{ pkgs, lib, config, system, ... }: let sway = config.wayland.windowManager.sway.package; screenshot_then_switch = pkgs.writeScript "screenshotThenSwitch" '' ${pkgs.sway-contrib.grimshot}/bin/grimshot "$@" ${sway}/bin/swaymsg mode default ''; mkKeybind = combo: number: [ { name = "Mod4+${combo}"; value = "workspace number ${toString number}"; } { name = "Mod4+Shift+${combo}"; value = "move container to workspace number ${toString number}"; } ]; keys = [ "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "f1" "f2" "f3" "f4" "f5" "f6" "f7" "f8" "f9" "f10" "f11" "f12" ]; combos = lib.concatMap (k: map (s: "${k}${s}") keys) [ "" "ctrl+" "alt+" "ctrl+alt+" ]; keybinds = lib.flatten ( lib.zipListsWith mkKeybind combos (lib.lists.range 0 ((lib.lists.length combos) - 1)) ); in { programs.fish.loginShellInit = '' if not set -q DISPLAY and test (tty) = /dev/tty1 exec ${sway}/bin/sway end ''; imports = [ ./cliphist.nix ./mako.nix ./swayidle.nix ./rofi.nix ./mpd.nix ./waybar.nix ]; wayland.windowManager.sway = { systemd.enable = true; enable = true; config = { modifier = "Mod4"; input = { "*" = { xkb_layout = "de"; xkb_variant = "neo"; }; }; output = { "DP-2" = { mode = "2560x1440@74.971Hz"; position = "0 0"; subpixel = "rgb"; adaptive_sync = "on"; }; "HDMI-A-1" = { mode = "1920x1080@60Hz"; position = "2560 0"; subpixel = "rgb"; }; "DSI-1" = { transform = "90"; }; }; keybindings = let inherit (config.wayland.windowManager.sway.config) modifier; in lib.mkOptionDefault ( { "${modifier}+d" = "exec ${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -show drun"; "Print" = "mode screenshot"; "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%"; "XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%"; "XF86AudioMute" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle"; "XF86AudioMicMute" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle"; "XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl set 5%-"; "XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl set +5%"; "XF86AudioPlay" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc toggle"; "XF86AudioNext" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc next"; "XF86AudioPrev" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc prev"; "XF86AudioStop" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc stop"; } // (lib.listToAttrs keybinds) ); bars = [ { command = "${pkgs.waybar}/bin/waybar"; } ]; modes = { screenshot = { Print = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy area"; "Shift+Print" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save area $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png"; a = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy active"; "Shift+a" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save active $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png"; s = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy screen"; "Shift+s" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save screen $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png"; o = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy output"; "Shift+o" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save output $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png"; w = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy window"; "Shift+w" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save window $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png"; Escape = ''mode "default"''; Return = ''mode "default"''; }; }; }; wrapperFeatures = { base = true; gtk = true; }; extraSessionCommands = '' export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway export QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_WINDOWDECORATION=1 export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 export QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1 export GDK_SCALE=1 export GDK_DPI_SCALE=1 export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 '' + ( if system == "x86_64-linux" then '' export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/run/opengl-driver/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json:/run/opengl-driver/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json:/run/opengl-driver-32/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.i686.json:/run/opengl-driver-32/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.i686.json '' else "" ); extraConfig = '' default_border none gaps outer 8 gaps inner 4 exec_always ${pkgs.xorg.xrandr}/bin/xrandr --output DP-1 --primary ''; }; qt = { enable = true; platformTheme.name = "qtct"; }; systemd.user.services.transparency = { Unit = { Description = "transparency"; After = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; }; Install.WantedBy = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; Service = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ i3ipc ])}/bin/python ${./transparency.py}"; }; }; }