Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.
Sample Pipeline Configuration: ```yaml pipeline: backend: image: golang commands: - go get - go build - go test frontend: image: node:6 commands: - npm install - npm test publish: image: plugins/docker repo: octocat/hello-world tags: [ 1, 1.1, latest ] registry: index.docker.io notify: image: plugins/slack channel: developers username: drone ``` Documentation and Other Links: * Setup Documentation [docs.drone.io/installation](http://docs.drone.io/installation/) * Usage Documentation [docs.drone.io/getting-started](http://docs.drone.io/getting-started/) * Plugin Index [plugins.drone.io](http://plugins.drone.io/) * Getting Help [discourse.drone.io](https://discourse.drone.io)