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diff --git a/doc/manual/src/webhooks.md b/doc/manual/src/webhooks.md
index 2b26cd61..674e1064 100644
--- a/doc/manual/src/webhooks.md
+++ b/doc/manual/src/webhooks.md
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# Webhooks
-Hydra can be notified by github's webhook to trigger a new evaluation when a
+Hydra can be notified by github or gitea with webhooks to trigger a new evaluation when a
jobset has a github repo in its input.
-To set up a github webhook go to `https://github.com/<yourhandle>/<yourrepo>/settings` and in the `Webhooks` tab
-click on `Add webhook`.
+## GitHub
+To set up a webhook for a GitHub repository go to `https://github.com/<yourhandle>/<yourrepo>/settings`
+and in the `Webhooks` tab click on `Add webhook`.
- In `Payload URL` fill in `https://<your-hydra-domain>/api/push-github`.
- In `Content type` switch to `application/json`.
@@ -11,3 +14,14 @@ click on `Add webhook`.
- For `Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?` keep the default option for events on `Just the push event.`.
Then add the hook with `Add webhook`.
+## Gitea
+To set up a webhook for a Gitea repository go to the settings of the repository in your Gitea instance
+and in the `Webhooks` tab click on `Add Webhook` and choose `Gitea` in the drop down.
+- In `Target URL` fill in `https://<your-hydra-domain>/api/push-gitea`.
+- Keep HTTP method `POST`, POST Content Type `application/json` and Trigger On `Push Events`.
+- Change the branch filter to match the git branch hydra builds.
+Then add the hook with `Add webhook`.
diff --git a/src/hydra-queue-runner/build-remote.cc b/src/hydra-queue-runner/build-remote.cc
index 57a5f0df..57be4070 100644
--- a/src/hydra-queue-runner/build-remote.cc
+++ b/src/hydra-queue-runner/build-remote.cc
@@ -468,11 +468,6 @@ void State::buildRemote(ref<Store> destStore,
infos.insert_or_assign(info.path, info);
- if (totalNarSize > maxOutputSize) {
- result.stepStatus = bsNarSizeLimitExceeded;
- return;
- }
/* Copy each path. */
printMsg(lvlDebug, "copying outputs of ‘%s’ from ‘%s’ (%d bytes)",
localStore->printStorePath(step->drvPath), machine->sshName, totalNarSize);
diff --git a/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/API.pm b/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/API.pm
index 6f10ef57..12073595 100644
--- a/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/API.pm
+++ b/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/API.pm
@@ -285,6 +285,22 @@ sub push_github : Chained('api') PathPart('push-github') Args(0) {
+sub push_gitea : Chained('api') PathPart('push-gitea') Args(0) {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->{stash}->{json}->{jobsetsTriggered} = [];
+ my $in = $c->request->{data};
+ my $url = $in->{repository}->{clone_url} or die;
+ print STDERR "got push from Gitea repository $url\n";
+ triggerJobset($self, $c, $_, 0) foreach $c->model('DB::Jobsets')->search(
+ { 'project.enabled' => 1, 'me.enabled' => 1 },
+ { join => 'project'
+ , where => \ [ 'me.flake like ? or exists (select 1 from JobsetInputAlts where project = me.project and jobset = me.name and value like ?)', [ 'flake', "%$url%"], [ 'value', "%$url%" ] ]
+ });
+ $c->response->body("");
diff --git a/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/Root.pm b/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/Root.pm
index c6843d29..1b33db2a 100644
--- a/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/Root.pm
+++ b/src/lib/Hydra/Controller/Root.pm
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ sub noLoginNeeded {
return $whitelisted ||
$c->request->path eq "api/push-github" ||
+ $c->request->path eq "api/push-gitea" ||
$c->request->path eq "google-login" ||
$c->request->path eq "github-redirect" ||
$c->request->path eq "github-login" ||
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ sub begin :Private {
$_->supportedInputTypes($c->stash->{inputTypes}) foreach @{$c->hydra_plugins};
# XSRF protection: require POST requests to have the same origin.
- if ($c->req->method eq "POST" && $c->req->path ne "api/push-github") {
+ if ($c->req->method eq "POST" && $c->req->path ne "api/push-github" && $c->req->path ne "api/push-gitea") {
my $referer = $c->req->header('Referer');
$referer //= $c->req->header('Origin');
my $base = $c->req->base;
diff --git a/src/lib/Hydra/Plugin/GiteaStatus.pm b/src/lib/Hydra/Plugin/GiteaStatus.pm
index 426c93f5..b4346870 100644
--- a/src/lib/Hydra/Plugin/GiteaStatus.pm
+++ b/src/lib/Hydra/Plugin/GiteaStatus.pm
@@ -29,6 +29,53 @@ sub toGiteaState {
+sub url_from_jobsetevalinputs {
+ my ($eval) = @_;
+ my $giteastatusInput = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_status_repo" });
+ return undef unless defined $giteastatusInput && defined $giteastatusInput->value;
+ my $i = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => $giteastatusInput->value, altnr => 0 });
+ return undef unless defined $i;
+ my $gitea_url = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_http_url" });
+ my $repoOwner = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_repo_owner" })->value;
+ my $repoName = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_repo_name" })->value;
+ my $rev = $i->revision;
+ my $domain = URI->new($i->uri)->host;
+ my $host;
+ unless (defined $gitea_url) {
+ $host = "https://$domain";
+ } else {
+ $host = $gitea_url->value;
+ }
+ return ("$host/api/v1/repos/$repoOwner/$repoName/statuses/$rev", $repoOwner);
+sub is_gitea {
+ my ($ua, $hostname) = @_;
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', "https://$hostname/api/swagger");
+ my $res = $ua->request($req);
+ return 0 unless $res->is_success;
+ return index($res->as_string(), "Gitea") != -1;
+sub try_gitea_from_repo_url {
+ my ($ua, $url) = @_;
+ if ($url =~ m!git\+https://([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)\?.*rev=([[:xdigit:]]{40})$!) {
+ return ("https://$1/api/v1/repos/$2/$3/statuses/$4", $2) if is_gitea($ua, $1);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub try_gitea {
+ my ($ua, $eval) = @_;
+ if (defined $eval->flake) {
+ return try_gitea_from_repo_url($ua, $eval->flake);
+ }
+ return undef;
sub common {
my ($self, $topbuild, $dependents, $status) = @_;
my $baseurl = $self->{config}->{'base_uri'} || "http://localhost:3000";
@@ -52,26 +99,12 @@ sub common {
while (my $eval = $evals->next) {
- my $giteastatusInput = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_status_repo" });
- next unless defined $giteastatusInput && defined $giteastatusInput->value;
- my $i = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => $giteastatusInput->value, altnr => 0 });
- next unless defined $i;
- my $gitea_url = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_http_url" });
- my $repoOwner = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_repo_owner" })->value;
- my $repoName = $eval->jobsetevalinputs->find({ name => "gitea_repo_name" })->value;
- my $accessToken = $self->{config}->{gitea_authorization}->{$repoOwner};
- my $rev = $i->revision;
- my $domain = URI->new($i->uri)->host;
- my $host;
- unless (defined $gitea_url) {
- $host = "https://$domain";
- } else {
- $host = $gitea_url->value;
+ my ($url, $repoOwner) = url_from_jobsetevalinputs($eval);
+ if (! defined $url) {
+ ($url, $repoOwner) = try_gitea($ua, $eval);
- my $url = "$host/api/v1/repos/$repoOwner/$repoName/statuses/$rev";
+ next unless defined $url;
+ my $accessToken = $self->{config}->{gitea_authorization}->{$repoOwner};
print STDERR "GiteaStatus POSTing $state to $url\n";
my $req = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url);