2019-02-19 15:56:41 -08:00

485 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2019 Drone IO, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
// IMPORTANT please do not add new configuration parameters unless it has
// been discussed on the mailing list. We are attempting to reduce the
// number of configuration parameters, and may reject pull requests that
// introduce new parameters. (mailing list https://discourse.drone.io)
// default runner hostname.
var hostname string
func init() {
hostname, _ = os.Hostname()
if hostname == "" {
hostname = "localhost"
type (
// Config provides the system configuration.
Config struct {
License string `envconfig:"DRONE_LICENSE"`
Authn Authentication
Agent Agent
Cron Cron
Cloning Cloning
Database Database
Docker Docker
Logging Logging
// Prometheus Prometheus
Proxy Proxy
Registration Registration
Registries Registries
Repository Repository
Runner Runner
Nomad Nomad
Kube Kubernetes
S3 S3
Secrets Secrets
Server Server
Session Session
Status Status
Users Users
Webhook Webhook
Yaml Yaml
// Remote configurations
Bitbucket Bitbucket
Gitea Gitea
Github Github
GitLab GitLab
Gogs Gogs
Stash Stash
// Cloning provides the cloning configuration.
Cloning struct {
AlwaysAuth bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GIT_ALWAYS_AUTH"`
Username string `envconfig:"DRONE_GIT_USERNAME"`
Password string `envconfig:"DRONE_GIT_PASSWORD"`
Image string `envconfig:"DRONE_GIT_IMAGE"`
Pull string `envconfig:"DRONE_GIT_IMAGE_PULL" default:"IfNotExists"`
// Cron provides the cron configuration.
Cron struct {
Disabled bool `envconfig:"DRONE_CRON_DISABLED"`
Interval time.Duration `envconfig:"DRONE_CRON_INTERVAL" default:"30m"`
// Database provides the database configuration.
Database struct {
Driver string `envconfig:"DRONE_DATABASE_DRIVER" default:"sqlite3"`
Datasource string `envconfig:"DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE" default:"core.sqlite"`
Secret string `envconfig:"DRONE_DATABASE_SECRET"`
// Docker provides docker configuration
Docker struct {
Config string `envconfig:"DRONE_DOCKER_CONFIG"`
// Kubernetes provides kubernetes configuration
Kubernetes struct {
Enabled bool `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_ENABLED"`
Namespace string `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE"`
Path string `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_CONFIG_PATH"`
TTL int `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_TTL_AFTER_FINISHED" default:"300"`
ServiceAccountName string `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT"`
PullPolicy string `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_IMAGE_PULL" default:"Always"`
Image string `envconfig:"DRONE_KUBERNETES_IMAGE"`
// Nomad configuration.
Nomad struct {
Enabled bool `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_ENABLED"`
Datacenters []string `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_DATACENTER" default:"dc1"`
Namespace string `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_NAMESPACE"`
Region string `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_REGION"`
Prefix string `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_JOB_PREFIX" default:"drone-job-"`
Image string `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_IMAGE"`
ImagePull bool `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_IMAGE_PULL"`
Memory int `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_DEFAULT_RAM" default:"1024"`
CPU int `envconfig:"DRONE_NOMAD_DEFAULT_CPU" default:"500"`
// License provides license configuration
License struct {
Key string `envconfig:"DRONE_LICENSE"`
Endpoint string `envconfig:"DRONE_LICENSE_ENDPOINT"`
// Logging provides the logging configuration.
Logging struct {
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_LOGS_DEBUG"`
Trace bool `envconfig:"DRONE_LOGS_TRACE"`
Color bool `envconfig:"DRONE_LOGS_COLOR"`
Pretty bool `envconfig:"DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY"`
Text bool `envconfig:"DRONE_LOGS_TEXT"`
// Repository provides the repository configuration.
Repository struct {
Filter []string `envconfig:"DRONE_REPOSITORY_FILTER"`
// Registries provides the registry configuration.
Registries struct {
Endpoint string `envconfig:"DRONE_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT"`
Password string `envconfig:"DRONE_REGISTRY_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_REGISTRY_SKIP_VERIFY"`
// Secrets provides the secret configuration.
Secrets struct {
Endpoint string `envconfig:"DRONE_SECRET_ENDPOINT"`
Password string `envconfig:"DRONE_SECRET_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_SECRET_SKIP_VERIFY"`
// RPC provides the rpc configuration.
RPC struct {
Server string `envconfig:"DRONE_RPC_SERVER"`
Secret string `envconfig:"DRONE_RPC_SECRET"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_RPC_DEBUG"`
Host string `envconfig:"DRONE_RPC_HOST"`
Proto string `envconfig:"DRONE_RPC_PROTO"`
// Hosts map[string]string `envconfig:"DRONE_RPC_EXTRA_HOSTS"`
Agent struct {
Enabled bool `envconfig:"DRONE_AGENTS_ENABLED"`
// Runner provides the runner configuration.
Runner struct {
Local bool `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_LOCAL"`
Image string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_IMAGE" default:"drone/controller:1.0.0-rc.5"`
Platform string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_PLATFORM" default:"linux/amd64"`
OS string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_OS"`
Arch string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_ARCH"`
Kernel string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_KERNEL"`
Variant string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_VARIANT"`
Machine string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_NAME"`
Capacity int `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_CAPACITY" default:"2"`
Labels map[string]string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_LABELS"`
Volumes []string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_VOLUMES"`
Networks []string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_NETWORKS"`
Devices []string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_DEVICES"`
Privileged []string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_PRIVILEGED_IMAGES"`
Environ map[string]string `envconfig:"DRONE_RUNNER_ENVIRON"`
Limits struct {
MemSwapLimit Bytes `envconfig:"DRONE_LIMIT_MEM_SWAP"`
MemLimit Bytes `envconfig:"DRONE_LIMIT_MEM"`
ShmSize Bytes `envconfig:"DRONE_LIMIT_SHM_SIZE"`
CPUQuota int64 `envconfig:"DRONE_LIMIT_CPU_QUOTA"`
CPUShares int64 `envconfig:"DRONE_LIMIT_CPU_SHARES"`
CPUSet string `envconfig:"DRONE_LIMIT_CPU_SET"`
// Server provides the server configuration.
Server struct {
Addr string `envconfig:"-"`
Host string `envconfig:"DRONE_SERVER_HOST" default:"localhost:8080"`
Port string `envconfig:"DRONE_SERVER_PORT" default:":8080"`
Proto string `envconfig:"DRONE_SERVER_PROTO" default:"http"`
Acme bool `envconfig:"DRONE_TLS_AUTOCERT"`
Cert string `envconfig:"DRONE_TLS_CERT"`
Key string `envconfig:"DRONE_TLS_KEY"`
// Proxy provides proxy server configuration.
Proxy struct {
Addr string `envconfig:"-"`
Host string `envconfig:"DRONE_SERVER_PROXY_HOST"`
Proto string `envconfig:"DRONE_SERVER_PROXY_PROTO"`
// Registration configuration.
Registration struct {
Closed bool `envconfig:"DRONE_REGISTRATION_CLOSED"`
// Authentication Controller configuration
Authentication struct {
Endpoint string `envconfig:"DRONE_AUTHENTICATION_ENDPOINT"`
Token string `envconfig:"DRONE_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_AUTHENTICATION_SKIP_VERIFY"`
// Session provides the session configuration.
Session struct {
Timeout time.Duration `envconfig:"DRONE_COOKIE_TIMEOUT" default:"720h"`
Secret string `envconfig:"DRONE_COOKIE_SECRET"`
// Status provides status configurations.
Status struct {
Disabled bool `envconfig:"DRONE_STATUS_DISABLED"`
Name string `envconfig:"DRONE_STATUS_NAME"`
// Users provides the user configuration.
Users struct {
Create UserCreate `envconfig:"DRONE_USER_CREATE"`
Filter []string `envconfig:"DRONE_USER_FILTER"`
MinAge time.Duration `envconfig:"DRONE_MIN_AGE"`
// Webhook provides the webhook configuration.
Webhook struct {
Endpoint []string `envconfig:"DRONE_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT"`
Secret string `envconfig:"DRONE_WEBHOOK_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_WEBHOOK_SKIP_VERIFY"`
// Yaml provides the yaml webhook configuration.
Yaml struct {
Endpoint string `envconfig:"DRONE_YAML_ENDPOINT"`
Secret string `envconfig:"DRONE_YAML_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_YAML_SKIP_VERIFY"`
// Source code management.
// Bitbucket provides the bitbucket client configuration.
Bitbucket struct {
ClientID string `envconfig:"DRONE_BITBUCKET_CLIENT_ID"`
ClientSecret string `envconfig:"DRONE_BITBUCKET_CLIENT_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_BITBUCKET_SKIP_VERIFY"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_BITBUCKET_DEBUG"`
// Gitea provides the gitea client configuration.
Gitea struct {
Server string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITEA_SERVER"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GITEA_SKIP_VERIFY"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GITEA_DEBUG"`
// Github provides the github client configuration.
Github struct {
Server string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_SERVER" default:"https://github.com"`
APIServer string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_API_SERVER"`
ClientID string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"`
ClientSecret string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_SKIP_VERIFY"`
Scope []string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_SCOPE" default:"repo,repo:status,user:email,read:org"`
RateLimit int `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_USER_RATELIMIT"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GITHUB_DEBUG"`
// GitLab provides the gitlab client configuration.
GitLab struct {
Server string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITLAB_SERVER" default:"https://gitlab.com"`
ClientID string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID"`
ClientSecret string `envconfig:"DRONE_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GITLAB_SKIP_VERIFY"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GITLAB_DEBUG"`
// Gogs provides the gogs client configuration.
Gogs struct {
Server string `envconfig:"DRONE_GOGS_SERVER"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GOGS_SKIP_VERIFY"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_GOGS_DEBUG"`
// Stash provides the stash client configuration.
Stash struct {
Server string `envconfig:"DRONE_STASH_SERVER"`
ConsumerKey string `envconfig:"DRONE_STASH_CONSUMER_KEY"`
ConsumerSecret string `envconfig:"DRONE_STASH_CONSUMER_SECRET"`
PrivateKey string `envconfig:"DRONE_STASH_PRIVATE_KEY"`
SkipVerify bool `envconfig:"DRONE_STASH_SKIP_VERIFY"`
Debug bool `envconfig:"DRONE_STASH_DEBUG"`
// S3 provides the storage configuration.
S3 struct {
Bucket string `envconfig:"DRONE_S3_BUCKET"`
Prefix string `envconfig:"DRONE_S3_PREFIX"`
// HTTP provides http configuration.
HTTP struct {
AllowedHosts []string `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_ALLOWED_HOSTS"`
HostsProxyHeaders []string `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_PROXY_HEADERS"`
SSLRedirect bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_SSL_REDIRECT"`
SSLTemporaryRedirect bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_SSL_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT"`
SSLHost string `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_SSL_HOST"`
SSLProxyHeaders map[string]string `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_SSL_PROXY_HEADERS"`
STSSeconds int64 `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_STS_SECONDS"`
STSIncludeSubdomains bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_STS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"`
STSPreload bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_STS_PRELOAD"`
ForceSTSHeader bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_STS_FORCE_HEADER"`
BrowserXSSFilter bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER" default:"true"`
FrameDeny bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_FRAME_DENY" default:"true"`
ContentTypeNosniff bool `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_NO_SNIFF"`
ContentSecurityPolicy string `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY"`
ReferrerPolicy string `envconfig:"DRONE_HTTP_REFERRER_POLICY"`
// Environ returns the settings from the environment.
func Environ() (Config, error) {
cfg := Config{}
err := envconfig.Process("", &cfg)
return cfg, err
// String returns the configuration in string format.
func (c *Config) String() string {
out, _ := yaml.Marshal(c)
return string(out)
func defaultAddress(c *Config) {
if c.Server.Key != "" || c.Server.Cert != "" || c.Server.Acme {
c.Server.Port = ":443"
c.Server.Proto = "https"
c.Server.Addr = c.Server.Proto + "://" + c.Server.Host
func defaultProxy(c *Config) {
if c.Proxy.Host == "" {
c.Proxy.Host = c.Server.Host
if c.Proxy.Proto == "" {
c.Proxy.Proto = c.Server.Proto
c.Proxy.Addr = c.Proxy.Proto + "://" + c.Proxy.Host
func defaultCallback(c *Config) {
if c.RPC.Host == "" {
c.RPC.Host = c.Server.Host
if c.RPC.Proto == "" {
c.RPC.Proto = c.Server.Proto
func defaultRunner(c *Config) {
if c.Runner.Machine == "" {
c.Runner.Machine = hostname
parts := strings.Split(c.Runner.Platform, "/")
if len(parts) == 2 && c.Runner.OS == "" {
c.Runner.OS = parts[0]
if len(parts) == 2 && c.Runner.Arch == "" {
c.Runner.Arch = parts[1]
func defaultSession(c *Config) {
if c.Session.Secret == "" {
c.Session.Secret = uniuri.NewLen(32)
func configureGithub(c *Config) {
if c.Github.APIServer != "" {
if c.Github.Server == "https://github.com" {
c.Github.APIServer = "https://api.github.com"
} else {
c.Github.APIServer = strings.TrimSuffix(c.Github.Server, "/") + "/api/v3"
// Bytes stores number bytes (e.g. megabytes)
type Bytes int64
// Decode implements a decoder that parses a string representation
// of bytes into the number of bytes it represents.
func (b *Bytes) Decode(value string) error {
v, err := humanize.ParseBytes(value)
*b = Bytes(v)
return err
// Int64 returns the int64 value of the Byte.
func (b *Bytes) Int64() int64 {
return int64(*b)
// String returns the string value of the Byte.
func (b *Bytes) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(*b)
// UserCreate stores account information used to bootstrap
// the admin user account when the system initializes.
type UserCreate struct {
Username string
Machine bool
Admin bool
Token string
// Decode implements a decoder that extracts user information
// from the environment variable string.
func (u *UserCreate) Decode(value string) error {
for _, param := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
parts := strings.Split(param, ":")
if len(parts) != 2 {
key := parts[0]
val := parts[1]
switch key {
case "username":
u.Username = val
case "token":
u.Token = val
case "machine":
u.Machine = val == "true"
case "admin":
u.Admin = val == "true"
return nil