# haskell-template Get a Haskell development environment up and running quickly. Thanks to Nix, this template is optimized for a fully reproducible and friendly development environment. It is based on: - [Nix](https://srid.ca/haskell-nix) + [Flakes](https://serokell.io/blog/practical-nix-flakes) (via [`github:srid/haskell-flake`](https://github.com/srid/haskell-flake)) + GHC 9 - VSCode + [HLS](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server) - [fourmolu](https://github.com/fourmolu/fourmolu) autoformatting - [Relude](https://github.com/kowainik/relude#relude) as Prelude. - `.hlint.yaml` is [from relude](https://github.com/kowainik/relude/blob/main/.hlint.yaml) - Devshell scripts (`,` prefixed) are provided via [mission-control](https://github.com/Platonic-Systems/mission-control) If you have an *existing* Haskell project, you should probably use https://github.com/srid/haskell-flake instead. ## Getting Started *tldr: Install Nix, enable Flakes, open in VSCode and run `, run`.* For details, see: https://srid.ca/haskell-template/start ## Tips - Run `nix flake update` to update all flake inputs. - Run `nix --option sandbox false build .#check -L` to run the flake checks. - Run `, fmt` in nix shell to autoformat the project. This uses [treefmt](https://github.com/numtide/treefmt). - Run `, docs` to start Hoogle with packages in your cabal file. - Run the application without installing: `nix run github:srid/haskell-template` (or `nix run .` from checkout) - Common workflows - Adding library dependencies in Nix: https://srid.ca/haskell-template/dependency - Adding tests: https://srid.ca/haskell-template/tests - Adding Garnix CI: https://srid.ca/haskell-template/garnix ## Discussions Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? You may post them here: https://github.com/srid/haskell-template/discussions