14 changed files with 1020 additions and 16 deletions
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
services.openssh.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [22];
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPortRanges = [
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ in {
security.pam = {
services.login.u2fAuth = true;
services.sddm.u2fAuth = true;
services.swaylock.u2fAuth = true;
u2f = {
enable = true;
@ -152,10 +151,7 @@ in {
libinput.enable = true;
layout = "de";
xkbVariant = "neo";
displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
displayManager.sddm.wayland.enable = true;
desktopManager.plasma6.enable = true;
displayManager.defaultSession = "plasma";
displayManager.lightdm.enable = false;
extraLayouts.zlr = {
description = "lojban layout";
languages = ["jbo"];
@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
++ (
if desktop
then [
@ -25,7 +28,6 @@
else []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
|||| = true;
services.xserver = {
displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
displayManager.sddm.wayland.enable = true;
desktopManager.plasma6.enable = true;
displayManager.defaultSession = "plasma";
@ -185,15 +185,6 @@
after = [""];
wants = [""];
systemd.timers.nixos-upgrade = {
timerConfig = {
OnBootSec = 300;
RandomizedDelaySec = 3600;
OnUnitActiveSec = 3600;
requires = ["nixos-upgrade.service"];
wantedBy = [""];
systemd.sockets.nixos-upgrade = {
socketConfig = {
Service = "nixos-upgrade.service";
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{pkgs, ...}: {
i18n.inputMethod = {
enabled = "fcitx5";
fcitx5.addons = with pkgs; [fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-table-extra fcitx5-table-other fcitx5-gtk];
fcitx5.addons = with pkgs; [fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-table-extra fcitx5-table-other fcitx5-gtk fcitx5-mozc];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
services.pass-secret-service = {
enable = true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
}: let
c = "$";
switch_window = pkgs.writeScript "switchWindow" ''
set -euo pipefail
tree=$(${pkgs.sway}/bin/swaymsg -t get_tree)
readarray -t win_ids <<< "$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("app_id")) | .id' <<< "$tree")"
readarray -t win_names <<< "$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("app_id")) | .name' <<< "$tree")"
readarray -t win_types <<< "$(${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("app_id")) | .app_id // .window_properties.class' <<< "$tree")"
switch () {
local k
read -r k
swaymsg "[con_id=${c}{win_ids[$k]}] focus"
for k in $(seq 0 $((${c}{#win_ids[@]} - 1))); do
echo -e "<span weight=\"bold\">${c}{win_types[$k]}</span> - ${c}{win_names[$k]}"
done | rofi -dmenu -markup-rows -i -p window -format i | switch
screenshot_then_switch = pkgs.writeScript "screenshotThenSwitch" ''
${pkgs.sway-contrib.grimshot}/bin/grimshot "$@"
${pkgs.sway}/bin/swaymsg mode default
mkKeybind = combo: number: [
name = "Mod4+${combo}";
value = "workspace number ${toString number}";
name = "Mod4+Shift+${combo}";
value = "move container to workspace number ${toString number}";
keys = ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "f1" "f2" "f3" "f4" "f5" "f6" "f7" "f8" "f9" "f10" "f11" "f12"];
combos = lib.concatMap (k: map (s: "${k}${s}") keys) ["" "ctrl+" "alt+" "ctrl+alt+"];
keybinds = lib.flatten (lib.zipListsWith mkKeybind combos (lib.lists.range 0 ((lib.lists.length combos) - 1)));
in {
imports = [
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
enable = true;
config = {
modifier = "Mod4";
input = {
"*" = {
xkb_layout = "de,de";
xkb_variant = "neo_qwertz,neo";
xkb_options = "grp:ctrls_toggle";
output = {
"DP-1" = {
mode = "2560x1440@74.971Hz";
position = "0 0";
subpixel = "rgb";
adaptive_sync = "on";
"HDMI-A-1" = {
mode = "1920x1080@60Hz";
position = "2560 0";
subpixel = "rgb";
keybindings = let
inherit (config.wayland.windowManager.sway.config) modifier;
lib.mkOptionDefault ({
"${modifier}+Return" = "exec ${pkgs.kitty}/bin/kitty";
"${modifier}+d" = "exec ${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -show drun";
"Print" = "mode screenshot";
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%";
"XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%";
"XF86AudioMute" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle";
"XF86AudioMicMute" = "exec ${pkgs.pulseaudio}/bin/pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle";
"XF86MonBrightnessDown" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl set 5%-";
"XF86MonBrightnessUp" = "exec ${pkgs.brightnessctl}/bin/brightnessctl set +5%";
"XF86AudioPlay" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc toggle";
"XF86AudioNext" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc next";
"XF86AudioPrev" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc prev";
"XF86AudioStop" = "exec ${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc stop";
"Mod1+Tab" = "exec ${switch_window}";
// (lib.listToAttrs keybinds));
bars = [
command = "${pkgs.waybar}/bin/waybar";
modes = {
screenshot = {
Print = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy area";
"Shift+Print" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save area $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png";
a = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy active";
"Shift+a" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save active $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png";
s = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy screen";
"Shift+s" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save screen $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png";
o = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy output";
"Shift+o" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save output $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png";
w = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} copy window";
"Shift+w" = "exec ${screenshot_then_switch} save window $HOME/Pictures/grim-$(date --iso=s | sed 's/:/-/g').png";
Escape = ''mode "default"'';
Return = ''mode "default"'';
wrapperFeatures = {
base = true;
gtk = true;
extraSessionCommands =
export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
export GDK_SCALE=1
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=1
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
export GLFW_IM_MODULE=ibus
export SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx
+ (
if system == "x86_64-linux"
then ''
export VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/run/opengl-driver/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json:/run/opengl-driver/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json:/run/opengl-driver-32/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.i686.json:/run/opengl-driver-32/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.i686.json
else ""
extraConfig = ''
default_border none
gaps outer 8
gaps inner 4
home.file.".XCompose".source = ../../extra/.XCompose;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{pkgs, ...}: let
lock-script = pkgs.writeScript "suspend" ''
${pkgs.swaylock}/bin/swaylock -f -c 000000
${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc pause
screen-off-script = pkgs.writeScript "screenOff" ''
${pkgs.sway}/bin/swaymsg "output * dpms off"
suspend-script = pkgs.writeScript "suspend" ''
${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl suspend
resume-script = pkgs.writeScript "resume" ''
${pkgs.sway}/bin/swaymsg "output * dpms on"
unlock-script = pkgs.writeScript "unlock" ''
${pkgs.procps}/bin/pkill swaylock
${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc play
in {
services.swayidle = {
enable = true;
events = [
event = "before-sleep";
command = "${lock-script}";
event = "lock";
command = "${lock-script}";
event = "unlock";
command = "${unlock-script}";
timeouts = [
timeout = 300;
command = "${lock-script}";
timeout = 305;
command = "${screen-off-script}";
resumeCommand = "${resume-script}";
timeout = 900;
command = "${suspend-script}";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
}: let
theme = import ../../extra/theme.nix;
inherit (config.lib.formats.rasi) mkLiteral;
prepBGs = [
["${}/2021-01-27-ceeza-lottedonut.jxl" "-crop" "2048x1152+0+106"]
["${}/2021-09-15-cloverhare-lotteplush.jxl" "-crop" "1774x997+0+173"]
["${}/2022-11-15-wolfsifi-maff-me-leashed.jxl" "-crop" "1699x956+0+88"]
prepBGsNSFW = [
["${}/2021-11-27-theroguez-lottegassyvore1.jxl" "-crop" "1233x694+0+65"]
["${}/2021-12-12-baltnwolf-christmas-diaper.jxl" "-crop" "2599x1462+0+294"]
["${}/2021-12-12-baltnwolf-christmas-diaper-messy.jxl" "-crop" "2599x1462+0+294"]
["${}/2022-04-20-cloverhare-mxbatty-maffsie-train-plush.jxl" "-crop" "3377x1900+0+211"]
["${}/2022-04-20-cloverhare-mxbatty-me-train-maffsie-plush.jxl" "-crop" "3377x1900+0+211"]
["${}/2022-12-27-rexyi-scatych.jxl" "-crop" "2000x1120+0+0"]
["${}/2023-03-09-rexyi-voredisposal-ych.jxl" "-crop" "2000x1120+0+0"]
["${}/2023-04-16-baltnwolf-lottediaperplushies.jxl" "-gravity" "center" "-background" "white" "-extent" "5333x3000"]
["${}/2023-04-16-baltnwolf-lottediaperplushies-messy.jxl" "-gravity" "center" "-background" "white" "-extent" "5333x3000"]
["${}/2023-08-09-coldquarantine-lotte-eating-trash.jxl" "-crop" "6000x3375+0+312"]
["${}/2023-08-20-coldquarantine-lotte-eating-trash-clean.jxl" "-crop" "6000x3375+0+312"]
["${}/2023-08-10-coldquarantine-lotte-eating-trash-diapers.jxl" "-crop" "6000x3375+0+312"]
fixupImage = instructions:
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "bg.jxl";
src = pkgs.emptyDirectory;
nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.imagemagick];
buildPhase = ''
convert ${toString instructions} $out
installPhase = "true";
validBGs = ["${}/2020-07-24-urbankitsune-bna-ych.jxl" "${}/2022-05-02-anonfurryartist-giftart.jxl" "${}/2022-06-21-sammythetanuki-lotteplushpride.jxl"] ++ (map fixupImage prepBGs);
validBGsNSFW = ["${}/2021-10-29-butterskunk-lotte-scat-buffet.jxl" "${}/2022-08-12-deathtoaster-funpit-scat.jxl" "${}/2022-08-15-deathtoaster-funpit-mud.jxl"] ++ (map fixupImage prepBGsNSFW) ++ validBGs;
mod = a: b: a - (a / b * b);
choose = l: rand: let len = builtins.length l; in builtins.elemAt l (mod rand len);
hexToIntList = {
"0" = 0;
"1" = 1;
"2" = 2;
"3" = 3;
"4" = 4;
"5" = 5;
"6" = 6;
"7" = 7;
"8" = 8;
"9" = 9;
"a" = 10;
"b" = 11;
"c" = 12;
"d" = 13;
"e" = 14;
"f" = 15;
"A" = 10;
"B" = 11;
"C" = 12;
"D" = 13;
"E" = 14;
"F" = 15;
hexToInt = s: lib.foldl (state: new: state * 16 + hexToIntList.${new}) 0 (lib.strings.stringToCharacters s);
seed = hexToInt (self.shortRev or nixpkgs.shortRev);
bg =
choose (
if withNSFW
then validBGsNSFW
else validBGs
color = n:
config.environment.graphical.colors.main."${builtins.toString n}";
colorD = n:
config.environment.graphical.colors.disabled."${builtins.toString n}";
colorI = n:
config.environment.graphical.colors.inactive."${builtins.toString n}";
color' = n: mkLiteral (color n);
bgPng = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "bg.png";
src = pkgs.emptyDirectory;
nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.imagemagick];
buildPhase = ''
convert ${bg} $out
installPhase = "true";
in {
imports = [
environment.graphical.colorschemes.main = {
image = bgPng;
params = ["--lighten" "0.3"];
environment.graphical.colorschemes.disabled = {
image = bgPng;
params = ["--lighten" "0.1" "--saturate" "-0.5"];
environment.graphical.colorschemes.inactive = {
image = bgPng;
params = [];
wayland.windowManager.sway.config.output."*".bg = "${bgPng} fill";
dconf.settings."org/gnome/desktop/interface" = {
icon-theme = "breeze-dark";
cursor-theme = "Vanilla-DMZ";
gtk = {
enable = true;
gtk2.extraConfig = ''
gtk-cursor-theme-name = "Vanilla-DMZ"
gtk-cursor-theme-size = 0
gtk3.extraConfig = {
gtk-cursor-theme-name = "Vanilla-DMZ";
gtk-cursor-theme-size = 0;
font = {
package = pkgs.noto-fonts;
name = "Noto Sans";
size = 10;
iconTheme = {
package = pkgs.libsForQt5.breeze-icons;
name = "breeze-dark";
theme = {
name = "Catppuccin-Mocha-Compact-Pink-Dark";
package = pkgs.catppuccin-gtk.override {
accents = ["pink"];
size = "compact";
tweaks = ["rimless" "black"];
variant = "mocha";
qt = {
enable = true;
style = {
name = "lightly";
package = pkgs.plasma5Packages.lightly;
platformTheme = "qtct";
xdg.configFile."qt5ct/colors/Catppuccin-Custom.conf".text = ''
active_colors=${color 15}, ${color 0}, #ffa6adc8, #ff9399b2, ${color 1}, #ff6c7086, ${color 15}, ${color 15}, ${color 15}, #ff1e1e2e, ${colorD 0}, #ff7f849c, ${color 8}, ${color 15}, ${color 13}, ${color 5}, ${color 0}, ${color 15}, ${colorI 0}, ${color 5}, #807f849c
disabled_colors=${colorD 15}, ${colorD 0}, #ffa6adc8, #ff9399b2, ${colorD 1}, #ff6c7086, ${colorD 15}, ${colorD 15}, ${colorD 15}, #ff1e1e2e, ${colorD 0}, #ff7f849c, ${colorD 8}, ${colorD 15}, ${colorD 13}, ${colorD 5}, ${colorD 0}, ${colorD 15}, ${colorI 0}, ${colorD 5}, #807f849c
inactive_colors=${colorI 15}, ${colorI 0}, #ffa6adc8, #ff9399b2, ${colorI 1}, #ff6c7086, ${colorI 15}, ${colorI 15}, ${colorI 15}, #ff1e1e2e, ${colorD 0}, #ff7f849c, ${colorI 8}, ${colorI 15}, ${colorI 13}, ${colorI 5}, ${colorI 0}, ${colorI 15}, ${colorI 0}, ${colorI 5}, #807f849c
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(super: self: {
python3 = super.python.override {
packageOverrides = self: super: {
python3Packages = self.python3.pkgs;
catppuccin = super.catppuccin.overrideAttrs (super: {
patches =
or []
++ [
(pkgs.writeText "color.patch" ''
diff --git a/catppuccin/ b/catppuccin/
index 193eea7..7620cf0 100644
--- a/catppuccin/
+++ b/catppuccin/
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ class Colour:
def from_hex(cls, hex_string: str) -> Colour:
"""Create a colour from hex string."""
+ if hex_string.startswith("#"):
+ hex_string = hex_string[1:]
if len(hex_string) not in (6, 8):
raise ValueError("Hex string must be 6 or 8 characters long.")
diff --git a/catppuccin/ b/catppuccin/
index aa7df98..4bf849a 100644
--- a/catppuccin/
+++ b/catppuccin/
@@ -138,30 +138,30 @@ class Flavour: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def mocha() -> "Flavour":
"""Mocha flavoured Catppuccin."""
return Flavour(
- rosewater=Colour(245, 224, 220),
- flamingo=Colour(242, 205, 205),
- pink=Colour(245, 194, 231),
- mauve=Colour(203, 166, 247),
- red=Colour(243, 139, 168),
- maroon=Colour(235, 160, 172),
- peach=Colour(250, 179, 135),
- yellow=Colour(249, 226, 175),
- green=Colour(166, 227, 161),
- teal=Colour(148, 226, 213),
- sky=Colour(137, 220, 235),
- sapphire=Colour(116, 199, 236),
- blue=Colour(137, 180, 250),
- lavender=Colour(180, 190, 254),
- text=Colour(205, 214, 244),
+ rosewater=Colour.from_hex("${color 1}"),
+ flamingo=Colour.from_hex("${color 2}"),
+ pink=Colour.from_hex("${color 3}"),
+ mauve=Colour.from_hex("${color 4}"),
+ red=Colour.from_hex("${color 5}"),
+ maroon=Colour.from_hex("${color 6}"),
+ peach=Colour.from_hex("${color 7}"),
+ yellow=Colour.from_hex("${color 8}"),
+ green=Colour.from_hex("${color 9}"),
+ teal=Colour.from_hex("${color 10}"),
+ sky=Colour.from_hex("${color 11}"),
+ sapphire=Colour.from_hex("${color 12}"),
+ blue=Colour.from_hex("${color 13}"),
+ lavender=Colour.from_hex("${color 14}"),
+ text=Colour.from_hex("${color 15}"),
subtext1=Colour(186, 194, 222),
subtext0=Colour(166, 173, 200),
overlay2=Colour(147, 153, 178),
overlay1=Colour(127, 132, 156),
overlay0=Colour(108, 112, 134),
- surface2=Colour(88, 91, 112),
- surface1=Colour(69, 71, 90),
- surface0=Colour(49, 50, 68),
- base=Colour(30, 30, 46),
- mantle=Colour(24, 24, 37),
- crust=Colour(17, 17, 27),
+ surface2=Colour.from_hex("${color 2}"),
+ surface1=Colour.from_hex("${color 1}"),
+ surface0=Colour.from_hex("${color 0}"),
+ base=Colour.from_hex("${color 0}"),
+ mantle=Colour.from_hex("${color 0}"),
+ crust=Colour.from_hex("${color 0}"),
home.file = {
".icons/default/index.theme".text = ''
[Icon Theme]
Comment=Default Cursor Theme
programs.kitty.settings = with theme; {
background = color 0;
foreground = color 15;
cursor = color 15;
selection_background = "#4f414c";
color0 = color 0;
color1 = color 9;
color2 = color 10;
color3 = color 11;
color4 = color 12;
color5 = color 13;
color6 = color 14;
color7 = color 15;
color8 = color 8;
color9 = color 9;
color10 = color 10;
color11 = color 11;
color12 = color 12;
color13 = color 13;
color14 = color 14;
color15 = color 15;
# Taken from
|||| = with theme; ''
* {
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
font-size: 14px;
min-height: 24px;
font-family: "NotoSansDisplay Nerd Font", "Noto Sans Mono CJK JP";
color: ${color 0};
window#waybar {
background: transparent;
color: ${color 15};
opacity: 0.9;
window#waybar.hidden {
opacity: 0.2;
#window {
margin-top: 8px;
padding: 0px 16px 0px 16px;
border-radius: 24px;
transition: none;
background: transparent;
#workspaces {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 12px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
background-color: ${color 0};
color: ${color 15};
transition: none;
#workspaces button {
transition: none;
background: transparent;
font-size: 16px;
color: ${color 15};
#workspaces button.focused {
background: ${color 13};
color: ${color 0};
#workspaces button:hover {
background: ${color 10};
color: ${color 0};
#mpd {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
background: ${color 2};
transition: none;
#mpd.stopped {
background: ${color 4};
#network {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
transition: none;
background: ${color 13};
#pulseaudio {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
transition: none;
background: ${color 11};
#temperature, #battery {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
transition: none;
background: ${color 2};
#cpu, #backlight, #battery.warning {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
transition: none;
background: ${color 14};
#memory, #battery.critical {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 24px;
transition: none;
background: ${color 12};
#clock {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
margin-right: 12px;
padding-left: 16px;
padding-right: 16px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-radius: 26px;
transition: none;
background: ${color 0};
color: ${color 15};
wayland.windowManager.sway.extraConfig = with theme; ''
# target title bg text indicator border
client.focused ${color 5} ${color 0} ${color 15} ${color 12} ${color 5}
client.focused_inactive ${color 13} ${color 0} ${color 15} ${color 12} ${color 13}
client.unfocused ${color 13} ${color 0} ${color 15} ${color 12} ${color 13}
client.urgent ${color 14} ${color 0} ${color 14} ${color 8} ${color 14}
client.placeholder ${color 8} ${color 0} ${color 15} ${color 8} ${color 8}
client.background ${color 0}
seat seat0 xcursor_theme breeze-dark 24
home.packages = with pkgs; [
programs.rofi.theme = with theme; let
element = {
background-color = mkLiteral "inherit";
text-color = mkLiteral "inherit";
in {
"*" = {
bg-col = color' 0;
bg-col-light = color' 0;
border-col = color' 0;
selected-col = color' 0;
blue = color' 1;
fg-col = color' 15;
fg-col2 = color' 12;
grey = color' 8;
width = 600;
element-text = element;
window = {
height = mkLiteral "360px";
border = mkLiteral "3px";
border-color = mkLiteral "@border-col";
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
mainbox = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
inputbar = {
children = map mkLiteral ["prompt" "entry"];
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
border-radius = mkLiteral "5px";
padding = mkLiteral "2px";
prompt = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@blue";
padding = mkLiteral "6px";
text-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
border-radius = mkLiteral "3px";
margin = mkLiteral "20px 0px 0px 20px";
textbox-prompt-colon = {
expand = mkLiteral "false";
str = ":";
entry = {
padding = mkLiteral "6px";
margin = mkLiteral "20px 0px 0px 10px";
text-color = mkLiteral "@fg-col";
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
listview = {
border = mkLiteral "0px 0px 0px";
padding = mkLiteral "6px 0px 0px";
margin = mkLiteral "10px 0px 0px 20px";
columns = 2;
lines = 5;
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
element = {
padding = mkLiteral "5px";
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
text-color = mkLiteral "@fg-col";
element-icon =
// {
size = mkLiteral "25px";
"element selected" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@selected-col";
text-color = mkLiteral "@fg-col2";
mode-switcher =
// {
spacing = 0;
button = {
padding = mkLiteral "10px";
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col-light";
text-color = mkLiteral "@grey";
vertical-align = mkLiteral "0.5";
horizontal-align = mkLiteral "0.5";
"button selected" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col";
text-color = mkLiteral "@blue";
message = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col-light";
margin = mkLiteral "2px";
padding = mkLiteral "2px";
border-radius = mkLiteral "5px";
textbox = {
padding = mkLiteral "6px";
margin = mkLiteral "20px 0px 0px 20px";
text-color = mkLiteral "@blue";
background-color = mkLiteral "@bg-col-light";
programs.neomutt.extraConfig = ''
color normal default default # Text is "Text"
color index color2 default ~N # New Messages are Green
color index color1 default ~F # Flagged messages are Red
color index color13 default ~T # Tagged Messages are Red
color index color1 default ~D # Messages to delete are Red
color attachment color5 default # Attachments are Pink
color signature color8 default # Signatures are Surface 2
color search color4 default # Highlighted results are Blue
color indicator default color8 # currently highlighted message Surface 2=Background Text=Foreground
color error color1 default # error messages are Red
color status color15 default # status line "Subtext 0"
color tree color15 default # thread tree arrows Subtext 0
color tilde color15 default # blank line padding Subtext 0
color hdrdefault color13 default # default headers Pink
color header color13 default "^From:"
color header color13 default "^Subject:"
color quoted color15 default # Subtext 0
color quoted1 color7 default # Subtext 1
color quoted2 color8 default # Surface 2
color quoted3 color0 default # Surface 1
color quoted4 color0 default
color quoted5 color0 default
color body color2 default [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ # email addresses Green
color body color2 default (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+ # URLs Green
color body color4 default (^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$) # *bold* text Blue
color body color4 default (^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$) # _underlined_ text Blue
color body color4 default (^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$) # /italic/ text Blue
color sidebar_flagged color1 default # Mailboxes with flagged mails are Red
color sidebar_new color10 default # Mailboxes with new mail are Green
home.file.".local/share/mc/skins/catppuccin.ini".source = ../../extra/mc-catppuccin.ini;
|||| = {
Unit = {
Description = "transparency";
After = [""];
PartOf = [""];
Install.WantedBy = [""];
Service = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [i3ipc])}/bin/python ${./}";
programs.zsh.initExtra =
if withNSFW
then ''
export CARGO_MOMMYS_MOODS=chill/ominous/thirsty/yikes
export CARGO_MOMMYS_LITTLE=racc/plush
export CARGO_MOMMYS_PARTS=shit/pee
export CARGO_MOMMYS_FUCKING="pet/toy/toilet/shitslut/septic tank"
else ''
export CARGO_MOMMYS_MOODS=chill/ominous
export CARGO_MOMMYS_LITTLE=racc/plush
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
{pkgs, ...}: {
programs.waybar = {
enable = true;
settings = {
main_bar = {
spacing = 4;
modules-left = [
modules-center = [
modules-right = [
keyboard-state = {
numlock = true;
capslock = true;
format = "{name} {icon}";
"sway/mode" = {
format = "{}";
mpd = {
format = "{stateIcon} {artist} - {album} - {title} ({elapsedTime:%M:%S}/{totalTime:%M:%S})";
format-disconnected = "ﳌ";
format-stopped = "";
unknown-tag = "N/A";
interval = 2;
consume-icons = {
on = " ";
random-icons = {
off = "<span color=\"#f53c3c\"></span> ";
on = " ";
repeat-icons = {
on = " ";
single-icons = {
on = "1 ";
state-icons = {
paused = "";
playing = "";
tooltip-format = "MPD (connected)";
tooltip-format-disconnected = "MPD (disconnected)";
on-click = "${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc toggle";
on-click-middle = "${pkgs.kitty}/bin/kitty ${pkgs.ncmpcpp}/bin/ncmpcpp";
on-click-right = "${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc stop";
on-scroll-up = "${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc seekthrough +00:00:01";
on-scroll-down = "${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc seekthrough -00:00:01";
idle_inhibitor = {
format = "{icon}";
format-icons = {
activated = "";
deactivated = "";
tray = {
spacing = 10;
clock = {
tooltip-format = "<big>{:%Y %B}</big>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>";
format = "{:%H:%M}";
cpu = {
format = "{usage}% ";
tooltip = false;
memory = {
format = "{}% ";
temperature = {
critical-threshold = 80;
format = "{temperatureC}℃ {icon}";
format-icons = ["" "" ""];
backlight = {
format = "{percent}% {icon}";
format-icons = ["" ""];
battery = {
states = {
warning = 30;
critical = 15;
format = "{capacity}% {icon}";
format-charging = "{capacity}% ";
format-plugged = "{capacity}% ";
format-alt = "{time} {icon}";
format-icons = ["" "" "" "" ""];
"battery#bat2" = {
bat = "BAT2";
network = {
format-wifi = " {essid} {ipaddr}";
format-ethernet = " {ipaddr}";
pulseaudio = {
format = "{icon} {volume}%";
format-icons = {
headphone = "";
hands-free = "";
headset = "";
phone = "";
portable = "";
car = "";
default = ["" "" ""];
on-click = "${pkgs.pavucontrol}/bin/pavucontrol";
@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ desktop: _: {
enableCompletion = true;
enableVteIntegration = desktop;
autocd = true;
loginExtra =
if desktop
then ''
if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = "/dev/tty1" ]]; then
exec sway
else "";
@ -145,6 +145,32 @@
"type": "github"
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"owner": "AgathaSorceress",
"repo": "colorpickle",
"rev": "61c77e71b5586412b6deecc2389fc39072e4b60f",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "AgathaSorceress",
"repo": "colorpickle",
"type": "github"
"crane": {
"inputs": {
"flake-compat": [
@ -513,6 +539,27 @@
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"naersk": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": [
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1698420672,
"narHash": "sha256-/TdeHMPRjjdJub7p7+w55vyABrsJlt5QkznPYy55vKA=",
"owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "naersk",
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@ -732,6 +779,7 @@
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"cargo2nix": "cargo2nix",
"colorpickle": "colorpickle",
"crane": "crane",
"devshell": "devshell",
"dns": "dns",
@ -743,6 +791,7 @@
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url = "github:AgathaSorceress/colorpickle";
inputs.naersk.follows = "naersk";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.utils.follows = "flake-utils";
crane = {
url = "github:DarkKirb/crane";
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#inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
Reference in a new issue