Drone is a continuous delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML build file, to define and execute build pipelines inside Docker containers.
- [Documentation and Other Links](#documentation-and-Other-Links)
## Community
You can visit us at [Discourse](https://discourse.drone.io/) as well as our [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/harnesscommunity/shared_invite/zt-90wb0w6u-OATJvUBkSDR3W9oYX7D~4A).
## Contributing
We encourage you to contribute to Drone! whether thats joining in on the community slack or discourse, or contributing pull requests / documentation changes or raising issues.
## Code of Conduct
Drone follows the [CNCF Code of Conduct](https://github.com/cncf/foundation/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md).
### Setup Documentation
This section of the [documentation](http://docs.drone.io/installation/) will help you install and configure the Drone Server and one or many Runners. A runner is a standalone daemon that polls the server for pending pipelines to execute.
### Usage Documentation
Our [documentation](http://docs.drone.io/getting-started/) can help you get started with the different types of pipelines/builds. There are different runners / plugins / extensions designed for different use cases to help make an efficent and simple build pipeline
### Plugin Index
Plugins are used in build steps to perform actions, eg send a message to slack or push a container to a registry. We have an extensive list of community plugins to customize your build pipeline, you can find those [here](http://plugins.drone.io/).
### Example `.drone.yml` build file.
This build file contains a single pipeline (you can have multiple pipelines too) that builds a go application. The front end with npm. Publishes the docker container to a registry and announces the results to a slack room.
We have two versions available: the [Enterprise Edition](https://github.com/drone/drone/blob/master/BUILDING) and the [Community Edition](https://github.com/drone/drone/blob/master/BUILDING_OSS)