moved sql-based Blobstore to the database package

This commit is contained in:
Brad Rydzewski 2014-09-27 13:32:54 -07:00
parent d9db7b9a8d
commit 35073c4776
6 changed files with 141 additions and 93 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
package blobsql
type Blob struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"blob_id,pk" orm:"column(blob_id);pk;auto"`
Path string `meddler:"blob_path" orm:"column(blob_path);size(2000);unique"`
Data string `meddler:"blob_data,gobgzip" orm:"column(blob_data);type(text)"`
func (b *Blob) TableName() string { return "blobs" }

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
package blobsql
import (
type Blobstore struct {
// Del removes an object from the blobstore.
func (b *Blobstore) Del(path string) error {
var _, err = b.Exec(deleteBlob, path)
return err
// Get retrieves an object from the blobstore.
func (b *Blobstore) Get(path string) ([]byte, error) {
var blob = Blob{}
var err = meddler.QueryRow(b, &blob, queryBlob, path)
return []byte(blob.Data), err
// GetReader retrieves an object from the blobstore.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on
// the ReadCloser when finished reading.
func (b *Blobstore) GetReader(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
var blob, err = b.Get(path)
var buf = bytes.NewBuffer(blob)
return ioutil.NopCloser(buf), err
// Put inserts an object into the blobstore.
func (b *Blobstore) Put(path string, data []byte) error {
var blob = Blob{}
meddler.QueryRow(b, &blob, queryBlob, path)
blob.Path = path
blob.Data = string(data)
return meddler.Save(b, tableBlob, &blob)
// PutReader inserts an object into the blobstore by
// consuming data from r until EOF.
func (b *Blobstore) PutReader(path string, r io.Reader) error {
var data, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
return b.Put(path, data)
func New(db meddler.DB) *Blobstore {
return &Blobstore{db}

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
package blobsql
const (
tableBlob = "blobs"
const (
queryBlob = `
FROM blobs
WHERE blob_path = ?;
deleteBlob = `
WHERE blob_path = ?;

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package blobsql
import (
func NewContext(parent context.Context, db meddler.DB) context.Context {
return blobstore.NewContext(parent, New(db))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package database
import (
type Blob struct {
ID int64 `meddler:"blob_id,pk"`
Path string `meddler:"blob_path"`
Data string `meddler:"blob_data,gobgzip"`
type Blobstore struct {
// Del removes an object from the blobstore.
func (db *Blobstore) Del(path string) error {
var _, err = db.Exec(rebind(blobDeleteStmt), path)
return err
// Get retrieves an object from the blobstore.
func (db *Blobstore) Get(path string) ([]byte, error) {
var blob = Blob{}
var err = meddler.QueryRow(db, &blob, rebind(blobQuery), path)
return []byte(blob.Data), err
// GetReader retrieves an object from the blobstore.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on
// the ReadCloser when finished reading.
func (db *Blobstore) GetReader(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
var blob, err = db.Get(path)
var buf = bytes.NewBuffer(blob)
return ioutil.NopCloser(buf), err
// Put inserts an object into the blobstore.
func (db *Blobstore) Put(path string, data []byte) error {
var blob = Blob{}
meddler.QueryRow(db, &blob, rebind(blobQuery), path)
blob.Path = path
blob.Data = string(data)
return meddler.Save(db, blobTable, &blob)
// PutReader inserts an object into the blobstore by
// consuming data from r until EOF.
func (db *Blobstore) PutReader(path string, r io.Reader) error {
var data, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
return db.Put(path, data)
func NewBlobstore(db meddler.DB) *Blobstore {
return &Blobstore{db}
// Blob table name in database.
const blobTable = "blobs"
const blobQuery = `
FROM blobs
WHERE blob_path = ?;
const blobDeleteStmt = `
WHERE blob_path = ?;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package database
import (
func TestBlobstore(t *testing.T) {
db := mustConnectTest()
bs := NewBlobstore(db)
defer db.Close()
g := goblin.Goblin(t)
g.Describe("Blobstore", func() {
// before each test be sure to purge the package
// table data from the database.
g.BeforeEach(func() {
db.Exec("DELETE FROM blobs")
g.It("Should Put a Blob", func() {
err := bs.Put("foo", []byte("bar"))
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Put a Blob reader", func() {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := bs.PutReader("foo", &buf)
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Overwrite a Blob", func() {
bs.Put("foo", []byte("bar"))
bs.Put("foo", []byte("baz"))
blob, err := bs.Get("foo")
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a Blob", func() {
bs.Put("foo", []byte("bar"))
blob, err := bs.Get("foo")
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()
g.It("Should Get a Blob reader", func() {
bs.Put("foo", []byte("bar"))
r, _ := bs.GetReader("foo")
blob, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
g.It("Should Del a Blob", func() {
bs.Put("foo", []byte("bar"))
err := bs.Del("foo")
g.Assert(err == nil).IsTrue()