2019-03-13 14:47:47 -07:00

262 lines
7 KiB

// Copyright 2019 Drone IO, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package web
import (
// this is intended for local testing and instructs the handler
// to print the contents of the hook to stdout.
var debugPrintHook = false
func init() {
debugPrintHook, _ = strconv.ParseBool(
// HandleHook returns an http.HandlerFunc that handles webhooks
// triggered by source code management.
func HandleHook(
repos core.RepositoryStore,
builds core.BuildStore,
triggerer core.Triggerer,
parser core.HookParser,
) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if debugPrintHook {
// if DRONE_DEBUG_DUMP_HOOK=true print the http.Request
// headers and body to stdout.
out, _ := httputil.DumpRequest(r, true)
hook, remote, err := parser.Parse(r, func(slug string) string {
namespace, name := scm.Split(slug)
repo, err := repos.FindName(r.Context(), namespace, name)
if err != nil {
"namespace": namespace,
"name": name,
}).Debugln("cannot find repository")
return ""
return repo.Signer
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("cannot parse webhook: %s", err)
writeBadRequest(w, err)
if hook == nil {
logrus.Debugf("webhook ignored")
// TODO handle ping requests
// TODO consider using scm.Repository in the function callback.
// // TODO break this to a separate function that
// // we can unit test.
// fn := func(webhook interface{}) (string, error) {
// var remote scm.Repository
// switch v := core.(type) {
// case *scm.PushHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.BranchHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.TagHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.PullRequestHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.IssueHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.IssueCommentHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.PullRequestCommentHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// case *scm.ReviewCommentHook:
// remote = v.Repo
// }
// repo, err := repos.FindName(r.Context(), remote.Namespace, remote.Name)
// if err != nil {
// hlog.FromRequest(r).Error().
// Err(err).
// Str("namespace", remote.Namespace).
// Str("name", remote.Name).
// Msg("cannot find repository")
// return "", err
// }
// return repo.Token, nil
// }
// hook, err := client.Webhooks.Parse(r, fn)
// if err != nil {
// hlog.FromRequest(r).Error().
// Err(err).
// Msg("cannot parse webhook")
// writeError(w, err)
// return
// }
// var name, namespace string
// var base = new(core.Build)
// switch v := hook.(type) {
// case *scm.PushHook:
// namespace, name = v.Repo.Namespace, v.Repo.Name
// base.Event = core.EventPush
// base.Link = v.Commit.Link
// base.Timestamp = v.Commit.Author.Date.Unix()
// base.Title = ""
// base.Message = v.Commit.Message
// base.Before = ""
// base.After = v.Commit.Sha
// base.Ref = v.Ref
// base.Source = strings.TrimPrefix(v.Ref, "refs/heads/")
// base.Target = strings.TrimPrefix(v.Ref, "refs/heads/")
// base.Author = v.Commit.Author.Login
// base.AuthorName = v.Commit.Author.Name
// base.AuthorEmail = v.Commit.Author.Email
// base.AuthorAvatar = v.Commit.Author.Avatar
// base.Sender = v.Sender.Login
// // TODO: this is a deficiency with gogs
// if base.AuthorAvatar == "" {
// base.AuthorAvatar = v.Sender.Avatar
// }
// case *scm.TagHook:
// namespace, name = v.Repo.Namespace, v.Repo.Name
// base.Event = core.EventTag
// base.Action = v.Action.String()
// base.Link = "" // TODO
// base.Timestamp = 0 // TODO
// base.Title = ""
// base.Message = "" // TODO
// base.Before = "" // TODO
// base.After = v.Ref.Sha
// base.Ref = v.Ref.Name // TODO prepend refs/tags?
// base.Source = ""
// base.Target = ""
// base.Author = v.Sender.Login
// base.AuthorName = v.Sender.Name
// base.AuthorEmail = v.Sender.Email
// base.AuthorAvatar = v.Sender.Avatar
// base.Sender = v.Sender.Login
// switch v.Action {
// case scm.ActionCreate:
// default:
// hlog.FromRequest(r).Debug().
// Str("namespace", namespace).
// Str("name", name).
// Str("event", base.Event).
// Str("action", base.Action).
// Msgf("ignore webhook with action %s", base.Action)
// w.WriteHeader(200)
// return
// }
// case *scm.PullRequestHook:
// namespace, name = v.Repo.Namespace, v.Repo.Name
// base.Event = core.EventPullRequest
// base.Action = v.Action.String()
// base.Link = v.PullRequest.Link
// base.Timestamp = v.PullRequest.Created.Unix()
// base.Title = v.PullRequest.Title
// base.Message = "" // TODO
// base.Before = "" // TODO
// base.After = v.PullRequest.Sha
// base.Ref = v.PullRequest.Ref
// base.Source = v.PullRequest.Source
// base.Target = v.PullRequest.Target
// base.Author = v.PullRequest.Author.Login
// base.AuthorName = v.PullRequest.Author.Name
// base.AuthorEmail = v.PullRequest.Author.Email
// base.AuthorAvatar = v.PullRequest.Author.Avatar
// base.Sender = v.Sender.Login
// switch v.Action {
// case scm.ActionCreate, scm.ActionOpen, scm.ActionSync:
// default:
// hlog.FromRequest(r).Debug().
// Str("namespace", namespace).
// Str("name", name).
// Str("event", base.Event).
// Str("action", base.Action).
// Msgf("ignore pull request hook with action %s", base.Action)
// w.WriteHeader(200)
// return
// }
// default:
// w.WriteHeader(200)
// return
// }
log := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"namespace": remote.Namespace,
"name": remote.Name,
"event": hook.Event,
"commit": hook.After,
log.Debugln("webhook parsed")
repo, err := repos.FindName(r.Context(), remote.Namespace, remote.Name)
if err != nil {
log = log.WithError(err)
log.Debugln("cannot find repository")
writeNotFound(w, err)
if !repo.Active {
log.Debugln("ignore webhook, repository inactive")
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*5)
ctx = logger.WithContext(ctx, log)
defer cancel()
builds, err := triggerer.Trigger(ctx, repo, hook)
if err != nil {
writeError(w, err)
writeJSON(w, builds, 200)