitle: Long title of the application.\n");
printf(" -p/--publisher: Publisher of the application.\n");
printf(" -i/--icon: PNG file to use as an icon.\n");
printf(" -o/--output: File to output the created SMDH/ICN to.\n");
printf(" -r/--regions: Optional. Comma separated list of regions to lock the SMDH to.\n");
printf(" Valid regions: regionfree, japan, northamerica, europe, australia, china, korea, taiwan.\n");
printf(" -f/--flags: Optional. Flags to apply to the SMDH file.\n");
printf(" Valid flags: visible, autoboot, allow3d, requireeula, autosave, extendedbanner, ratingrequired, savedata, recordusage, nosavebackups.\n");
printf(" -mmid/--matchmakerid: Optional. Match maker ID of the SMDH.\n");
printf(" -ev/--eulaversion: Optional. Version of the EULA required to be accepted before launching.\n");
printf(" -obf/--optimalbannerframe: Optional. Optimal frame of the accompanying banner.\n");
printf(" -spid/--streetpassid: Optional. Streetpass ID of the SMDH.\n");
} else if(command.compare("makecwav") == 0) {
printf("makecwav - Creates a CWAV file from a WAV.\n");
printf(" -i/--input: WAV file to convert.\n");
printf(" -o/--output: File to output the created CWAV to.\n");
} else if(command.compare("lz11") == 0) {
printf("lz11 - Compresses a file with LZ11.\n");
printf(" -i/--input: File to compress.\n");
printf(" -o/--output: File to output the compressed data to.\n");
void cmd_print_commands() {
printf("Available commands:\n");
void cmd_print_usage(const std::string executedFrom) {
printf("Usage: %s <command> <args>\n", executedFrom.c_str());
void cmd_missing_args(const std::string command) {
printf("Missing arguments for command \"%s\".\n", command.c_str());
void cmd_invalid_arg(const std::string argument, const std::string command) {
printf("Invalid value for argument \"%s\" in command \"%s\".\n", argument.c_str(), command.c_str());
void cmd_invalid_command(const std::string command) {
printf("Invalid command \"%s\".\n", command.c_str());
int cmd_process_command(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if(argc < 2) {
return -1;
char* command = argv[1];
std::map<std::string, std::string> args = cmd_get_args(argc, argv);
if(strcmp(command, "makebanner") == 0) {
const std::string banner = cmd_find_arg(args, "i", "image", "");
const std::string audio = cmd_find_arg(args, "a", "audio", "");
const std::string cgfxFile = cmd_find_arg(args, "ci", "cgfximage", "");
const std::string cwavFile = cmd_find_arg(args, "ca", "cwavaudio", "");
const std::string output = cmd_find_arg(args, "o", "output", "");
if((banner.empty() && cgfxFile.empty()) || (audio.empty() && cwavFile.empty()) || output.empty()) {
return -1;
return cmd_make_banner(banner, audio, cgfxFile, cwavFile, output);
} else if(strcmp(command, "makesmdh") == 0) {
const std::string shortTitle = cmd_find_arg(args, "s", "shorttitle", "");
const std::string longTitle = cmd_find_arg(args, "l", "longtitle", "");
const std::string publisher = cmd_find_arg(args, "p", "publisher", "");
const std::string icon = cmd_find_arg(args, "i", "icon", "");
const std::string output = cmd_find_arg(args, "o", "output", "");
if(shortTitle.empty() || longTitle.empty() || publisher.empty() || icon.empty() || output.empty()) {
return -1;
std::vector<std::string> regions = cmd_parse_list(cmd_find_arg(args, "r", "regions", "regionfree"));
std::vector<std::string> flags = cmd_parse_list(cmd_find_arg(args, "f", "flags", "visible,allow3d,recordusage"));
u64 matchMakerId = (u64) atoll(cmd_find_arg(args, "mmid", "matchmakerid", "0").c_str());
u16 eulaVersion = (u16) atoi(cmd_find_arg(args, "ev", "eulaversion", "0").c_str());
u32 optimalBannerFrame = (u32) atoll(cmd_find_arg(args, "obf", "optimalbannerframe", "0").c_str());
u32 streetpassId = (u32) atoll(cmd_find_arg(args, "spid", "streetpassid", "0").c_str());
u32 regionFlags = 0;
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = regions.begin(); it != regions.end(); it++) {
const std::string region = *it;
if(region.compare("regionfree") == 0) {
regionFlags = REGION_FREE;
} else if(region.compare("japan") == 0) {
regionFlags |= JAPAN;
} else if(region.compare("northamerica") == 0) {
regionFlags |= NORTH_AMERICA;
} else if(region.compare("europe") == 0) {
regionFlags |= EUROPE;
} else if(region.compare("australia") == 0) {
regionFlags |= AUSTRALIA;
} else if(region.compare("china") == 0) {
regionFlags |= CHINA;
} else if(region.compare("korea") == 0) {
regionFlags |= KOREA;
} else if(region.compare("taiwan") == 0) {
regionFlags |= TAIWAN;
} else {
cmd_invalid_arg("regions", command);
u32 smdhFlags = 0;
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = flags.begin(); it != flags.end(); it++) {
const std::string flag = *it;
if(flag.compare("visible") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= VISIBLE;
} else if(flag.compare("autoboot") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= AUTO_BOOT;
} else if(flag.compare("allow3d") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= ALLOW_3D;
} else if(flag.compare("requireeula") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= REQUIRE_EULA;
} else if(flag.compare("autosave") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= AUTO_SAVE_ON_EXIT;
} else if(flag.compare("extendedbanner") == 0) {
} else if(flag.compare("ratingrequired") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= RATING_REQUIED;
} else if(flag.compare("savedata") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= USE_SAVE_DATA;
} else if(flag.compare("recordusage") == 0) {
smdhFlags |= RECORD_USAGE;
} else if(flag.compare("nosavebackups") == 0) {
} else {
cmd_invalid_arg("flags", command);
return cmd_make_smdh(shortTitle, longTitle, publisher, icon, (SMDHRegionFlag) regionFlags, matchMakerId, smdhFlags, eulaVersion, optimalBannerFrame, streetpassId, output);
} else if(strcmp(command, "makecwav") == 0) {
const std::string input = cmd_find_arg(args, "i", "input", "");
const std::string output = cmd_find_arg(args, "o", "output", "");
if(input.empty() || output.empty()) {
return -1;
return cmd_make_cwav(input, output);
} else if(strcmp(command, "lz11") == 0) {
const std::string input = cmd_find_arg(args, "i", "input", "");
const std::string output = cmd_find_arg(args, "o", "output", "");
if(input.empty() || output.empty()) {
return -1;
return cmd_lz11(input, output);
} else {
return -1;