
111 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-04-13 06:57:08 +00:00
# Taken from
desktop: {
with lib;
with builtins; let
getNixFiles = dir: let
recu = n: k:
if k == "directory"
then getNixFiles "${dir}/${n}"
else if hasSuffix "nix" n
then ["${dir}/${n}"]
else [];
flatten (mapAttrsToList recu (readDir dir));
in {
imports =
getNixFiles ./modules
++ (
if desktop
then [./desktop.nix]
else []
config = { = "impure";
output.makeWrapper = "--set LUA_PATH '${./modules/lua}/?.lua;;'";
isDesktop = lib.mkDefault false;
extraLua = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (f: "require('${f}')") config.extraLuaModules);
output.extraConfig = ''
lua << EOF_991fbac8c1efc440
2023-04-14 06:20:41 +00:00
vim.keybindings.leader = " ";
2023-04-13 07:57:00 +00:00
vim.opt = {
# undo/backup directories
undofile = true;
backup = true;
# tab settings
tabstop = 4;
softtabstop = 4;
shiftwidth = 4;
expandtab = true;
matchpairs = "(:),{:},[:],<:>,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,«:»,:";
number = true;
relativenumber = true;
ignorecase = true;
smartcase = true;
fileencoding = "utf-8";
linebreak = true;
showbreak = "";
wildmode = "list:longest";
scrolloff = 3;
mouse = "a";
mousemodel = "popup";
list = true;
listchars = "tab: ,extends:,precedes:,nbsp:";
autowrite = true;
shortmess = "filnxtToOFcSI";
completeopt = "menu,preview,menuone";
pumheight = 10;
pumblend = 10;
winblend = 0;
complete = "kspell,.";
spelllang = "en";
spellsuggest = "best,9";
shiftround = true;
virtualedit = "block";
formatoptions = "tcqjmM";
tildeop = true;
synmaxcol = 250;
startofline = false;
grepprg = "rg --vimgrep --no-heading --smart-case";
grepformat = "%f:%l:%c:%m";
termguicolors = true;
guicursor = "n-v-c:block-Cursor/lCursor,i-ci-ve:ver25-Cursor2/lCursor2,r-cr:hor20,o:hor20";
signcolumn = "yes:1";
diffopt = "vertical,filler,closeoff,context:3,internal,indent-heuristic,algorithm:histogram";
wrap = false;
ruler = true;
extraLuaModules = [
vim.g.isDesktop = config.isDesktop;
2023-04-14 12:12:41 +00:00
vim.g.nix_system = pkgs.system;
2023-04-13 07:57:00 +00:00
output.path.path = with pkgs; [ripgrep];
2023-04-13 06:57:08 +00:00
options.isDesktop = lib.options.mkEnableOption "desktop integration and LSP";
options.extraLua = lib.options.mkOption {
type = lib.types.lines;
default = "";
description = "Extra lua configuration to add";
options.extraLuaModules = lib.options.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
default = [];
description = "Extra lua modules to require";