Drone uses the `compose` section of the `.drone.yml` to specify supporting containers (ie service containers) that should be started and linked to your build container. The `compose` section of the `.drone.yml` is modeled after `docker-compose`:
image: [image_name]
Example configuration that composes a Postgres and Redis container:
Service containers are available at the `localhost` or `` address.
Drone deviates from the default Docker compose networking model to mirror a traditional development environment, where services are typically accessed at `localhost` or ``. To achieve this, we create a per-build network where all containers share the same network.
*`pull` - if true, will always attempt to pull the latest image
*`environment` - list of environment variables, declared in `name=value` format
*`privileged` - if true, runs the container with extended privileges [1]
*`volumes` - list of bind mounted volumes on the host machine [1]
*`net` - sets the container [network mode](https://docs.docker.com/articles/networking/#container-networking) [1]
[1] Some build options are disabled for security reasons, including `volumes`, `privileged` and `net`. To enable these options, a system administrator must white-list your repository as trusted. This can be done via the repository settings screen.