Adds more specification and documentation to the SuperVM.

This commit is contained in:
Felix Queißner 2016-05-22 12:01:56 +02:00
parent 0b7a30e42d
commit 3bf819a03c

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@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ stack pointer.
Returning a function with this mechanism is moving the stack pointer to the current
base pointer, then popping the previous base pointer from the stack.
### Code Pointer
The code pointer contains the instruction which is executed next. Modifying the
code pointer is equivalent to a jump operation.
### Flag Register
| Bit | Flag | Option |
@ -57,7 +61,6 @@ An SuperVM instruction is composed of multiple components:
| argument | [32bit] | 32 | Some commands can take extra information |
### Execution Modes
The execution mode checks whether the instruction will be execution or not. The execution
depends on the state of the flags. An `X` means "Don't care", a `0` means the flag must be
cleared and a `1` means the flag must be set.
@ -69,30 +72,78 @@ An instruction is only executed when all conditions are met.
| Zero | X/0/1 |
| Negative | X/0/1 |
### Inputs
Each instruction has a defined set of inputs. The inputs are parameters for the
executed commands and allow a flexible configuration.
The first input can utilize all input methods, the second only provides `zero` and `pop`.
| # | Method | Description |
| 0 | Zero | The input value is zero. |
| 1 | Pop | The input value is popped from the stack. |
| 2 | Peek | The input value is the top value of the stack. |
| 3 | Argument | The instruction argument is copied to the input. |
### Commands
A command is the execution part of an instruction. It defines a core operation
which does the effective calculations.
| ID | Command | Action |
| 0 | COPY | output = input0 |
| 1 | STORE | output = MEMORY[input0] = input1 |
| 2 | LOAD | output = MEMORY[input0] |
| 3 | GET | output = STACK[BP + input0] |
| 4 | SET | output = STACK[BP + input0] = input1 |
| 5 | BPGET | output = BP |
| 6 | BPSET | output = BP = input0 |
| 7 | CPGET | output = CP + cmdinfo |
| 8 | MATH | output = input0 OP[info] input1 |
| 9 | SPGET | output = SP + input0 |
| 10 | SPSET | output = SP + input0 = input1 |
| 11 | SYSCALL | output = SysCall(input0, input1) |
| 12 | HWIO | output = HardwareIO(input0, input1) |
| 13 | | |
| 14 | | |
| 15 | | |
Each command can be seen as a function defined as:
### Math
The math operator is a compound operator that contains all
arithmetic operations. The arithmetic operation is selected
output command(input0, input1, argument, cmdinfo)
The function has 4 inputs which can be used to calculate the output or change the
vm state. Each command also has the option to output a specific value that can be
processed further.
| ID | Command | Action | Description
| 0 | COPY | output = input0 | Copies a value to the output. |
| 1 | STORE | output = MEMORY[input0] = input1 | Stores a value in process memory. |
| 2 | LOAD | output = MEMORY[input0] | Loads a value from process memory. |
| 3 | GET | output = STACK[BP + input0] | Reads a value from the stack with base pointer offset. |
| 4 | SET | output = STACK[BP + input0] = input1 | Writes a value to the stack with base pointer offset. |
| 5 | BPGET | output = BP | Gets the base pointer. |
| 6 | BPSET | output = BP = input0 | Sets the base pointer. |
| 7 | CPGET | output = CP + cmdinfo | Gets the current program counter with an offset. |
| 8 | MATH | output = input0 OP[info] input1 | Does an ALU operation. |
| 9 | SPGET | output = SP + input0 | Gets the current stack pointer. |
| 10 | SPSET | output = SP + input0 = input1 | Sets the current stack pointer. |
| 11 | SYSCALL | output = SysCall(input0, input1) | Calls an OS dependend operation. |
| 12 | HWIO | output = HardwareIO(input0, input1) | Calls an abstract hardware operation. |
#### Copy
This command just copies the first input value to the output value. It
can be used for a broad variety of instructions like modifying the stack,
jumping or constant flag modification.
#### Store, Load
These command accesses the process memory. `Store` writes value to process memory,
`Load` reads a value from it. The command info defines, what kind of
value is written:
| cmdinfo | Value type | Size in Bytes |
| 0 | uint8_t | 1 |
| 1 | uint16_t | 2 |
| 2 | uint32_t | 4 |
#### Get, Set
`Get` and `Set` are used to modify the local stack frame. They allow modification
of the stack around the base pointer with a given offset.
`Get` reads a value from the stack, `Set` writes a value to the stack.
#### BpGet, BpSet
These commands modify the base pointer to set the stack offset for `Get` and `Set`.
#### CpGet
This command reads the current program counter and returns it. The program counter
is also offsetted by the command info.
#### Math
The math command is a compound operator that contains all
ALU operations. The ALU operation is selected
by the `cmdinfo`.
| cmdinfo | Operation |
@ -113,45 +164,82 @@ by the `cmdinfo`.
| 13 | Logic Bit Shift Left |
| 14 | Logic Bit Shift Right |
#### SpGet, SpSet
These commands modify the stack pointer directly.
`SpGet` reads the stack pointer, `SpSet` writes the stack pointer.
#### SysCall
This command provides an interface to the executing host system.
The effects, parameters and results for this command must be defined by
the host.
#### HwIO
This command also provides an interface to the executiing host system,
but is focused on hardware IO. The effects, parameters and results are
also defined by the host.
### Command Info
The `cmdinfo` part of the instruction is passed to the executing command
adding some non-dynamic information for the execution.
### Flag Modification
This part defines if the instruction should change the flags according to
its output.
The *Zero* flag is set when the output of a command is zero, the *negative* flag
is set when the highest bit is set.
### Output
Each instruction can emit an output value. The output can be used in the following ways:
| # | Output | Effect |
| 0 | discard | The output value is discarded. |
| 1 | push | The output is pushed to the stack. |
| 2 | jump | The code pointer is set to the output, thus a jump is taken. |
### Argument
The instruction argument can provide static input which can be used
as a value source for the first input value.
## Assembler Mnemonics
| Mnemonic | Arg? | i0 | i1 | Cmd | CmdInfo | Output | Flags? |
| nop | no | zero | zero | copy | 0 | discard | no |
| push | yes | arg | zero | copy | 0 | push | no |
| drop | no | pop | zero | copy | 0 | discard | no |
| dup | no | peek | zero | copy | 0 | push | no |
| jmp | yes | arg | zero | copy | 0 | jump | no |
| jmpi | no | pop | zero | copy | 0 | jump | no |
| ret | no | pop | zero | copy | 0 | jump | no |
| load | yes | arg | zero | load | 0 | push | no |
| loadi | no | pop | zero | load | 0 | push | no |
| store | yes | arg | pop | store | 0 | discard | no |
| storei | no | pop | pop | store | 0 | discard | no |
| get | yes | arg | zero | get | 0 | push | no |
| geti | no | pop | zero | get | 0 | push | no |
| set | yes | arg | pop | set | 0 | discard | no |
| seti | no | pop | pop | set | 0 | discard | no |
| bpget | no | zero | zero | bpget | 0 | push | no |
| bpset | no | pop | zero | bpset | 0 | discard | no |
| spget | no | zero | zero | spget | 0 | push | no |
| spset | no | pop | zero | spset | 0 | discard | no |
| cpget | no | zero | zero | cpget | 1 | push | no |
| add | no | pop | pop | math | 0 | push | no |
| sub | no | pop | pop | math | 1 | push | no |
| cmp | no | pop | pop | math | 1 | discard | yes |
| mul | no | pop | pop | math | 2 | push | no |
| div | no | pop | pop | math | 3 | push | no |
| mod | no | pop | pop | math | 4 | push | no |
| and | no | pop | pop | math | 5 | push | no |
| or | no | pop | pop | math | 6 | push | no |
| xor | no | pop | pop | math | 7 | push | no |
| not | no | pop | zero | math | 8 | push | no |
| rol | no | pop | pop | math | 9 | push | no |
| ror | no | pop | pop | math | 10 | push | no |
| asl | no | pop | pop | math | 11 | push | no |
| asr | no | pop | pop | math | 12 | push | no |
| shl | no | pop | pop | math | 13 | push | no |
| shr | no | pop | pop | math | 14 | push | no |
| syscall | yes | zero | zero | syscall | 0 | discard | no |
| hwio | yes | zero | zero | hwio | 0 | discard | no |
| Mnemonic | Arg? | i0 | i1 | Cmd | CmdInfo | Output | Flags? | Description
| nop | no | zero | zero | copy | 0 | discard | no | Does noting
| push | yes | arg | zero | copy | 0 | push | no | Pushes its argument on the stack
| drop | no | pop | zero | copy | 0 | discard | no | Removes the top value from the stack
| dup | no | peek | zero | copy | 0 | push | no | Duplicates the top value on the stack.
| jmp | yes | arg | zero | copy | 0 | jump | no | Jumps to its argument.
| jmpi | no | pop | zero | copy | 0 | jump | no | Pops a value from the stack and jumps to it.
| ret | no | pop | zero | copy | 0 | jump | no | Pops a value from the stack and jumps to it.
| load | yes | arg | zero | load | 0 | push | no | Loads the value located at the argument from memory.
| loadi | no | pop | zero | load | 0 | push | no | Pops an address from the stack and loads the value from memory.
| store | yes | arg | pop | store | 0 | discard | no | Pops a value and stores it in memory at the argument address.
| storei | no | pop | pop | store | 0 | discard | no | First, pops an address from the stack, then a value. Stores the value at the address.
| get | yes | arg | zero | get | 0 | push | no | Pushes the value at the given base pointer offset at the stack.
| geti | no | pop | zero | get | 0 | push | no | Pops an offset from the stack, then pushes the value at the popped base pointer offset.
| set | yes | arg | pop | set | 0 | discard | no | Pops a value from the stack and copies it to the given stack offset.
| seti | no | pop | pop | set | 0 | discard | no | Pops an offset from the stack, then a value. Stores the value at the given offset on the stack.
| bpget | no | zero | zero | bpget | 0 | push | no | Pushes the current base pointer.
| bpset | no | pop | zero | bpset | 0 | discard | no | Pops a value and sets the base pointer.
| spget | no | zero | zero | spget | 0 | push | no | Pushes the current stack pointer.
| spset | no | pop | zero | spset | 0 | discard | no | Pops a value and sets the stack pointer.
| cpget | no | zero | zero | cpget | 1 | push | no | Pushes the address of the second-next instruction.
| add | no | pop | pop | math | 0 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the sum.
| sub | no | pop | pop | math | 1 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the difference.
| cmp | no | pop | pop | math | 1 | discard | yes | Pops two values and subtracts them. Discards the result, but modifies the flags.
| mul | no | pop | pop | math | 2 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the product.
| div | no | pop | pop | math | 3 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the quotient.
| mod | no | pop | pop | math | 4 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the euclidean quotient.
| and | no | pop | pop | math | 5 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the bitwise and.
| or | no | pop | pop | math | 6 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the bitwise or.
| xor | no | pop | pop | math | 7 | push | no | Pops two values and pushes the exclusive or.
| not | no | pop | zero | math | 8 | push | no | Pops a single value and pushes the bitwise not.
| rol | no | pop | pop | math | 9 | push | no | `TO BE SPECIFIED`
| ror | no | pop | pop | math | 10 | push | no | `TO BE SPECIFIED`
| asl | no | pop | pop | math | 11 | push | no | `TO BE SPECIFIED`
| asr | no | pop | pop | math | 12 | push | no | `TO BE SPECIFIED`
| shl | no | pop | pop | math | 13 | push | no | `TO BE SPECIFIED`
| shr | no | pop | pop | math | 14 | push | no | `TO BE SPECIFIED`
| syscall | yes | zero | zero | syscall | 0 | discard | no | Mnemonic for a generic syscall.
| hwio | yes | zero | zero | hwio | 0 | discard | no | Mnemonic for a generic hwio.