def main(ctx): return [ pipeline('linux-amd64', 'linux', 'amd64'), pipeline('linux-arm64', 'linux', 'arm64'), pipeline('linux-arm', 'linux', 'arm'), pipeline_windows('1809'), pipeline_windows('1903'), manifest(), ] # defines a pipeline step that builds and publishes a docker # image to a docker remote registry. def docker_step(name, os, arch): repo = 'drone/%s' % name if repo == 'server': repo = 'drone/drone' return { 'name': 'publish_%s' % name, 'image': 'plugins/docker:18', 'settings': { 'repo': repo, 'auto_tag': True, 'auto_tag_suffix': '%s-%s' % (os, arch), 'username': { 'from_secret': 'docker_username' }, 'password': { 'from_secret': 'docker_password' }, 'dockerfile': 'docker/Dockerfile.%s.%s.%s' % (name, os, arch), }, 'when': { 'event': [ 'push', 'tag' ], }, } # defines a pipeline step that executes the Go unit tests. # this will also download dependencies and cache in /go def test_step(): return { 'name': 'test', 'image': 'golang:1.12', 'commands': [ 'go test ./...', ], } # defines a pipeline step that executes the Go unit tests. # this will also download dependencies and cache in /go def build_step(os, arch): return { 'name': 'build', 'image': 'golang:1.12', 'commands': [ 'sh scripts/', ], 'environment': { 'GOOS': os, 'GOARCH': arch, }, } # defines a pipeline that builds, tests and publishes # docker images for the Drone agent, server and controller. def pipeline(name, os, arch): return { 'kind': 'pipeline', 'type': 'docker', 'name': 'linux-%s' % arch, 'platform': { 'os': 'linux', 'arch': arch, }, 'steps': [ test_step(), build_step(os, arch), docker_step('drone', os, arch), docker_step('agent', os, arch), docker_step('controller', os, arch), ], } # defines a pipeline that builds and publishes docker images # for the Drone agent for the Windows kernel. def pipeline_windows(version): return { 'kind': 'pipeline', 'type': 'ssh', 'name': 'windows-%s-amd64' % version, 'platform': { 'os': 'windows' }, 'server': { 'host': { 'from_secret': 'windows_server_%s' % version }, 'user': { 'from_secret': 'windows_username' }, 'password': { 'from_secret': 'windows_password' }, }, 'steps': [ { 'name': 'build', 'environment': { 'USERNAME': { 'from_secret': 'docker_username' }, 'PASSWORD': { 'from_secret': 'docker_password' }, }, # TODO these commands build and publish the latest # docker tag regardless of git tag. 'commands': [ 'powershell.exe scripts/build.ps1', 'docker login -u $env:USERNAME -p $env:PASSWORD', 'docker build -f docker/ -t drone/agent:windows-%s-amd64 .' % (version, version), 'docker push drone/agent:windows-%s-amd64' % version, ], }, ], 'trigger': { 'event': ['push'] } } # defines a pipeline that updates the docker manifest # for the architecture-specific images previously published # to dockerhub. def manifest(): return { 'kind': 'pipeline', 'type': 'docker', 'name': 'manifest', 'steps': [ manifest_step('server'), manifest_step('agent'), manifest_step('controller'), ], 'trigger': { 'event': [ 'push', 'tag' ], }, 'depends_on': [ 'linux-amd64', 'linux-arm64', 'linux-arm', 'windows-1903-amd64', 'windows-1809-amd64', ], } # defines a pipeline step that creates and publishes # a docker manifest to a docker remote registry. def manifest_step(name): return { 'name': 'publish_%s' % name, 'image': 'plugins/manifest:1', 'settings': { 'auto_tag': True, 'ignore_missing': True, 'spec': 'docker/manifest.%s.tmpl' % name, 'username': { 'from_secret': 'docker_username' }, 'password': { 'from_secret': 'docker_password' }, }, }