2014-09-28 18:36:24 -07:00

120 lines
2.7 KiB

package handler
import (
// GetCommitList accepts a request to retrieve a list
// of recent commits by Repo, and retur in JSON format.
// GET /api/repos/:host/:owner/:name/commits
func GetCommitList(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var ctx = context.FromC(c)
var repo = ToRepo(c)
commits, err := datastore.GetCommitList(ctx, repo)
if err != nil {
// GetCommit accepts a request to retrieve a commit
// from the datastore for the given repository, branch and
// commit hash.
// GET /api/repos/:host/:owner/:name/branches/:branch/commits/:commit
func GetCommit(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var ctx = context.FromC(c)
var (
branch = c.URLParams["branch"]
hash = c.URLParams["commit"]
repo = ToRepo(c)
commit, err := datastore.GetCommitSha(ctx, repo, branch, hash)
if err != nil {
func PostCommit(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {}
// PostCommit gets the commit for the repository and schedules to re-build.
// GET /v1/repos/{host}/{owner}/{name}/branches/{branch}/commits/{commit}
func (h *CommitHandler) PostCommit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
var host, owner, name = parseRepo(r)
var branch = r.FormValue(":branch")
var sha = r.FormValue(":commit")
// get the user form the session.
user := h.sess.User(r)
if user == nil {
return notAuthorized{}
// get the repo from the database
repo, err := h.repos.FindName(host, owner, name)
switch {
case err != nil && user == nil:
return notAuthorized{}
case err != nil && user != nil:
return notFound{}
// user must have admin access to the repository.
if ok, _ := h.perms.Admin(user, repo); !ok {
return notFound{err}
c, err := h.commits.FindSha(repo.ID, branch, sha)
if err != nil {
return notFound{err}
// we can't start an already started build
if c.Status == model.StatusStarted || c.Status == model.StatusEnqueue {
return badRequest{}
c.Status = model.StatusEnqueue
c.Started = 0
c.Finished = 0
c.Duration = 0
if err := h.commits.Update(c); err != nil {
return internalServerError{err}
repoOwner, err := h.users.Find(repo.UserID)
if err != nil {
return badRequest{err}
// drop the items on the queue
// drop the items on the queue
go func() {
h.queue <- &model.Request{
User: repoOwner,
Host: httputil.GetURL(r),
Repo: repo,
Commit: c,
return nil