# defines the target version of Go. Please do not # update this variable unless it has been previously # approved on the mailing list. local golang = "golang:1.11"; # defines a temporary volume so that the Go cache can # be shared with all pipeine steps. local volumes = [ { name: "gopath", temp: {}, }, ]; # defines the default Go cache location as a volume # that is mounted into pipeline steps. local mounts = [ { name: "gopath", path: "/go", }, ]; # defines a pipeline step that builds and publishes # a docker image to a docker remote registry. local docker(name, os, arch) = { name: "publish_" + name, image: "plugins/docker", settings: { repo: "drone/" + if name == "server" then "drone" else name, auto_tag: true, auto_tag_suffix: os + "-" + arch, username: { from_secret: "docker_username" }, password: { from_secret: "docker_password" }, dockerfile: "docker/Dockerfile." + name + "." + os + "." + arch, }, when: { event: [ "push", "tag" ], }, }; # defines a pipeline step that creates and publishes # a docker manifest to a docker remote registry. local manifest(name) = { name: name, image: "plugins/manifest:1", settings: { ignore_missing: true, spec: "docker/manifest." + name + ".tmpl", username: { from_secret: "docker_username" }, password: { from_secret: "docker_password" }, }, when: { event: [ "push", "tag" ], }, }; # defines a pipeline that builds, tests and publishes # docker images for the Drone agent, server and controller. local pipeline(name, os, arch) = { kind: "pipeline", name: name, volumes: volumes, platform: { os: os, arch: arch, }, steps: [ { name: "test", image: golang, volumes: mounts, commands: [ "go test -v ./..." ], }, { name: "build", image: golang, volumes: mounts, commands: [ "go build -ldflags \"-extldflags \\\\\"-static\\\\\"\" -o release/"+ os +"/" + arch + "/drone-server github.com/drone/drone/cmd/drone-server", "CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o release/"+ os +"/" + arch + "/drone-agent github.com/drone/drone/cmd/drone-agent", "CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o release/"+ os +"/" + arch + "/drone-controller github.com/drone/drone/cmd/drone-controller", ], when: { event: [ "push", "tag" ], }, }, docker("agent", os, arch), docker("controller", os, arch), docker("server", os, arch), ], }; [ pipeline("linux-amd64", "linux", "amd64"), pipeline("linux-arm", "linux", "arm"), pipeline("linux-arm64", "linux", "arm64"), { kind: "pipeline", name: "manifest", steps: [ manifest("server"), manifest("agent"), manifest("controller"), ], depends_on: [ "linux-amd64", "linux-arm", "linux-arm64", ], }, ]