cabal-version: 2.4 name: haskell-template version: license: MIT copyright: 2022 Sridhar Ratnakumar maintainer: author: Sridhar Ratnakumar category: Web -- TODO: Before hackage release. -- A short (one-line) description of the package. -- synopsis: -- A longer description of the package. -- description: -- A URL where users can report bugs. -- bug-reports: extra-source-files: LICENSE executable haskell-template build-depends: , aeson , async , base >= && <= , bytestring , containers , data-default , directory , filepath , mtl , optics-core , profunctors , relude , shower , text , time , with-utf8 mixins: base hiding (Prelude), relude (Relude as Prelude, Relude.Container.One), relude ghc-options: -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wmissing-deriving-strategies -Wunused-foralls -Wunused-foralls -fprint-explicit-foralls -fprint-explicit-kinds default-extensions: NoStarIsType BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveLift DeriveTraversable DerivingStrategies DerivingVia EmptyCase EmptyDataDecls EmptyDataDeriving ExistentialQuantification ExplicitForAll FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTSyntax GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving ImportQualifiedPost KindSignatures LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NumericUnderscores OverloadedStrings PolyKinds PostfixOperators RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving StandaloneKindSignatures TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators ViewPatterns main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010