2016-05-22 17:17:30 +02:00

51 lines
1.2 KiB

; Just print a "START" flag
[i0:arg] syscall [ci:1] 'S'
push 0 ; pushs string pointer argument
cpget ; pushs return addr
jmp @print_str ; Calls print_str(0)
drop ; releases argument
; Print the "END" marker
[i0:arg] syscall [ci:1] 'Q'
; End the program
syscall [ci:0]
; void print_str(char *string);
bpget ; enter function by
spget ; saving the parents base pointer
bpset ; and storing the current stack pointer
; char *ptr = string;
get -2 ; get argument 0 into our local variable '#1'
; while(*ptr) {
[i0:peek] loadi [f:yes] ; write flags, also load result, don't discard pointer
[ex(z)=1] jmp @print_str_end_loop ; when *ptr == 0, then goto print_str_end_loop
; char c = *ptr; // which is implicitly done by our while(*ptr)
; putc(c);
[i0:pop] syscall [ci:1] ; removes the loaded character and prints it
; ptr++;
[i0:arg] add 1 ; adds 1 to the stack top
; }
jmp @print_str_loop
drop ; discard the result from loadi
drop ; discard our pointer
; return
bpget ; leave function
spset ; by restoring parent base pointer
jmpi ; and jumping back.