local fn = vim.fn local M = {} function M.executable(name) if fn.executable(name) > 0 then return true end return false end --- check whether a feature exists in Nvim --- @feat: string --- the feature name, like `nvim-0.7` or `unix`. --- return: bool M.has = function(feat) if fn.has(feat) == 1 then return true end return false end --- Create a dir if it does not exist function M.may_create_dir(dir) local res = fn.isdirectory(dir) if res == 0 then fn.mkdir(dir, "p") end end --- Generate random integers in the range [Low, High], inclusive, --- adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/12739441/6064933 --- @low: the lower value for this range --- @high: the upper value for this range function M.rand_int(low, high) -- Use lua to generate random int, see also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20157671/6064933 math.randomseed(os.time()) return math.random(low, high) end --- Select a random element from a sequence/list. --- @seq: the sequence to choose an element function M.rand_element(seq) local idx = M.rand_int(1, #seq) return seq[idx] end function M.add_pack(name) local status, error = pcall(vim.cmd, "packadd " .. name) return status end return M