2015-09-29 18:21:17 -07:00

120 lines
2.6 KiB

function JobViewModel(repo, build, job, status) {
var self = this;
self.status = status;
if (status !== "running" && status !== "pending") {
Logs(repo, build, job);
if (status === "running") {
Stream(repo, build, job, function(out){
$( "#output" ).append(out);
$("#restart").click(function() {
$(".status").attr("class", "status pending").text("pending");
url: "/api/repos/"+repo+"/builds/"+build,
type: "POST",
success: function( data ) { },
error: function( data ) {
Subscribe(repo, function(data){
if (!data.jobs) {
var before = self.status;
self.status = data.jobs[job-1].status;
// update the status for each job in the view
for (var i=0;i<data.jobs.length;i++) {
var job_ = data.jobs[i];
.attr("class", "status "+job_.status).text(job_.status);
var after = self.status;
// if the status has changed we should start
// streaming the build contents.
if (before !== after && after === "running") {
$( "#output" ).html("");
var buf = new Drone.Buffer();
$( "#tail" ).show();
$( "#tail" ).click(function() {
buf.autoFollow = !buf.autoFollow;
if (buf.autoFollow) {
$( "#tail i" ).text("pause");
$( "#tail" ).show();
// scroll to the bottom of the page
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
} else {
$( "#tail i" ).text("expand_more");
$( "#tail" ).show();
Stream(repo, build, job, function(out){
// if the status is changes to complete, we can show
// the restart button and hide the tail button.
if (after !== "pending" && after !== "running") {
function Logs(repo, build, job) {
$.get( "/api/repos/"+repo+"/logs/"+build+"/"+job, function( data ) {
var convert = new Filter({stream: false, newline: false});
var escaped = convert.toHtml(escapeHTML(data));
$( "#output" ).html( escaped );
function Stream(repo, build, job, _callback) {
var callback = _callback;
var events = new EventSource("/api/stream/" + repo + "/" + build + "/" + job, {withCredentials: true});
events.onmessage = function (event) {
if (callback !== undefined) {
events.onerror = function (event) {
callback = undefined;
if (events !== undefined) {
events = undefined;
console.log('user event stream closed due to error.', event);