{ pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ../programs/zsh.nix ../programs/vim.nix ../programs/mail.nix ../programs/tmux.nix ]; programs = { zsh = { oh-my-zsh = { enable = true; }; initExtraBeforeCompInit = "source ${pkgs.zsh-powerlevel10k}/share/zsh-powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme"; initExtra = '' [[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh if [[ ! $TMUX ]]; then # figure out the session to use SESSION_NAME="$USER" if [[ $SSH_CLIENT ]]; then SESSION_NAME="$SESSION_NAME-$(echo $SSH_CLIENT | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/[\.\:]/_/g')" elif [[ $WAYLAND_DISPLAY ]]; then SESSION_NAME="$SESSION_NAME-$(${pkgs.sway}/bin/swaymsg -t get_tree | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.. | select(.focused?) | .rect | "\(.width)x\(.height)"')" fi ${pkgs.tmux}/bin/tmux attach-session -t "$SESSION_NAME" || ${pkgs.tmux}/bin/tmux new-session -s "$SESSION_NAME" fi ''; }; }; home.file.".p10k.zsh".source = ./.p10k.zsh; accounts.email.accounts = rec { darkkirb = { address = "darkkirb@darkkirb.de"; aliases = [ "postmaster@darkkirb.de" ]; gpg = { encryptByDefault = true; key = "3CEF5DDA915AECB0"; signByDefault = true; }; imap.host = "mail.darkkirb.de"; imapnotify = { enable = true; boxes = [ "Inbox" ]; onNotify = "${pkgs.isync}/bin/mbsync -a"; onNotifyPost = "${pkgs.notmuch}/bin/notmuch new && ${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send 'New mail arrived'"; }; mbsync = { enable = true; create = "both"; expunge = "both"; remove = "both"; }; msmtp.enable = true; neomutt.enable = true; notmuch.enable = true; passwordCommand = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat /run/secrets/email/darkkirb@darkkirb.de"; realName = "Charlotte 🦝 Delenk"; signature.text = '' Charlotte https://darkkirb.de • GPG Key 3CEF 5DDA 915A ECB0 • https://keybase.io/darkkirb This message was sent from an old email address. My new email address is lotte@chir.rs. Please update your contacts accordingly ''; signature.showSignature = "append"; smtp.host = "mail.darkkirb.de"; userName = "darkkirb@darkkirb.de"; }; lotte = darkkirb // { address = "lotte@chir.rs"; aliases = [ "postmaster@chir.rs" ]; passwordCommand = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat /run/secrets/email/lotte@chir.rs"; primary = true; signature.text = '' Charlotte https://darkkirb.de • GPG Key 3CEF 5DDA 915A ECB0 • https://keybase.io/darkkirb ''; signature.showSignature = "append"; userName = "lotte@chir.rs"; }; mdelenk = darkkirb // { address = "mdelenk@hs-mittweida.de"; aliases = [ ]; gpg = darkkirb.gpg // { key = "5130416C797067B6"; }; imap.host = "xc.hs-mittweida.de"; mbsync = darkkirb.mbsync // { extraConfig.account = { AuthMechs = "LOGIN"; }; }; passwordCommand = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat /run/secrets/email/mdelenk@hs-mittweida.de"; realName = "Morten Delenk"; signature.text = '' Morten ''; signature.showSignature = "append"; smtp = { host = "xc.hs-mittweida.de"; port = 587; tls.useStartTls = true; }; userName = "mdelenk@hs-mittweida.de"; }; }; home = { sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; }; shellAliases = { vim = "nvim"; cat = "bat"; less = "bat"; }; }; programs.exa = { enable = true; enableAliases = true; }; programs.bat = { enable = true; }; programs.fzf = { enable = true; tmux.enableShellIntegration = true; }; }