import gpg from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.encoders import encode_base64 from email.utils import parseaddr from alot.db.attachment import Attachment from alot.settings.const import settings import alot.crypto as crypto from alot import errors import re import gpg import os import shutil import signal import subprocess import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager async def pre_envelope_send(ui=None, dbm=None, cmd=None): e = ui.current_buffer.envelope att = r".*(\battach(ed|ing)?\b|\bhere's|\bhere\s+is)" if ( re.match(att, e.body_txt, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) and not e.attachments ): msg = 'No attachments. Send anyway?' if not (await ui.choice(msg, select='yes')) == 'yes': raise Exception("Send aborted") def pre_buffer_focus(ui, dbm, buf): if buf.modename == 'search': buf.rebuild() def post_buffer_focus(ui, dbm, buf, success): if success and hasattr(buf, "focused_thread"): # if buffer has saved focus if buf.focused_thread is not None: tid = buf.focused_thread.get_thread_id() for pos, tlw in enumerate(buf.threadlist.get_lines()): if tlw.get_thread().get_thread_id() == tid: buf.body.set_focus(pos) break def pre_buffer_open(ui, dbm, buf): current = ui.current_buffer if isinstance(current, alot.buffers.SearchBuffer): current.focused_thread = current.get_selected_thread() # remember focus def text_quote(message): # avoid importing a big module by using a simple heuristic to guess the # right encoding def decode(s, encodings=('ascii', 'utf8', 'latin1')): for encoding in encodings: try: return s.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return s.decode('ascii', 'ignore') lines = message.splitlines() if len(lines) == 0: return "" # delete empty lines at beginning and end (some email client insert these # outside of the pgp signed message...) if lines[0] == '' or lines[-1] == '': from itertools import dropwhile lines = list(dropwhile(lambda l: l == '', lines)) lines = list(reversed(list(dropwhile(lambda l: l == '', reversed(lines))))) if len(lines) > 0 and lines[0] == '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----' \ and lines[-1] == '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----': try: sigs, d = crypto.decrypt_verify(message.encode('utf-8')) message = decode(d) except errors.GPGProblem: pass elif len(lines) > 0 and lines[0] == '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----' \ and lines[-1] == '-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----': # gpgme does not seem to be able to extract the plain text part of a signed message import gnupg gpg = gnupg.GPG() d = gpg.decrypt(message.encode('utf8')) message ='utf8') quote_prefix = settings.get('quote_prefix') return "\n".join([quote_prefix + line for line in message.splitlines()]) def _get_inline_keys(content): if BEGIN_KEY not in content: return [] keys = [] while content: start = content.find(BEGIN_KEY) if start == -1: # there are no more inline keys break content = content[start:] end = content.find(END_KEY) + len(END_KEY) key = content[0:end] keys.append(key) content = content[end:] return keys def _get_attached_keys(attachments): keys = [] for attachment in attachments: content_type = attachment.get_content_type() if content_type == 'application/pgp-keys': keys.append(attachment.get_data()) return keys @contextmanager def temp_gpg_context(): tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tempctx = gpg.Context() tempctx.set_engine_info(gpg.constants.PROTOCOL_OpenPGP, home_dir=tempdir) try: yield tempctx finally: # Kill any gpg-agent's that have been opened lookfor = 'gpg-agent --homedir {}'.format(tempdir) out = subprocess.check_output(['ps', 'xo', 'pid,cmd'], stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w')) for each in out.strip().split('\n'): pid, cmd = each.strip().split(' ', 1) if cmd.startswith(lookfor): os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) async def import_keys(ui): ui.notify('Looking for keys in message...') m = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() content = m.get_text_content() attachments = m.get_attachments() inline = _get_inline_keys(content) attached = _get_attached_keys(attachments) keys = inline + attached if not keys: ui.notify('No keys found in message.') return for keydata in keys: with temp_gpg_context() as tempctx: tempctx.op_import(keydata) key = [k for k in tempctx.keylist()].pop() fpr = key.fpr uids = [u.uid for u in key.uids] confirm = 'Found key %s with uids:' % fpr for uid in uids: confirm += '\n %s' % uid confirm += '\nImport key into keyring?' if (await ui.choice(confirm, select='yes')) == 'yes': # ***ATTENTION*** - operation in real keyring ctx = gpg.Context() ctx.op_import(keydata) ui.notify('Key imported: %s' % fpr) # # Attach key # def _key_to_mime(ctx, fpr): """ Return an 'application/pgp-keys' MIME part containing an ascii-armored OpenPGP public key. """ filename = '0x{}.pub.asc'.format(fpr) key = gpg.Data() ctx.op_export(fpr, 0, key), 0) content = part = MIMEBase('application', 'pgp-keys') part.set_payload(content) encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) return part def _attach_key(ui, pattern): """ Attach an OpenPGP public key to the current envelope. """ ctx = gpg.Context() ctx.armor = True keys = _list_keys(pattern) for key in keys: part = _key_to_mime(ctx, key.fpr) attachment = Attachment(part) ui.current_buffer.envelope.attachments.append(attachment) ui.notify('Attached key %s' % key.fpr) ui.current_buffer.rebuild() def _list_keys(pattern): """ Return a list of OpenPGP keys that match the given pattern. """ ctx = gpg.Context() ctx.armor = True keys = [k for k in ctx.keylist(pattern)] return keys async def attach_keys(ui): """ Query the user for a pattern, search the default keyring, and offer to attach matching keys. """ pattern = await ui.prompt('Search for key to attach') ui.notify('Looking for "{}" in keyring...'.format(pattern)) keys = _list_keys(pattern) if not keys: ui.notify('No keys found.') return for key in keys: prompt = [] fpr = "{}".format(key.fpr) prompt.append("Key 0x{}:".format(fpr)) for uid in key.uids: prompt.append(" {}".format(uid.uid)) prompt.append('Attach?') if (await ui.choice('\n'.join(prompt), select='yes')) == 'yes': _attach_key(ui, fpr) def attach_my_key(ui): """ Attach my own OpenPGP public key to the current envelope. """ sender = ui.current_buffer.envelope.get('From', "") address = parseaddr(sender)[1] acc = settings.account_matching_address(address) fpr = acc.gpg_key.fpr return _attach_key(ui, fpr) def attach_recipient_keys(ui): """ Attach the OpenPGP public keys of all the recipients of the email. """ to = ui.current_buffer.envelope.get('To', "") cc = ui.current_buffer.envelope.get('Cc', "") for recipient in to.split(',') + cc.split(','): address = parseaddr(recipient)[1] if address: _attach_key(ui, address)