This commit is contained in:
1556 changed files with 121066 additions and 20585 deletions
@ -57,14 +57,37 @@ _bss_init_info:
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global _eti_init_info
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402324, 0x3C
.4byte 0x800068E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800069C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80006BD0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x0000E460
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .ctors, "wa" # 0x80406260 - 0x80406540
.global _ctors$99
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40262C, 0x14
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .dtors, "wa" # 0x80406540 - 0x80406560
.global _dtors$99
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402648, 0x18
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -66,45 +66,60 @@ __dt__Q43std3tr16detail57shared_ptr_deleter$$0c$$4Q33std6detail20default_delete$
.section extab, "wa" # 0x80006740 - 0x800068E0
.global $$210911
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402154, 0x8
.4byte 0x08080000
.4byte 0
.global $$210953
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40215C, 0x8
.4byte 0x10080000
.4byte 0
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global $$210912
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022C4, 0xC
.4byte 0x8001488C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x0000004C
.4byte 0x800067F4 ;# ptr
.global $$210954
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022D0, 0xC
.4byte 0x800148E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000060
.4byte 0x800067FC ;# ptr
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$29022
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4036B8, 0x50
.asciz "std::tr1::detail::shared_ptr_deleter<char, std::detail::default_delete<char[]>>"
.global $$29050
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403708, 0x2C
.asciz "std::tr1::detail::shared_ptr_deleter_common"
.global $$29165
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403734, 0x24
.asciz "std::detail::default_delete<char[]>"
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global __vt__Q43std3tr16detail57shared_ptr_deleter$$0c$$4Q33std6detail20default_delete$$0A0_c$$1$$1
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB28, 0x14
.4byte 0x80556450
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80014940 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001488C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800148D8 ;# ptr
.global $$29023
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB3C, 0xC
.4byte 0x80556458
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __RTTI__Q43std3tr16detail57shared_ptr_deleter$$0c$$4Q33std6detail20default_delete$$0A0_c$$1$$1
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492830, 0x8
.4byte 0x804075B8
.4byte 0x80421A3C
.global __RTTI__Q43std3tr16detail25shared_ptr_deleter_common
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492838, 0x8
.4byte 0x80407608
.4byte 0
.global __RTTI__Q33std6detail20default_delete$$0A0_c$$1
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492840, 0x8
.4byte 0x80407634
.4byte 0
@ -434,84 +434,174 @@ lbl_80014F00:
.section extab, "wa" # 0x80006740 - 0x800068E0
.global $$225556
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402164, 0x28
.4byte 0x18180000
.4byte 0x00000048
.4byte 0x00000018
.4byte 0x00000054
.4byte 0x00000024
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x8F000000
.4byte 0x0000004C
.4byte 0x00000008
.4byte 0x8D000008
.global $$226577
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40218C, 0x8
.4byte 0x10080000
.4byte 0
.global $$227127
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402194, 0x60
.4byte 0x68080000
.4byte 0x00000094
.4byte 0x00000038
.4byte 0x000000B0
.4byte 0x00000030
.4byte 0x0000019C
.4byte 0x0000004C
.4byte 0x000001B8
.4byte 0x00000044
.4byte 0x0000035C
.4byte 0x00000058
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x02000028
.4byte 0x800148E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8680001D
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80006BD0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x02000020
.4byte 0x800148E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8680001E
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80006BD0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x82000030
.4byte 0x800149D8 ;# ptr
.global $$227197
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4021F4, 0x28
.4byte 0x18180000
.4byte 0x0000004C
.4byte 0x00000018
.4byte 0x00000058
.4byte 0x00000024
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x8F000000
.4byte 0x00000050
.4byte 0x00000008
.4byte 0x8D000008
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global $$225557
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022DC, 0xC
.4byte 0x80014948 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000090
.4byte 0x80006804 ;# ptr
.global $$226578
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022E8, 0xC
.4byte 0x800149D8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000064
.4byte 0x8000682C ;# ptr
.global $$227128
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022F4, 0xC
.4byte 0x80014A3C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000003F0
.4byte 0x80006834 ;# ptr
.global $$227198
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402300, 0xC
.4byte 0x80014E2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000094
.4byte 0x80006894 ;# ptr
.section .ctors, "wa" # 0x80406260 - 0x80406540
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402364, 0x4
.4byte 0x80014EC4 ;# ptr
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$210379
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403758, 0x14
.asciz "std::out_of_range"
.balign 4
.global $$210381
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40376C, 0x14
.asciz "std::length_error"
.balign 4
.global $$210387
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403780, 0x14
.asciz "std::logic_error"
.balign 4
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403794, 0xE4
.asciz "vector length error"
.asciz "!std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::length_error!!"
.byte 0x62
.asciz "asic_string: out_of_range"
.byte 0x21, 0x73
.asciz "td::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::out_of_range!!"
.byte 0x43, 0x00, 0x2A
.4byte 0x00626173
.asciz "ic_string: length_error"
.asciz "basic_string::reserve length_error"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global __vt__Q23std12out_of_range
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB48, 0x10
.4byte 0x80556468
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80014EC0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80014944 ;# ptr
.global $$210380
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB58, 0x18
.4byte 0x80556420
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80556478
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global __vt__Q23std12length_error
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB70, 0x10
.4byte 0x80556470
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80014E2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80014944 ;# ptr
.global $$210382
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB80, 0x18
.4byte 0x80556420
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80556478
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global __vt__Q23std11logic_error
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DB98, 0x10
.4byte 0x80556478
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80014948 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80014944 ;# ptr
.global $$210388
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DBA8, 0x10
.4byte 0x80556420
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __RTTI__Q23std12out_of_range
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492848, 0x8
.4byte 0x80407658
.4byte 0x80421A58
.global __RTTI__Q23std12length_error
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492850, 0x8
.4byte 0x8040766C
.4byte 0x80421A80
.global __RTTI__Q23std11logic_error
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492858, 0x8
.4byte 0x80407680
.4byte 0x80421AA8
.global $$211481
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492860, 0x1
.byte 0x00
.global $$211495
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492861, 0x7
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global $$2GUARD$$2id__Q23std8ctype$$0c$$1
@ -88,15 +88,26 @@ __dt__Q43std3tr16detail20function_base$$0PFv_v$$1Fv:
.section extab, "wa" # 0x80006740 - 0x800068E0
.global $$28323
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40221C, 0x8
.4byte 0x08080000
.4byte 0
.global $$28430
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402224, 0x1C
.4byte 0x10080000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global $$28324
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40230C, 0xC
.4byte 0x80014F18 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000078
.4byte 0x800068BC ;# ptr
.global $$28431
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402318, 0xC
.4byte 0x80014F90 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000000A0
.4byte 0x800068C4 ;# ptr
@ -375,7 +375,12 @@ lbl_80009730:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global fix_pool_sizes
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402770, 0x18
.4byte 0x00000004
.4byte 0x0000000C
.4byte 0x00000014
.4byte 0x00000024
.4byte 0x00000034
.4byte 0x00000044
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global $$2LOCAL$$2get_malloc_pool__Fv$$2protopool
@ -85,7 +85,86 @@ lbl_80009834:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global __files
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D1F8, 0x140
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x0A800000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80496AB8
.4byte 0x00000100
.4byte 0x80496AB8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x800186F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010454 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010524 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80421148
.4byte 0x00000001
.4byte 0x12800000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x804969B8
.4byte 0x00000100
.4byte 0x804969B8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x800186F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010454 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010524 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80421198
.4byte 0x00000002
.4byte 0x10800000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x804968B8
.4byte 0x00000100
.4byte 0x804968B8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x800186F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010454 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010524 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x804211E8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global stderr_buff
@ -20,10 +20,263 @@ lbl_8000A3CC:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global __ctype_mapC
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402868, 0x200
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040106
.4byte 0x01040104
.4byte 0x01040104
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x014200D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x04580458
.4byte 0x04580458
.4byte 0x04580458
.4byte 0x04580458
.4byte 0x04580458
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D00651
.4byte 0x06510651
.4byte 0x06510651
.4byte 0x06510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x02510251
.4byte 0x025100D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D00471
.4byte 0x04710471
.4byte 0x04710471
.4byte 0x04710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x007100D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D00004
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global __lower_mapC
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402A68, 0x100
.4byte 0x00010203
.4byte 0x04050607
.4byte 0x08090A0B
.4byte 0x0C0D0E0F
.4byte 0x10111213
.4byte 0x14151617
.4byte 0x18191A1B
.4byte 0x1C1D1E1F
.4byte 0x20212223
.4byte 0x24252627
.4byte 0x28292A2B
.4byte 0x2C2D2E2F
.4byte 0x30313233
.4byte 0x34353637
.4byte 0x38393A3B
.4byte 0x3C3D3E3F
.4byte 0x40616263
.4byte 0x64656667
.4byte 0x68696A6B
.4byte 0x6C6D6E6F
.4byte 0x70717273
.4byte 0x74757677
.4byte 0x78797A5B
.4byte 0x5C5D5E5F
.4byte 0x60616263
.4byte 0x64656667
.4byte 0x68696A6B
.4byte 0x6C6D6E6F
.4byte 0x70717273
.4byte 0x74757677
.4byte 0x78797A7B
.4byte 0x7C7D7E7F
.4byte 0x80818283
.4byte 0x84858687
.4byte 0x88898A8B
.4byte 0x8C8D8E8F
.4byte 0x90919293
.4byte 0x94959697
.4byte 0x98999A9B
.4byte 0x9C9D9E9F
.4byte 0xA0A1A2A3
.4byte 0xA4A5A6A7
.4byte 0xA8A9AAAB
.4byte 0xACADAEAF
.4byte 0xB0B1B2B3
.4byte 0xB4B5B6B7
.4byte 0xB8B9BABB
.4byte 0xBCBDBEBF
.4byte 0xC0C1C2C3
.4byte 0xC4C5C6C7
.4byte 0xC8C9CACB
.4byte 0xCCCDCECF
.4byte 0xD0D1D2D3
.4byte 0xD4D5D6D7
.4byte 0xD8D9DADB
.4byte 0xDCDDDEDF
.4byte 0xE0E1E2E3
.4byte 0xE4E5E6E7
.4byte 0xE8E9EAEB
.4byte 0xECEDEEEF
.4byte 0xF0F1F2F3
.4byte 0xF4F5F6F7
.4byte 0xF8F9FAFB
.4byte 0xFCFDFEFF
.global __upper_mapC
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402B68, 0x100
.4byte 0x00010203
.4byte 0x04050607
.4byte 0x08090A0B
.4byte 0x0C0D0E0F
.4byte 0x10111213
.4byte 0x14151617
.4byte 0x18191A1B
.4byte 0x1C1D1E1F
.4byte 0x20212223
.4byte 0x24252627
.4byte 0x28292A2B
.4byte 0x2C2D2E2F
.4byte 0x30313233
.4byte 0x34353637
.4byte 0x38393A3B
.4byte 0x3C3D3E3F
.4byte 0x40414243
.4byte 0x44454647
.4byte 0x48494A4B
.4byte 0x4C4D4E4F
.4byte 0x50515253
.4byte 0x54555657
.4byte 0x58595A5B
.4byte 0x5C5D5E5F
.4byte 0x60414243
.4byte 0x44454647
.4byte 0x48494A4B
.4byte 0x4C4D4E4F
.4byte 0x50515253
.4byte 0x54555657
.4byte 0x58595A7B
.4byte 0x7C7D7E7F
.4byte 0x80818283
.4byte 0x84858687
.4byte 0x88898A8B
.4byte 0x8C8D8E8F
.4byte 0x90919293
.4byte 0x94959697
.4byte 0x98999A9B
.4byte 0x9C9D9E9F
.4byte 0xA0A1A2A3
.4byte 0xA4A5A6A7
.4byte 0xA8A9AAAB
.4byte 0xACADAEAF
.4byte 0xB0B1B2B3
.4byte 0xB4B5B6B7
.4byte 0xB8B9BABB
.4byte 0xBCBDBEBF
.4byte 0xC0C1C2C3
.4byte 0xC4C5C6C7
.4byte 0xC8C9CACB
.4byte 0xCCCDCECF
.4byte 0xD0D1D2D3
.4byte 0xD4D5D6D7
.4byte 0xD8D9DADB
.4byte 0xDCDDDEDF
.4byte 0xE0E1E2E3
.4byte 0xE4E5E6E7
.4byte 0xE8E9EAEB
.4byte 0xECEDEEEF
.4byte 0xF0F1F2F3
.4byte 0xF4F5F6F7
.4byte 0xF8F9FAFB
.4byte 0xFCFDFEFF
@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __float_nan
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492828, 0x8
.4byte 0x7FFFFFFF
.4byte 0
@ -3,56 +3,180 @@
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$2142
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402C68, 0x10
.asciz "%a %b %e %T %Y"
.balign 4
.global $$2143
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402C78, 0xC
.asciz "%I:%M:%S %p"
.global $$2144
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402C84, 0xC
.asciz "%m/%d/%y"
.balign 4
.global $$2146
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402C90, 0x58
.asciz "Sun|Sunday|Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday"
.balign 4
.global $$2147
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402CE8, 0x88
.asciz "Jan|January|Feb|February|Mar|March|Apr|April|May|May|Jun|June|Jul|July|Aug|August|Sep|September|Oct|October|Nov|November|Dec|December"
.balign 4
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global __lconv
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D460, 0x38
.4byte 0x8055DF88
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x7F7F7F7F
.4byte 0x7F7F7F00
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x7F7F7F7F
.4byte 0x7F7F7F00
.global _loc_ctyp_C
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D498, 0x28
.4byte 0x43000000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80406768
.4byte 0x80406A68
.4byte 0x80406968
.4byte 0x80406C98
.4byte 0x80407098
.4byte 0x80406E98
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.4byte 0x8000ABB8 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0
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.4byte 0x8055DF8C
.4byte 0x8055DF8C
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.4byte 0x8055DF8C
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.4byte 0x8055DF8C
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.4byte 0
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.4byte 0
.4byte 0
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.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000B804 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000B624 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000CD84 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000CD84 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000CD84 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000CD84 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000D070 ;# ptr
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@ -3,10 +3,391 @@
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.4byte 0x01040104
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.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x00040004
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.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
.4byte 0x00D000D0
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.4byte 0x04580458
.4byte 0x04580458
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.4byte 0x00710071
.4byte 0x00710071
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.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
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.4byte 0x00960097
.4byte 0x00980099
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.4byte 0x009C009D
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.4byte 0x00600041
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.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000E670 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
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.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E620 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E6FC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E590 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E684 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E5D4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E670 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E590 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E768 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E590 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E6D8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E738 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E590 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000E590 ;# ptr
.global $$22923
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D968, 0x150
.4byte 0x80010030 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FCF8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FC7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FC7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FC7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FB20 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FCF8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FFD8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000F9C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FC7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FC7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FC7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000F9C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FF20 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FB20 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FD74 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FB20 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80010040 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000FB20 ;# ptr
.global $$2wstringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DAB8, 0x70
.4byte 0x002D0030
.4byte 0x00580030
.4byte 0x0000002D
.4byte 0x00300078
.4byte 0x00300000
.4byte 0x00300058
.4byte 0x00300000
.4byte 0x00300078
.4byte 0x00300000
.4byte 0x002D0049
.4byte 0x004E0046
.4byte 0x0000002D
.4byte 0x0069006E
.4byte 0x00660000
.4byte 0x0049004E
.4byte 0x00460000
.4byte 0x0069006E
.4byte 0x00660000
.4byte 0x002D004E
.4byte 0x0041004E
.4byte 0x0000002D
.4byte 0x006E0061
.4byte 0x006E0000
.4byte 0x004E0041
.4byte 0x004E0000
.4byte 0x006E0061
.4byte 0x006E0000
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$22601
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498AE8, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -193,52 +193,69 @@ lbl_800108CC:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2505
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498AF0, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2506
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498AF8, 0x8
.4byte 0x400921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2507
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B00, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2508
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B08, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FC55555
.4byte 0x55555555
.global $$2509
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B10, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFD4D612
.4byte 0x03EB6F7D
.global $$2510
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B18, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FC9C155
.4byte 0x0E884455
.global $$2511
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B20, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFA48228
.4byte 0xB5688F3B
.global $$2512
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B28, 0x8
.4byte 0x3F49EFE0
.4byte 0x7501B288
.global $$2513
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B30, 0x8
.4byte 0x3F023DE1
.4byte 0x0DFDF709
.global $$2514
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B38, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2515
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B40, 0x8
.4byte 0xC0033A27
.4byte 0x1C8A2D4B
.global $$2516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B48, 0x8
.4byte 0x40002AE5
.4byte 0x9C598AC8
.global $$2517
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B50, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFE6066C
.4byte 0x1B8D0159
.global $$2518
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B58, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FB3B8C5
.4byte 0xB12E9282
.global $$2519
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B60, 0x8
.4byte 0x3C91A626
.4byte 0x33145C07
.global $$2520
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B68, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2521
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B70, 0x8
.4byte 0x40000000
.4byte 0
@ -182,52 +182,69 @@ lbl_80010B54:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2512
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B78, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2513
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B80, 0x8
.4byte 0x3C91A626
.4byte 0x33145C07
.global $$2514
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B88, 0x8
.4byte 0x7E37E43C
.4byte 0x8800759C
.global $$2515
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B90, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498B98, 0x8
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.4byte 0x55555555
.global $$2517
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BA0, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFD4D612
.4byte 0x03EB6F7D
.global $$2518
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BA8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FC9C155
.4byte 0x0E884455
.global $$2519
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BB0, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFA48228
.4byte 0xB5688F3B
.global $$2520
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BB8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3F49EFE0
.4byte 0x7501B288
.global $$2521
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BC0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3F023DE1
.4byte 0x0DFDF709
.global $$2522
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BC8, 0x8
.4byte 0xC0033A27
.4byte 0x1C8A2D4B
.global $$2523
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BD0, 0x8
.4byte 0x40002AE5
.4byte 0x9C598AC8
.global $$2524
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BD8, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFE6066C
.4byte 0x1B8D0159
.global $$2525
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BE0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FB3B8C5
.4byte 0xB12E9282
.global $$2526
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BE8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2527
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BF0, 0x8
.4byte 0x40000000
.4byte 0
.global $$2528
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498BF8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
@ -184,34 +184,45 @@ lbl_80010DC8:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2583
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C00, 0x8
.4byte 0x400921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2584
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C08, 0x8
.4byte 0xC00921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2585
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C10, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFF921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2586
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C18, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2587
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C20, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2588
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C28, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFE921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2589
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C30, 0x8
.4byte 0x4002D97C
.4byte 0x7F3321D2
.global $$2590
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C38, 0x8
.4byte 0xC002D97C
.4byte 0x7F3321D2
.global $$2591
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C40, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2592
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C48, 0x8
.4byte 0x80000000
.4byte 0
.global $$2593
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C50, 0x8
.4byte 0x3CA1A626
.4byte 0x33145C07
@ -274,4 +274,7 @@ lbl_80011154:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global Zero
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4033A0, 0x10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80000000
.4byte 0
@ -192,52 +192,68 @@ lbl_80011408:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2514
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C58, 0x8
.4byte 0xC3500000
.4byte 0
.global $$2515
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C60, 0x8
.4byte 0x43500000
.4byte 0
.global $$2516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C68, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2517
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C70, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE62E42
.4byte 0xFEE00000
.global $$2518
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C78, 0x8
.4byte 0x3DEA39EF
.4byte 0x35793C76
.global $$2519
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C80, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2520
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C88, 0x8
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.4byte 0x55555555
.global $$2521
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C90, 0x8
.4byte 0x40000000
.4byte 0
.global $$2522
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498C98, 0x8
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.4byte 0x9997FA04
.global $$2523
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CA0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FCC71C5
.4byte 0x1D8E78AF
.global $$2524
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CA8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FC39A09
.4byte 0xD078C69F
.global $$2525
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CB0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE55555
.4byte 0x55555593
.global $$2526
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CB8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FD24924
.4byte 0x94229359
.global $$2527
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CC0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FC74664
.4byte 0x96CB03DE
.global $$2528
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CC8, 0x8
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.4byte 0xDF3E5244
.global $$2530
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CD0, 0x8
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.4byte 0x80000000
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global zero
@ -81,22 +81,28 @@ lbl_80011510:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CD8, 0x8
.4byte 0xC3500000
.4byte 0
.global $$2479
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CE0, 0x8
.4byte 0x43500000
.4byte 0
.global $$2480
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CE8, 0x8
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.4byte 0x11F12B36
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CF0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FDBCB7B
.4byte 0x1526E50E
.global $$2482
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498CF8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FD34413
.4byte 0x509F6000
.global $$2484
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D00, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0x80000000
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global zero
@ -569,114 +569,157 @@ lbl_80011CF8:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global bp
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4033B0, 0x10
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x3FF80000
.4byte 0
.global dp_h
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4033C0, 0x10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x3FE2B803
.4byte 0x40000000
.global dp_l
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4033D0, 0x10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x3E4CFDEB
.4byte 0x43CFD006
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
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.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2795
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D10, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2796
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D18, 0x8
.4byte 0x7FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2797
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D20, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2798
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D28, 0x8
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.4byte 0x55555555
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D30, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FD00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2800
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D38, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF71547
.4byte 0x60000000
.global $$2801
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D40, 0x8
.4byte 0x3E54AE0B
.4byte 0xF85DDF44
.global $$2802
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D48, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF71547
.4byte 0x652B82FE
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D50, 0x8
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.4byte 0
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D58, 0x8
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.4byte 0x33333303
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D60, 0x8
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.4byte 0xDB6FABFF
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D68, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FD55555
.4byte 0x518F264D
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D70, 0x8
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.4byte 0xA91D4101
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D78, 0x8
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.4byte 0x93C9DB65
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D80, 0x8
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.4byte 0x4A454EEF
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D88, 0x8
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.4byte 0
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D90, 0x8
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.4byte 0xE0000000
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498D98, 0x8
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.4byte 0x145B01F5
.global $$2813
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DA8, 0x8
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.4byte 0
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DB0, 0x8
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.4byte 0x8800759C
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DB8, 0x8
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DC0, 0x8
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DC8, 0x8
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.4byte 0
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DD0, 0x8
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.4byte 0x0CA86C39
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DE0, 0x8
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.4byte 0x5555553E
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DE8, 0x8
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.4byte 0x16BEBD93
.global $$2823
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DF0, 0x8
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.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498DF8, 0x8
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.4byte 0
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.4byte 0x80000000
@ -247,42 +247,149 @@ lbl_800120A4:
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.4byte 0x006E4E44
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.4byte 0x00F534DD
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.4byte 0x002EEA09
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.4byte 0x00FE1DEB
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.4byte 0x00A73EE8
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.4byte 0x0084E99C
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.4byte 0x005F7E41
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.4byte 0x0097FFDE
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.4byte 0x00EF2F11
.4byte 0x008B5A0A
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.4byte 0x0027CB09
.4byte 0x00B74F46
.4byte 0x003F669E
.4byte 0x005FEA2D
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.4byte 0x00C7EBE5
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.4byte 0x008A5292
.4byte 0x00EA6BFB
.4byte 0x005FB11F
.4byte 0x008D5D08
.4byte 0x00560330
.4byte 0x0046FC7B
.4byte 0x006BABF0
.4byte 0x00CFBC20
.4byte 0x009AF436
.4byte 0x001DA9E3
.4byte 0x0091615E
.4byte 0x00E61B08
.4byte 0x00659985
.4byte 0x005F14A0
.4byte 0x0068408D
.4byte 0x00FFD880
.4byte 0x004D7327
.4byte 0x00310606
.4byte 0x001556CA
.4byte 0x0073A8C9
.4byte 0x0060E27B
.4byte 0x00C08C6B
.global npio2_hw
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4034E8, 0x80
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x400921FB
.4byte 0x4012D97C
.4byte 0x401921FB
.4byte 0x401F6A7A
.4byte 0x4022D97C
.4byte 0x4025FDBB
.4byte 0x402921FB
.4byte 0x402C463A
.4byte 0x402F6A7A
.4byte 0x4031475C
.4byte 0x4032D97C
.4byte 0x40346B9C
.4byte 0x4035FDBB
.4byte 0x40378FDB
.4byte 0x403921FB
.4byte 0x403AB41B
.4byte 0x403C463A
.4byte 0x403DD85A
.4byte 0x403F6A7A
.4byte 0x40407E4C
.4byte 0x4041475C
.4byte 0x4042106C
.4byte 0x4042D97C
.4byte 0x4043A28C
.4byte 0x40446B9C
.4byte 0x404534AC
.4byte 0x4045FDBB
.4byte 0x4046C6CB
.4byte 0x40478FDB
.4byte 0x404858EB
.4byte 0x404921FB
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2594
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E18, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2595
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E20, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x54400000
.global $$2596
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E28, 0x8
.4byte 0x3DD0B461
.4byte 0x1A626331
.global $$2597
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E30, 0x8
.4byte 0x3DD0B461
.4byte 0x1A600000
.global $$2598
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E38, 0x8
.4byte 0x3BA3198A
.4byte 0x2E037073
.global $$2599
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E40, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2600
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E48, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE45F30
.4byte 0x6DC9C883
.global $$2601
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E50, 0x8
.4byte 0x3BA3198A
.4byte 0x2E000000
.global $$2602
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E58, 0x8
.4byte 0x397B839A
.4byte 0x252049C1
.global $$2603
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E60, 0x8
.4byte 0x41700000
.4byte 0
.global $$2607
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E68, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0x80000000
@ -177,4 +177,5 @@ lbl_800147E0:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2562
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FF8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
@ -80,28 +80,37 @@ lbl_800121C4:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2476
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E70, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2477
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E78, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FA55555
.4byte 0x5555554C
.global $$2478
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E80, 0x8
.4byte 0xBF56C16C
.4byte 0x16C15177
.global $$2479
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E88, 0x8
.4byte 0x3EFA01A0
.4byte 0x19CB1590
.global $$2480
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E90, 0x8
.4byte 0xBE927E4F
.4byte 0x809C52AD
.global $$2481
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498E98, 0x8
.4byte 0x3E21EE9E
.4byte 0xBDB4B1C4
.global $$2482
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EA0, 0x8
.4byte 0xBDA8FAE9
.4byte 0xBE8838D4
.global $$2483
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EA8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2484
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EB0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FD20000
.4byte 0
@ -1587,33 +1587,59 @@ lbl_80013864:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global init_jk
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403568, 0x10
.4byte 0x00000002
.4byte 0x00000003
.4byte 0x00000004
.4byte 0x00000006
.global PIo2
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403578, 0x40
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x40000000
.asciz ">tD-"
.balign 4
.4byte 0x3CF84698
.4byte 0x80000000
.4byte 0x3B78CC51
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x39F01B83
.4byte 0x80000000
.asciz "8z% @"
.balign 4
.4byte 0x36E38222
.4byte 0x80000000
.4byte 0x3569F31D
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$21235
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EB8, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$21236
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EC0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3E700000
.4byte 0
.global $$21237
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EC8, 0x8
.4byte 0x41700000
.4byte 0
.global $$21238
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498ED0, 0x8
.4byte 0x40200000
.4byte 0
.global $$21239
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498ED8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FC00000
.4byte 0
.global $$21240
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EE0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
.global $$21241
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EE8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$21247
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EF0, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0x80000000
@ -58,22 +58,29 @@ lbl_8001393C:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2470
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498EF8, 0x8
.4byte 0x3F811111
.4byte 0x1110F8A6
.global $$2471
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F00, 0x8
.4byte 0xBF2A01A0
.4byte 0x19C161D5
.global $$2472
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F08, 0x8
.4byte 0x3EC71DE3
.4byte 0x57B1FE7D
.global $$2473
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F10, 0x8
.4byte 0xBE5AE5E6
.4byte 0x8A2B9CEB
.global $$2474
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F18, 0x8
.4byte 0x3DE5D93A
.4byte 0x5ACFD57C
.global $$2475
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F20, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFC55555
.4byte 0x55555549
.global $$2476
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F28, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE00000
.4byte 0
@ -163,27 +163,59 @@ lbl_80013B7C:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global T
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4035B8, 0x68
.4byte 0x3FD55555
.4byte 0x55555563
.4byte 0x3FC11111
.4byte 0x1110FE7A
.4byte 0x3FABA1BA
.4byte 0x1BB341FE
.4byte 0x3F9664F4
.4byte 0x8406D637
.4byte 0x3F8226E3
.4byte 0xE96E8493
.4byte 0x3F6D6D22
.4byte 0xC9560328
.4byte 0x3F57DBC8
.4byte 0xFEE08315
.4byte 0x3F4344D8
.4byte 0xF2F26501
.4byte 0x3F3026F7
.4byte 0x1A8D1068
.4byte 0x3F147E88
.4byte 0xA03792A6
.4byte 0x3F12B80F
.4byte 0x32F0A7E9
.4byte 0xBEF375CB
.4byte 0xDB605373
.4byte 0x3EFB2A70
.4byte 0x74BF7AD4
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F30, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2517
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F38, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2518
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F40, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FE921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global $$2519
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F48, 0x8
.4byte 0x3C81A626
.4byte 0x33145C07
.global $$2520
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F50, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2521
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F58, 0x8
.4byte 0x40000000
.4byte 0
.global $$2523
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F60, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0x80000000
@ -161,27 +161,67 @@ lbl_80013DBC:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global atanhi
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403620, 0x20
.4byte 0x3FDDAC67
.4byte 0x0561BB4F
.4byte 0x3FE921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.4byte 0x3FEF730B
.4byte 0xD281F69B
.4byte 0x3FF921FB
.4byte 0x54442D18
.global atanlo
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403640, 0x20
.4byte 0x3C7A2B7F
.4byte 0x222F65E2
.4byte 0x3C81A626
.4byte 0x33145C07
.4byte 0x3C700788
.4byte 0x7AF0CBBD
.4byte 0x3C91A626
.4byte 0x33145C07
.global aT
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403660, 0x58
.4byte 0x3FD55555
.4byte 0x5555550D
.4byte 0xBFC99999
.4byte 0x9998EBC4
.4byte 0x3FC24924
.4byte 0x920083FF
.4byte 0xBFBC71C6
.4byte 0xFE231671
.4byte 0x3FB745CD
.4byte 0xC54C206E
.4byte 0xBFB3B0F2
.4byte 0xAF749A6D
.4byte 0x3FB10D66
.4byte 0xA0D03D51
.4byte 0xBFADDE2D
.4byte 0x52DEFD9A
.4byte 0x3FA97B4B
.4byte 0x24760DEB
.4byte 0xBFA2B444
.4byte 0x2C6A6C2F
.4byte 0x3F90AD3A
.4byte 0xE322DA11
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2532
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F68, 0x8
.4byte 0x7E37E43C
.4byte 0x8800759C
.global $$2533
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F70, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF00000
.4byte 0
.global $$2534
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F78, 0x8
.4byte 0x40000000
.4byte 0
.global $$2535
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F80, 0x8
.4byte 0x3FF80000
.4byte 0
.global $$2536
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F88, 0x8
.4byte 0xBFF00000
.4byte 0
@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ lbl_80013F08:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2515
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F90, 0x8
.4byte 0x7E37E43C
.4byte 0x8800759C
.global $$2516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498F98, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -64,4 +64,5 @@ lbl_80013FF4:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2477
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FA0, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -105,7 +105,9 @@ lbl_8001414C:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2515
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FA8, 0x8
.4byte 0x7E37E43C
.4byte 0x8800759C
.global $$2516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FB0, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -44,4 +44,5 @@ lbl_800141D4:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2468
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FB8, 0x8
.4byte 0x43500000
.4byte 0
@ -108,16 +108,21 @@ lbl_80014330:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2488
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FC0, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2489
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FC8, 0x8
.4byte 0x43500000
.4byte 0
.global $$2490
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FD0, 0x8
.4byte 0x01A56E1F
.4byte 0xC2F8F359
.global $$2491
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FD8, 0x8
.4byte 0x7E37E43C
.4byte 0x8800759C
.global $$2492
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FE0, 0x8
.4byte 0x3C900000
.4byte 0
@ -65,4 +65,5 @@ lbl_80014500:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2477
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FE8, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ lbl_80014578:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$2466
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498FF0, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -749,14 +749,112 @@ lbl_8000A2B4:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402788, 0xE0
.asciz "542101086242752217003726400434970855712890625"
.byte 0x31, 0x31
.asciz "102230246251565404236316680908203125"
.byte 0x32, 0x33, 0x32
.asciz "83064365386962890625"
.byte 0x31, 0x35, 0x32
.asciz "587890625"
.byte 0x33, 0x39
.asciz "0625"
.byte 0x37, 0x38, 0x31
.4byte 0x32350031
.asciz "5625"
.byte 0x33, 0x31, 0x32
.4byte 0x35003632
.4byte 0x35003132
.4byte 0x35003235
.4byte 0x00350031
.4byte 0x00320034
.4byte 0x00380031
.4byte 0x36003332
.4byte 0x00363400
.4byte 0x31323800
.4byte 0x32353600
.asciz "179769313486231580793728714053034151"
.balign 4
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21232
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D338, 0x128
.4byte 0x80009CE8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009CFC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009D14 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009D2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009D44 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009D5C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009D74 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009D8C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009DA4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009DBC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009DD4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009DEC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E04 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E1C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E34 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E4C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E64 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009E94 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EAC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009EC4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$21377
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x498AC0, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -54,4 +54,7 @@ lbl_8000920C:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402700, 0x70
.asciz "GCN_Mem_Alloc.c : InitDefaultHeap. No Heap Available\n"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65
.asciz "trowerks CW runtime library initializing default heap\n"
.balign 4
@ -1656,72 +1656,152 @@ what__Q23std13bad_exceptionCFv:
.section extab, "wa" # 0x80006740 - 0x800068E0
.global $$2283
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020E8, 0x8
.4byte 0x10080000
.4byte 0
.global $$2367
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020F0, 0x8
.4byte 0x10080000
.4byte 0
.global $$2557
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020F8, 0x8
.4byte 0x280A0000
.4byte 0
.global $$2861
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402100, 0x14
.4byte 0x50080000
.4byte 0x00000054
.4byte 0x01250010
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x8E000000
.global $$2952
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402114, 0x2C
.4byte 0x28180000
.4byte 0x00000020
.4byte 0x00000018
.4byte 0x00000044
.4byte 0x004F0028
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x90000000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x00000024
.4byte 0x00000020
.4byte 0x8D000020
.global $$21130
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402140, 0x14
.4byte 0x28080000
.4byte 0x00000274
.4byte 0x000F0010
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x8E000000
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global $$2284
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40227C, 0xC
.4byte 0x80007B78 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000001B0
.4byte 0x80006788 ;# ptr
.global $$2368
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402288, 0xC
.4byte 0x80007D28 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000001B0
.4byte 0x80006790 ;# ptr
.global $$2558
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402294, 0xC
.4byte 0x80007ED8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000554
.4byte 0x80006798 ;# ptr
.global $$2862
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022A0, 0xC
.4byte 0x8000842C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x0000050C
.4byte 0x800067A0 ;# ptr
.global $$2953
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022AC, 0xC
.4byte 0x80008938 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000001B8
.4byte 0x800067B4 ;# ptr
.global $$21131
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4022B8, 0xC
.4byte 0x80008BF8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000408
.4byte 0x800067E0 ;# ptr
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$21152
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402698, 0x14
.asciz "std::bad_exception"
.balign 4
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4026AC, 0x54
.asciz "!bad_exception!!"
.byte 0x21, 0x73, 0x74
.asciz "d::exception!!std::bad_exception!!"
.byte 0x21
.asciz "std::bad_exception!!"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2366
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D140, 0x44
.4byte 0x80007E90 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E90 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007DE8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007DF4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E00 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E0C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E18 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E18 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E24 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E30 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E3C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E48 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E54 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E90 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E78 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80007E60 ;# ptr
.global $$2860
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D184, 0x44
.4byte 0x80008910 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800084C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800084DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80008508 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000856C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800085B8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000860C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80008660 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800086B4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000873C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800087B8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80008800 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8000887C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800088A4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80008910 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800088F0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80008890 ;# ptr
.global __vt__Q23std13bad_exception
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D1C8, 0x10
.4byte 0x80556438
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x80008AF0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80009170 ;# ptr
.global $$21153
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D1D8, 0xC
.4byte 0x80556420
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.global $$2STRING$$2what__Q23std13bad_exceptionCFv
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41D1E4, 0x14
.asciz "bad_exception"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __RTTI__Q23std13bad_exception
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492818, 0x8
.4byte 0x80406598
.4byte 0x804210D8
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global fragmentinfo
@ -424,35 +424,55 @@ lbl_8000716C:
.section extab, "wa" # 0x80006740 - 0x800068E0
.global $$2340
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020A8, 0x18
.4byte 0x28080000
.4byte 0x00000070
.4byte 0x00000010
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x82000008
.4byte 0x80006F68 ;# ptr
.global $$2351
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020C0, 0x8
.4byte 0x18080000
.4byte 0
.global $$2383
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020C8, 0x18
.4byte 0x20080000
.4byte 0x0000005C
.4byte 0x00000010
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x82000008
.4byte 0x80006F68 ;# ptr
.global $$2401
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020E0, 0x8
.4byte 0x20080000
.4byte 0
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global $$2341
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40224C, 0xC
.4byte 0x80006E64 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000104
.4byte 0x80006748 ;# ptr
.global $$2352
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402258, 0xC
.4byte 0x80006F68 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000000BC
.4byte 0x80006760 ;# ptr
.global $$2384
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402264, 0xC
.4byte 0x80007024 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x000000F8
.4byte 0x80006768 ;# ptr
.global $$2402
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402270, 0xC
.4byte 0x8000711C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000078
.4byte 0x80006780 ;# ptr
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global thandler__3std
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492808, 0x4
.4byte 0x80006C10 ;# ptr
.global uhandler__3std
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x49280C, 0x4
.4byte 0x80006C14 ;# ptr
@ -24,19 +24,24 @@ lbl_80006BF8:
.section extab, "wa" # 0x80006740 - 0x800068E0
.global $$2190
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4020A0, 0x8
.4byte 0x08080000
.4byte 0
.section extabindex, "wa" # 0x800068E0 - 0x80006A00
.global $$2191
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402240, 0xC
.4byte 0x80006BD0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x00000040
.4byte 0x80006740 ;# ptr
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$2278
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402660, 0x10
.asciz "std::exception"
.balign 4
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __RTTI__Q23std9exception
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492800, 0x8
.4byte 0x80406560
.4byte 0
@ -40,17 +40,18 @@ lbl_80007A5C:
.section .ctors, "wa" # 0x80406260 - 0x80406540
.global __init_cpp_exceptions_reference
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402360, 0x4
.4byte 0x800079FC ;# ptr
.section .dtors, "wa" # 0x80406540 - 0x80406560
.global __destroy_global_chain_reference
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402640, 0x4
.4byte 0x80006B88 ;# ptr
.global __fini_cpp_exceptions_reference
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402644, 0x4
.4byte 0x80007A38 ;# ptr
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global fragmentID
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492810, 0x8
.4byte 0xFFFFFFFE
.4byte 0
@ -47,4 +47,7 @@ lbl_8000720C:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global __ptmf_null
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402670, 0x10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -729,4 +729,9 @@ lbl_800079F4:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global __constants
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x402680, 0x18
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x41F00000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x41E00000
.4byte 0
@ -80,4 +80,31 @@ lbl_800159F8:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2109
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DBB8, 0x70
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001593C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001594C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001595C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001596C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001597C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001598C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8001599C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159AC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159EC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159BC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159CC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800159DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0
@ -238,7 +238,22 @@ __TRKreset:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DC28, 0x40
.4byte 0x00000100
.4byte 0x00000200
.4byte 0x00000300
.4byte 0x00000400
.4byte 0x00000500
.4byte 0x00000600
.4byte 0x00000700
.4byte 0x00000800
.4byte 0x00000900
.4byte 0x00000C00
.4byte 0x00000D00
.4byte 0x00000F00
.4byte 0x00001300
.4byte 0x00001400
.4byte 0x00001700
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global lc_base
@ -275,12 +275,26 @@ InitializeProgramEndTrap:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DC68, 0xE8
.asciz "Devkit set to : %ld\n"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65, 0x74
.asciz "roTRK : Sizeof Reply - %ld bytes\n"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65
.asciz "troTRK : Set to NDEV hardware\n"
.byte 0x4D
.asciz "etroTRK : Set to UNKNOWN hardware. (%ld)\n"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65
.asciz "troTRK : Invalid hardware ID passed from OS\n"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65, 0x74
.asciz "roTRK : Defaulting to GDEV Hardware\n"
.byte 0x25, 0x73, 0x0A
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global EndofProgramInstruction$631
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499000, 0x8
.4byte 0x00454E44
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gDBCommTable
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ lbl_80016F54:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DDD8, 0x28
.asciz "MetroTRK - TRK_WriteUARTN returned %ld\n"
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gPacketSeq
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ lbl_8001775C:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DE00, 0x28
.asciz "MetroTRK - ERROR : No buffer available\n"
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gTRKMsgBufs
@ -1109,13 +1109,29 @@ lbl_80018694:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2781
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DE28, 0x1C
.4byte 0x80017AE4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017B04 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017ADC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017B04 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017AEC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017AF4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017AFC ;# ptr
.global $$2826
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DE44, 0x1C
.4byte 0x80017CF4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017D14 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017CEC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017D14 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017CFC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017D04 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80017D0C ;# ptr
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DE60, 0x30
.asciz "\nMetroTRK Option : SerialIO - "
.byte 0x45
.asciz "nable\n"
.byte 0x44
.asciz "isable\n"
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global g_CurrentSequence
@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ TRKDestructEvent:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DD50, 0x20
.asciz "MetroTRK - Event Queue full\n"
.balign 4
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gTRKEventQueue
@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ lbl_80016444:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DD70, 0x20
.asciz "MetroTRK for Revolution v0.4"
.balign 4
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gTRKBigEndian
@ -446,4 +446,8 @@ lbl_80016B7C:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2stringBase0
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DD90, 0x48
.asciz "MetroTRK - bad reply size %ld\n"
.byte 0x4D
.asciz "etroTRK - failed in RequestSend\n"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -1739,21 +1739,54 @@ lbl_8001A090:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global gTRKMemMap
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403878, 0x10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0xFFFFFFFF
.4byte 0x00000001
.4byte 0x00000001
.global $$2984
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403888, 0x28
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.global $$2999
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4038B0, 0x28
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.global $$21022
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4038D8, 0x28
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.4byte 0x60000000
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global gTRKExceptionStatus
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DE90, 0x10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x01000000
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gTRKRestoreFlags
@ -413,12 +413,14 @@ lbl_80042DD4:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x42F040, 0x48
.asciz "<< RVL_SDK - AI \trelease build: Aug 23 2010 17:29:47 (0x4302_145) >>"
.balign 4
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __AIVersion
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4929F0, 0x8
.4byte 0x80432F40
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global __AI_init_flag
@ -749,12 +749,16 @@ lbl_8004E720:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21127
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x434598, 0x24
.asciz "ARCInitHandle: bad archive format"
.balign 4
.global $$21189
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4345BC, 0x4C
.asciz "Warning: ARCOpen(): file '%s' was not found under %s in the archive.\n"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global $$21126
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492B80, 0x8
.asciz "arc.c"
.balign 4
@ -39,12 +39,14 @@ AXIsInit:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x42F088, 0x48
.asciz "<< RVL_SDK - AX \trelease build: Aug 23 2010 17:29:51 (0x4302_145) >>"
.balign 4
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __AXVersion
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4929F8, 0x8
.4byte 0x80432F88
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global __init
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -998,30 +998,66 @@ AXGetMaxVoices:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global __AXMixCycles
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x42F0D0, 0x80
.4byte 0x00000002
.4byte 0x00000198
.4byte 0x00000198
.4byte 0x0000032A
.4byte 0x0000057C
.4byte 0x0000057C
.4byte 0x0000057C
.4byte 0x0000057C
.4byte 0x00000198
.4byte 0x00000330
.4byte 0x00000330
.4byte 0x000004C2
.4byte 0x00000714
.4byte 0x00000714
.4byte 0x00000714
.4byte 0x00000714
.4byte 0x000002C3
.4byte 0x0000045B
.4byte 0x0000045B
.4byte 0x000005ED
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x000002C3
.4byte 0x0000045B
.4byte 0x0000045B
.4byte 0x000005ED
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x0000083F
.4byte 0x0000083F
.global __AXRmtMixCycles
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x42F150, 0x10
.4byte 0x00000004
.4byte 0x00000056
.4byte 0x00000097
.4byte 0x00000097
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$23525
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4991E8, 0x4
.4byte 0x40000000
.global $$23526
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4991EC, 0x4
.4byte 0x40C90FDB
.global $$23527
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4991F0, 0x4
.4byte 0x46FA0000
.global $$23528
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4991F4, 0x4
.4byte 0x3F800000
.global $$23529
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4991F8, 0x8
.4byte 0x47000000
.4byte 0
.global $$23533
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499200, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global __s_AXPB
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ AXFXGetHooks:
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global __AXFXAlloc
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492A08, 0x4
.4byte 0x80047040 ;# ptr
.global __AXFXFree
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492A0C, 0x4
.4byte 0x80047050 ;# ptr
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ AXFXReverbHiCallback:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$22209
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499208, 0x4
.4byte 0
.global $$22210
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x49920C, 0x4
.4byte 0x3F800000
@ -1006,42 +1006,149 @@ lbl_80047004:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global __EarlySizeTable
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x432120, 0x60
.4byte 0x0000009D
.4byte 0x000001DF
.4byte 0x0000033D
.4byte 0x0000013D
.4byte 0x00000329
.4byte 0x0000045D
.4byte 0x000001DF
.4byte 0x000003AD
.4byte 0x000005CF
.4byte 0x00000281
.4byte 0x000004EB
.4byte 0x0000079D
.4byte 0x0000031D
.4byte 0x00000683
.4byte 0x00000A13
.4byte 0x000003C7
.4byte 0x0000076D
.4byte 0x00000B57
.4byte 0x00000463
.4byte 0x00000883
.4byte 0x00000D55
.4byte 0x000004FF
.4byte 0x000009AD
.4byte 0x00000F31
.global __EarlyCoefTable
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x432180, 0x60
.4byte 0x3ECCCCCD
.4byte 0xBF800000
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0x3F000000
.4byte 0xBF733333
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0x3F19999A
.4byte 0xBF666666
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0x3F400000
.4byte 0xBF59999A
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0xBF666666
.4byte 0x3F4CCCCD
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0xBF800000
.4byte 0x3F333333
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0xBF800000
.4byte 0x3F333333
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.4byte 0xBF800000
.4byte 0x3F333333
.4byte 0x3E99999A
.global __FilterSizeTable
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4321E0, 0xE0
.4byte 0x000006FD
.4byte 0x000007CF
.4byte 0x0000091D
.4byte 0x000001B1
.4byte 0x00000095
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.4byte 0x00000095
.4byte 0x00000125
.4byte 0x000001C1
.4byte 0x000000FB
.4byte 0x00000067
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.4byte 0x000003B3
.4byte 0x00000551
.4byte 0x000005FB
.4byte 0x000001B1
.4byte 0x00000089
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.4byte 0x000004FF
.4byte 0x000005FB
.4byte 0x000007B5
.4byte 0x000001FD
.4byte 0x00000095
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.4byte 0x000005FB
.4byte 0x00000737
.4byte 0x000008F9
.4byte 0x00000233
.4byte 0x000000B3
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.4byte 0x0000071F
.4byte 0x00000935
.4byte 0x00000A85
.4byte 0x0000023B
.4byte 0x00000089
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.4byte 0x0000071F
.4byte 0x00000935
.4byte 0x00000A85
.4byte 0x0000023B
.4byte 0x000000B3
.4byte 0x0000002F
.4byte 0x00000049
.4byte 0x00000043
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$23078
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499210, 0x4
.4byte 0x46FA0000
.global $$23123
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499214, 0x4
.4byte 0
.global $$23288
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499218, 0x4
.4byte 0x3F800000
.global $$23289
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x49921C, 0x4
.4byte 0x3F19999A
.global $$23290
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499220, 0x8
.4byte 0x3F000000
.4byte 0
.global $$23294
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499228, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0x80000000
.global $$23484
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499230, 0x8
.4byte 0xC0400000
.4byte 0
.global $$23485
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499238, 0x8
.4byte 0x40240000
.4byte 0
.global $$23486
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499240, 0x8
.asciz "?s33"
.balign 4
.global $$23489
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499248, 0x8
.4byte 0x43300000
.4byte 0
@ -208,4 +208,5 @@ lbl_8001A2AC:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22249
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x41DEA0, 0x38
.asciz "H4A should not be cleared because of Broadway errata.\n"
.balign 4
@ -2568,44 +2568,92 @@ lbl_8007A9C8:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global bta_service_id_to_uuid_lkup_tbl
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403FA0, 0x30
.4byte 0x12001101
.4byte 0x11031111
.4byte 0x11021108
.4byte 0x111E1105
.4byte 0x11061109
.4byte 0x11101104
.4byte 0x1118111B
.4byte 0x11151116
.4byte 0x1117112D
.4byte 0x110B110E
.4byte 0x11241304
.4byte 0x112F0000
.global bta_service_id_to_btm_srv_id_lkup_tbl
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403FD0, 0x60
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x00000001
.4byte 0x00000003
.4byte 0x0000000B
.4byte 0x00000002
.4byte 0x0000000C
.4byte 0x0000001D
.4byte 0x00000006
.4byte 0x00000007
.4byte 0x00000009
.4byte 0x0000000A
.4byte 0x00000004
.4byte 0x00000016
.4byte 0x00000023
.4byte 0x00000019
.4byte 0x0000001B
.4byte 0x0000001A
.4byte 0x00000028
.4byte 0x00000025
.4byte 0x00000027
.4byte 0x00000020
.4byte 0x00000025
.4byte 0x0000002C
.4byte 0
.global bta_security
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404030, 0x18
.4byte 0x80079BCC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079D54 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079E8C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079E84 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079F28 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22277
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436B58, 0x20
.asciz " bta_dm_disable_timer_cback "
.balign 4
.global $$22402
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436B78, 0x20
.asciz " bta_dm_search_timer_cback "
.balign 4
.global $$22488
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436B98, 0x40
.asciz " bta_dm_pin_cback() -> Failed to start Remote Name Request "
.balign 4
.global $$22555
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436BD8, 0x14
.asciz " timer stopped "
.balign 4
.global $$22586
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436BEC, 0x30
.asciz "bta_dm_l2cap_server_compress_cback, BTA ID %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22689
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436C1C, 0x3C
.asciz "bta_dm_compress_cback open app_id %d, BTA id %d, state %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22690
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436C58, 0x40
.asciz "bta_dm_compress_cback close app_id %d, BTA id %d, state %d"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$21489
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499460, 0x2
.byte 0x00, 0x01
.global lbl_8055E922
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499462, 0x6
.byte 0x80, 0x01
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global bta_dm_compress_srvcs
@ -334,7 +334,9 @@ lbl_8007AE40:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global bta_dm_reg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499468, 0x8
.4byte 0x8007AE50 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.global bta_dm_search_reg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499470, 0x8
.4byte 0x8007AEE8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
@ -3,36 +3,68 @@
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global bta_dm_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403F00, 0xC
.4byte 0x40020400
.4byte 0x000F2000
.4byte 0x13880000
.global bta_dm_rm_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403F0C, 0xC
.4byte 0x0002010E
.4byte 0x01020E02
.4byte 0x0212FF01
.global bta_dm_compress_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403F18, 0x14
.4byte 0x0005000A
.4byte 0xFF0108FF
.4byte 0x0106FF01
.4byte 0x07FF0112
.4byte 0xFF020000
.global bta_dm_pm_spec
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403F2C, 0x4C
.4byte 0x03000200
.4byte 0x13880000
.4byte 0x00001000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x00000200
.4byte 0x13880000
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x00000800
.4byte 0x13880000
.4byte 0
.global bta_dm_pm_md
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403F78, 0x18
.4byte 0x019000C8
.4byte 0x00040004
.4byte 0x02000320
.4byte 0x01900000
.4byte 0x00000300
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global p_bta_dm_rm_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492C90, 0x4
.4byte 0x80407E0C
.global p_bta_dm_compress_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492C94, 0x4
.4byte 0x80407E18
.global p_bta_dm_pm_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492C98, 0x4
.4byte 0x805643C0
.global p_bta_dm_pm_spec
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492C9C, 0x4
.4byte 0x80407E2C
.global p_bta_dm_pm_md
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CA0, 0x8
.4byte 0x80407E78
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global bta_dm_pm_cfg
@ -102,28 +102,94 @@ lbl_8007AF8C:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global bta_dm_action
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404048, 0x34
.4byte 0x800786C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800787D4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078940 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078948 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078990 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078A00 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078A9C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079FD4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007A174 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007B8A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007B9C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007A90C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007A994 ;# ptr
.global bta_dm_st_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40407C, 0x2C
.4byte 0x000D0001
.4byte 0x0D00020D
.4byte 0x00030D00
.4byte 0x070D0008
.4byte 0x0D00040D
.4byte 0x00050D00
.4byte 0x060D0009
.4byte 0x0D000A0D
.4byte 0x000B0D00
.4byte 0x0C0D0000
.4byte 0
.global bta_dm_search_action
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4040A8, 0x48
.4byte 0x80078B70 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078BD0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078C54 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078D68 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80078F8C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007915C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800793C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079500 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800793DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007942C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079544 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007958C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800795D4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079618 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800796B8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007965C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800790F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80079BC8 ;# ptr
.global bta_dm_search_idle_st_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4040F0, 0x1C
.4byte 0x0012010E
.4byte 0x12000212
.4byte 0x03121200
.4byte 0x12120012
.4byte 0x12000712
.4byte 0x00121200
.4byte 0x12120000
.global bta_dm_search_search_active_st_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x40410C, 0x1C
.4byte 0x12120101
.4byte 0x12021212
.4byte 0x01031201
.4byte 0x04120111
.4byte 0x12010512
.4byte 0x01061200
.4byte 0x09120100
.global bta_dm_search_search_cancelling_st_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404128, 0x1C
.4byte 0x0A12020C
.4byte 0x0E020B12
.4byte 0x020D1200
.4byte 0x0F0D0012
.4byte 0x12020F0D
.4byte 0x000D1200
.4byte 0x0D120000
.global bta_dm_search_disc_active_st_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404144, 0x1C
.4byte 0x1212030E
.4byte 0x12031212
.4byte 0x03121203
.4byte 0x10120311
.4byte 0x12030512
.4byte 0x03121200
.4byte 0x08120300
.global bta_dm_search_st_tbl
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404160, 0x10
.4byte 0x80407FF0
.4byte 0x8040800C
.4byte 0x80408028
.4byte 0x80408044
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global bta_dm_search_cb
@ -733,10 +733,13 @@ bta_dm_pm_timer:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2951
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436C98, 0x2C
.asciz "bta_dm_act no more connected service cbs"
.balign 4
.global $$21226
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436CC4, 0x24
.asciz "bta_dm_act no more pm timers"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global bta_dm_conn_srvcs
@ -1658,120 +1658,202 @@ lbl_8007D0F4:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21516
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436CE8, 0x58
.asciz "bta_hh_sdp_cback: p_cb: %d result 0x%02x, attr_mask 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$21527
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436D40, 0x30
.asciz "bta_hh_start_sdp:: skip SDP for known devices"
.balign 4
.global $$21528
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436D70, 0x50
.asciz "bta_hh_start_sdp: HID_HostGetSDPRecord failed: Status 0x%2X"
.balign 4
.global $$21541
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436DC0, 0x20
.asciz "bta_hh_sdp_cmpl: status 0x%2X"
.balign 4
.global $$21542
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436DE0, 0x4C
.asciz "bta_hh_sdp_cmpl: HID_HostOpenDev failed: Status 0x%2X"
.balign 4
.global $$21573
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436E2C, 0x28
.asciz "bta_hh_open_act: Device[%d] connected"
.balign 4
.global $$21625
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436E54, 0x14
.balign 4
.global $$21626
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436E68, 0x14
.balign 4
.global $$21627
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436E7C, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21628
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436E94, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21629
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436EAC, 0x14
.global $$21630
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436EC0, 0x18
.4byte 0
.global $$21631
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436ED8, 0x10
.asciz "BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT"
.global $$21632
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436EE8, 0x10
.asciz "Unknown event"
.balign 4
.global $$21633
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436EF8, 0x2C
.asciz "HANDSHAKE received for: event = %s data= %d"
.global $$21634
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436F24, 0x1C
.asciz "unknown transaction type"
.balign 4
.global $$21638
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436F40, 0x28
.4byte 0x8007C5DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C5DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C570 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C5DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C480 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C500 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C480 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C500 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C480 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C500 ;# ptr
.global $$21637
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436F68, 0x28
.4byte 0x8007C448 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C448 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C440 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C448 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C410 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C418 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C420 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C428 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C430 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C438 ;# ptr
.global $$21673
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436F90, 0x24
.asciz "Ctrl DATA received w4: event[%s]"
.balign 4
.global $$21674
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436FB4, 0x38
.asciz "invalid transaction type for DATA payload: 4_evt[%s]"
.balign 4
.global $$21678
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436FEC, 0x28
.4byte 0x8007C7A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C7A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C798 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C7A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C768 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C770 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C778 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C788 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C790 ;# ptr
.global $$21677
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437014, 0x2C
.4byte 0x8007C6BC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C6BC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C6B4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C6BC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C684 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C68C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C694 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C69C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C6A4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C6AC ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.global $$21713
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437040, 0x10
.asciz "invalid command"
.global $$21760
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437050, 0x1C
.asciz "HID_HostWriteDev Error %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21761
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43706C, 0x28
.asciz "bta_hh_write_dev_act:: cmd type = %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21792
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437094, 0x14
.balign 4
.global $$21793
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4370A8, 0x14
.balign 4
.global $$21794
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4370BC, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21795
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4370D4, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21796
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4370EC, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21797
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437104, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21798
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43711C, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21799
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437134, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21800
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43714C, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21801
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437164, 0x14
.asciz "Unknown HID event"
.balign 4
.global $$21802
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437178, 0x20
.asciz "bta_hh_cback::HID_event [%s]"
.balign 4
.global $$21804
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437198, 0x24
.4byte 0x8007CF58 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF60 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D0C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF68 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF80 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF78 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF80 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF70 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF8C ;# ptr
.global $$21803
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4371BC, 0x24
.4byte 0x8007CEE0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CEE8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CEF0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CEF8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF00 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF08 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF10 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF18 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CF20 ;# ptr
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global $$21486
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CD8, 0x8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -281,9 +281,11 @@ lbl_8007D4D0:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2863
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4371E0, 0x30
.asciz "No resource to send HID host Connect request."
.balign 4
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global bta_hh_reg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499478, 0x8
.4byte 0x8007D838 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D19C ;# ptr
@ -3,12 +3,17 @@
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global bta_hh_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403F90, 0x10
.4byte 0x04000000
.4byte 0x805568C8
.4byte 0x04000000
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global p_devt_list
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CA8, 0x8
.4byte 0x20011002
.4byte 0x01033102
.global p_bta_hh_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CB0, 0x8
.4byte 0x80407E90
.4byte 0
@ -403,102 +403,166 @@ lbl_8007DA30:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global bta_hh_action
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404170, 0x30
.4byte 0x8007C118 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C2A8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C818 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C360 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C620 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C3B8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007BE1C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007BFB0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CCB4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CA18 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007CA34 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007C180 ;# ptr
.global bta_hh_st_idle
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4041A0, 0x18
.4byte 0x06020C01
.4byte 0x01020201
.4byte 0x0C010C01
.4byte 0x0C010C01
.4byte 0x0C010C01
.4byte 0x0A010C01
.global bta_hh_st_w4_conn
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4041B8, 0x18
.4byte 0x0C020C01
.4byte 0x01020201
.4byte 0x0C020C02
.4byte 0x0C020702
.4byte 0x0C020C02
.4byte 0x0A010B03
.global bta_hh_st_connected
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4041D0, 0x18
.4byte 0x0C030003
.4byte 0x01030201
.4byte 0x03030403
.4byte 0x05030C03
.4byte 0x08030903
.4byte 0x0A030C03
.global bta_hh_st_tbl
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4041E8, 0x10
.4byte 0x804080A0
.4byte 0x804080B8
.4byte 0x804080D0
.4byte 0
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2811
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437210, 0x1C
.asciz "wrong device handle: [%d]"
.balign 4
.global $$2812
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43722C, 0x10
.asciz "BTA_HH_NULL_ST"
.balign 4
.global $$2813
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43723C, 0x10
.asciz "BTA_HH_IDLE_ST"
.balign 4
.global $$2814
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43724C, 0x14
.asciz "BTA_HH_W4_CONN_ST"
.balign 4
.global $$2815
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437260, 0x10
.asciz "BTA_HH_CONN_ST"
.balign 4
.global $$2816
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437270, 0x18
.asciz "unknown HID Host state"
.balign 4
.global $$2817
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437288, 0x34
.asciz "bta_hh_sm_execute: State 0x%02x [%s], Event [%s]"
.balign 4
.global $$2818
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4372BC, 0x30
.asciz "HH State Change: [%s] -> [%s] after Event [%s]"
.balign 4
.global $$2840
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4372EC, 0x2C
.asciz "bta_hh_hdl_event:: handle = %d dev_cb[%d] "
.balign 4
.global $$2860
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437318, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2861
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437330, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2862
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437348, 0x14
.global $$2863
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43735C, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2864
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437374, 0x14
.global $$2865
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437388, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2866
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4373A0, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2867
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4373B8, 0x14
.global $$2868
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4373CC, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2869
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4373E4, 0x1C
.balign 4
.global $$2870
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437400, 0x14
.global $$2871
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437414, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2872
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43742C, 0x1C
.balign 4
.global $$2873
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437448, 0x18
.global $$2874
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437460, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$2875
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437478, 0x1C
.balign 4
.global $$2876
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437494, 0x1C
.asciz "unknown HID Host event code"
.global $$2877
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4374B0, 0x40
.4byte 0x8007D9C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9D0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9D8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9E8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9F0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007DA00 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007DA18 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007DA10 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007DA20 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9B8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007D9B0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007DA28 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8007DA08 ;# ptr
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global bta_hh_cb
@ -274,49 +274,62 @@ lbl_8007DDC8:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2865
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4374F0, 0x24
.asciz "found kdev_cb[%d] hid_handle = %d "
.balign 4
.global $$2866
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437514, 0x34
.asciz "in_use ? [%d] kdev[%d].hid_handle = %d state = [%d]"
.global $$2867
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437548, 0x2C
.asciz "bta_hh_find_cb:: index = %d while max = %d"
.balign 4
.global $$2880
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437574, 0x14
.asciz "subclass = 0x%2x"
.balign 4
.global $$2954
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437588, 0x40
.asciz "bta_hh_parse_keybd_rpt: (report=%p, report_len=%d) called"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$2955
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4375C8, 0x10
.asciz "Alt key pressed"
.global $$2956
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4375D8, 0x14
.asciz "Alt key not pressed"
.global $$2957
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4375EC, 0x14
.asciz "this_char = %02x"
.balign 4
.global $$2958
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437600, 0x48
.asciz "BTA_HhParseKeybdRpt: Cannot interpret scan code 0x%02x"
.global $$2970
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437648, 0x5C
.asciz "bta_hh_parse_mice_rpt: bta_keybd_rpt_rcvd(report=%p, report_len=%d) called"
.global $$2971
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4376A4, 0x14
.asciz "mice button: 0x%2x"
.balign 4
.global $$2972
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4376B8, 0x1C
.asciz "mice move: x = %d y = %d"
.balign 4
.global $$2990
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4376D4, 0x3C
.asciz "bta_hh_trace_dev_db:: Device DB list********************"
.balign 4
.global $$2991
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437710, 0x24
.asciz "kdev[%d] in_use[%d] handle[%d] "
.balign 4
.global $$2992
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437734, 0x3C
.asciz "\t\t\t attr_mask[%04x] state [%d] sub_class[%02x] index = %d"
.balign 4
.global $$2993
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437770, 0x40
.asciz "*********************************************************"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global p_bta_sys_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CB8, 0x8
.4byte 0x8055E918
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global bta_sys_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499458, 0x8
.4byte 0x00040201
.4byte 0
@ -184,10 +184,12 @@ bta_sys_set_trace_level:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2587
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436B20, 0x14
.asciz "BTA got event 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$2588
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436B34, 0x24
.asciz "BTA got unregistered event id %d"
.balign 4
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global bta_sys_cb
@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ LogMsg_0:
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global $$22252
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CC0, 0x8
.4byte 0x25730A00
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global $$2LOCAL$$2LogMsg__FUlPCce$$2tmp
@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ lbl_80077AE0:
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global bte_hcisu_h2_cfg
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CC8, 0x8
.4byte 0x0A5C2101
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global __BTUInterruptHandlerStack
@ -2159,58 +2159,75 @@ lbl_8007FB10:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22591
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4377B0, 0x40
.asciz "Duplicate btm_acl_created: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22592
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4377F0, 0x20
.asciz "SetPacketType Mask -> 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22642
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437810, 0x5C
.asciz "Role change request declined since the previous request for this device is not completed "
.balign 4
.global $$22685
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43786C, 0x3C
.asciz "BTM_SetLinkPolicy switch not supported (settings: 0x%04x)"
.balign 4
.global $$22686
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4378A8, 0x38
.asciz "BTM_SetLinkPolicy hold not supported (settings: 0x%04x)"
.global $$22687
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4378E0, 0x40
.asciz "BTM_SetLinkPolicy sniff not supported (settings: 0x%04x)"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$22688
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437920, 0x38
.asciz "BTM_SetLinkPolicy park not supported (settings: 0x%04x)"
.global $$22701
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437958, 0x38
.asciz "BTM_ReadLinkPolicy: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.global $$22800
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437990, 0x3C
.asciz "BTM_ReadClockOffset: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22857
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4379CC, 0x38
.asciz "Role Switch Event: new_role 0x%02x, HCI Status 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22938
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437A04, 0x30
.asciz "BTM_SetQoS: BdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22946
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437A34, 0x28
.asciz "BTM: p_flow->delay_variation: 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22957
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437A5C, 0x34
.asciz "BTM_ReadRSSI: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22969
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437A90, 0x3C
.asciz "BTM_ReadLinkQuality: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22982
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437ACC, 0x30
.asciz "BTM RSSI Complete: rssi %d, hci status 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$22994
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437AFC, 0x40
.asciz "BTM Link Quality Complete: Link Quality %d, hci status 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$23042
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437B3C, 0x30
.asciz "btm BEFORE SCO setting to 1 slot; hci hdl 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$23043
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437B6C, 0x30
.asciz "btm last SCO removed; unsniffing hci hdl 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$23044
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437B9C, 0x34
.asciz "btm last SCO removed; hci hdl 0x%x, types 0x%02x"
.balign 4
@ -1860,51 +1860,65 @@ btm_report_device_status:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22107
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437BD0, 0x30
.asciz "BTM_SetAfhChannels first: %d (%d) last: %d (%d)"
.global $$22174
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437C00, 0x14
.asciz "btm_reset_complete"
.balign 4
.global $$22250
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437C14, 0x2C
.asciz "Local supported ACL packet types: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22251
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437C40, 0x2C
.asciz "Local supported SCO packet types: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22316
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437C6C, 0x40
.asciz "BTM: BTM_VendorSpecificCommand: Opcode: 0x%04X, ParamLen: %i."
.balign 4
.global $$22317
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437CAC, 0x44
.asciz "BTM: Unable to send vendor specific command (controller is busy)."
.balign 4
.global $$22332
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437CF0, 0x40
.asciz "BTM Event: Received a vendor specific event from controller"
.4byte 0
.global $$22337
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437D30, 0x28
.asciz "BTM: BTM_WritePageTimeout: Timeout: %d."
.global $$22341
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437D58, 0x30
.asciz "BTM: BTM_WriteVoiceSettings: Settings: 0x%04x."
.balign 4
.global $$22351
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437D88, 0x18
.asciz "BTM: BTM_EnableTestMode"
.global $$22362
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437DA0, 0x2C
.asciz "BTM: BTM_ReadStoredLinkKey: Read_All: %s"
.balign 4
.global $$22372
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437DCC, 0x2C
.asciz "BTM: BTM_WriteStoredLinkKey: num_keys: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22385
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437DF8, 0x38
.asciz "BTM: BTM_DeleteStoredLinkKey: delete_all_flag: %s"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global $$22067
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CE0, 0x4
.4byte 0x001F0000
.global $$22363
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CE4, 0x8
.asciz "TRUE"
.balign 4
.global $$22364
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CEC, 0xC
.asciz "FALSE"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -1962,36 +1962,46 @@ btm_inq_rmt_name_failed:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22304
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437E30, 0x5C
.asciz "BTM_SetDiscoverability: mode %d [NonDisc-0, Lim-1, Gen-2], window 0x%04x, interval 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22377
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437E8C, 0x54
.asciz "BTM_SetConnectability: mode %d [NonConn-0, Conn-1], window 0x%04x, interval 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22396
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437EE0, 0x1C
.asciz "BTM_CancelInquiry called"
.balign 4
.global $$22415
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437EFC, 0x38
.asciz "BTM_StartInquiry: mode: %d, dur: %d, rsps: %d, flt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22426
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437F34, 0x40
.asciz "BTM_ReadRemoteDeviceName: bd addr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x]"
.balign 4
.global $$22433
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437F74, 0x20
.asciz "BTM_CancelRemoteDeviceName()"
.balign 4
.global $$22457
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437F94, 0x34
.asciz "BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x]"
.balign 4
.global $$22602
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x437FC8, 0x3C
.asciz "BTM Warning: Set Event Filter Failed (HCI returned 0x%x)"
.balign 4
.global $$22672
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438004, 0x3C
.asciz "BTM Inq Compl Callback: status 0x%02x, num results %d"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global general_inq_lap
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499480, 0x4
.4byte 0x9E8B3300
.global limited_inq_lap
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499484, 0x4
.4byte 0x9E8B0000
@ -921,17 +921,21 @@ lbl_80084418:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global btm_pm_md_comp_matrix
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4041F8, 0x10
.4byte 0x03020201
.4byte 0x03010102
.4byte 0x03000000
.4byte 0
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21775
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438040, 0x40
.asciz "btm mode change AFTER unsniffing; hci hdl 0x%x, types 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global btm_pm_mode_off
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499488, 0x4
.4byte 0x00000100
.global btm_pm_mode_msk
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x49948C, 0x4
.4byte 0x40800100
@ -1044,45 +1044,60 @@ lbl_8008524C:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global btm_esco_defaults
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404208, 0x10
.4byte 0x00001F40
.4byte 0x00001F40
.4byte 0x000A0060
.4byte 0x003F0100
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21903
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438080, 0x24
.asciz "btm_esco_conn_rsp -> No Resources"
.balign 4
.global $$21911
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4380A4, 0x24
.asciz "TCS accept SCO: Packet Types 0x%04x"
.global $$21973
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4380C8, 0x44
.asciz "BTM_CreateSco -> (e)SCO Link for ACL handle 0x%04x, Desired Type %d"
.global $$21974
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43810C, 0x50
.asciz " txbw 0x%x, rxbw 0x%x, lat 0x%x, voice 0x%x, retrans 0x%02x, pkt 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21995
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43815C, 0x50
.asciz "btm_sco_chk_pend_unpark -> (e)SCO Link for ACL handle 0x%04x, Desired Type %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22023
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4381AC, 0x44
.asciz "btm_sco_conn_req: No one wants this SCO connection; rejecting it"
.balign 4
.global $$22105
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4381F0, 0x1C
.asciz "BTM_SetEScoMode -> mode %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22106
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43820C, 0x34
.asciz "BTM_SetEScoMode -> mode SCO (eSCO not supported)"
.balign 4
.global $$22107
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438240, 0x60
.asciz " txbw 0x%08x, rxbw 0x%08x, max_lat 0x%04x, voice 0x%04x, pkt 0x%04x, rtx effort 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$22120
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4382A0, 0x28
.asciz "BTM_ReadEScoLinkParms -> sco_inx 0x%04x"
.global $$22139
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4382C8, 0x44
.asciz "BTM_ChangeEScoLinkParms -> SCO Link for handle 0x%04x, pkt 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22140
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43830C, 0x38
.asciz "BTM_ChangeEScoLinkParms -> eSCO Link for handle 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$22157
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438344, 0x3C
.asciz "btm_esco_proc_conn_chg -> handle 0x%04x, status 0x%02x"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -3425,171 +3425,210 @@ lbl_8008821C:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22854
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438380, 0x20
.asciz "BTM_Sec: application registered"
.global $$22894
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4383A0, 0x20
.asciz "BTM_SetSecurityMode: mode:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$22895
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4383C0, 0x2C
.asciz "BTM_SetSecurityMode: Authen Enable -> FALSE"
.global $$22896
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4383EC, 0x2C
.asciz "BTM_SetSecurityMode: Authen Enable -> TRUE"
.balign 4
.global $$22900
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438418, 0x48
.asciz "BTM_SetPinType: pin type %d [variable-0, fixed-1], code %s, length %d"
.balign 4
.global $$22920
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438460, 0x48
.asciz "BTM_SEC_REG[%d]: id %d, is_orig %d, psm 0x%04x, proto_id %d, chan_id %d"
.global $$22921
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4384A8, 0x48
.asciz " : sec: 0x%x, service name [%s] (up to %d chars saved)"
.balign 4
.global $$22922
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4384F0, 0x30
.asciz "BTM_SEC_REG: Out of Service Records (%d)"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$22972
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438520, 0x60
.asciz "Security Manager: Attempting Authorization of Unknown Device Address [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x]"
.global $$22973
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438580, 0x30
.asciz "Security Manager: authorized status:%d State:%d"
.global $$23010
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4385B0, 0x30
.asciz "BTM_SecBond BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$23011
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4385E0, 0x20
.asciz "BTM_SecBond: Illegal Pin len:%d"
.global $$23012
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438600, 0x20
.asciz "BTM_SecBond: no device block"
.balign 4
.global $$23013
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438620, 0x20
.asciz "BTM_SecBond -> Already Paired"
.balign 4
.global $$23014
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438640, 0x24
.asciz "BTM_SecBond: Authen Enable -> TRUE"
.balign 4
.global $$23015
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438664, 0x18
.asciz "BTM_SecBond: no buffer"
.balign 4
.global $$23016
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43867C, 0x28
.asciz "btm_restore_mode: Authen Enable -> %d"
.balign 4
.global $$23045
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4386A4, 0x34
.asciz "Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption not connected"
.balign 4
.global $$23046
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4386D8, 0x38
.asciz "Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption already encrypted"
.balign 4
.global $$23047
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438710, 0x30
.asciz "Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption busy"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$23048
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438740, 0x50
.asciz "Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption Handle:%d State:%d Flags:0x%x Required:0x%x"
.global $$23080
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438790, 0x38
.asciz "Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d no resources"
.balign 4
.global $$23081
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4387C8, 0x44
.asciz "Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d no application registerd"
.balign 4
.global $$23082
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43880C, 0x44
.asciz "Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d postponed for multiplexer"
.global $$23083
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438850, 0x58
.asciz "Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d Handle:%d State:%d Flags:0x%x Required:0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$23084
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4388A8, 0x30
.asciz "Security Manager: trusted:0x%04x%04x Flags:0x%x"
.global $$23105
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4388D8, 0x40
.asciz "Security Manager: MX service not found PSM:%d Proto:%d SCN:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$23125
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438918, 0x3C
.asciz "Security Manager: connect request from not paired device"
.balign 4
.global $$23195
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438954, 0x38
.asciz "Security Manager: rmt_name_complete status:%d State:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$23238
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43898C, 0x34
.asciz "Security Manager: auth_complete status:%d State:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$23250
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4389C0, 0x30
.asciz "Security Manager: mkey comp status:%d State:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$23268
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4389F0, 0x34
.asciz "Security Manager: encrypt_change status:%d State:%d"
.global $$23318
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438A24, 0x44
.asciz "Security Manager: btm_sec_connected handle:%d status:%d enc_mode:%d"
.global $$23358
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438A68, 0x44
.asciz "btm_sec_link_key_notification() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
.global $$23359
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438AAC, 0x2C
.asciz " TYPE: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$23373
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438AD8, 0x40
.asciz "btm_sec_link_key_request() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$23377
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438B18, 0x24
.asciz "btm_sec_pin_code_request_timeout()"
.balign 4
.global $$23404
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438B3C, 0x40
.asciz "btm_sec_pin_code_request() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$23405
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438B7C, 0x30
.asciz "btm_sec_pin_code_request bonding sending reply"
.balign 4
.global $$23406
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438BAC, 0x30
.asciz "btm_sec_pin_code_request: Authen Enable -> %d"
.balign 4
.global $$23407
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438BDC, 0x50
.asciz "btm_sec_pin_code_request(): Pairing disabled:%d; PIN callback:%x, Dev Rec:%x!"
.balign 4
.global $$23485
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438C2C, 0x40
.asciz "btm_sec_execute_procedure: Required:0x%x Flags:0x%x State:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$23486
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438C6C, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_req"
.balign 4
.global $$23487
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438C90, 0x24
.asciz "Security Manager: Start get name"
.balign 4
.global $$23488
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438CB4, 0x28
.asciz "Security Manager: Start authentication"
.balign 4
.global $$23489
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438CDC, 0x24
.asciz "Security Manager: Start encryption"
.balign 4
.global $$23490
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438D00, 0x28
.asciz "Security Manager: Start authorization"
.balign 4
.global $$23491
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438D28, 0x28
.asciz "Security Manager: trusted:0x%04x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$23492
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438D50, 0x24
.asciz "Security Manager: access granted"
.balign 4
.global $$23519
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438D74, 0x1C
.asciz "btm_sec_collision_timeout()"
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global $$21779
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499490, 0x1
.byte 0xFF
.global lbl_8055E951
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499491, 0x1
.byte 0xFF
.global lbl_8055E952
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499492, 0x1
.byte 0xFF
.global lbl_8055E953
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499493, 0x1
.byte 0xFF
.global lbl_8055E954
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499494, 0x1
.byte 0xFF
.global lbl_8055E955
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499495, 0x3
.byte 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00
@ -1323,13 +1323,17 @@ btu_hcif_link_key_notification_evt:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22212
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438D90, 0x18
.asciz "Ctlr H/w error event"
.balign 4
.global $$22352
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438DA8, 0x28
.asciz "Event mismatch opcode=%X cmd opcode=%X"
.balign 4
.global $$22368
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438DD0, 0x20
.asciz "Cmd timeout; no cmd in queue"
.balign 4
.global $$22369
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438DF0, 0x30
.asciz "BTU HCI command timeout - cmd opcode = 0x%02x"
.balign 4
@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ BTE_Init:
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global BT_BD_ANY
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499498, 0x8
.4byte 0xFFFFFFFF
.4byte 0xFFFF0000
@ -333,10 +333,10 @@ btu_stop_timer:
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global btu_count
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CD0, 0x4
.4byte 0x01000000
.global execute_btu
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CD4, 0x4
.4byte 0x00000001
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global btu_cb
@ -830,18 +830,22 @@ lbl_8008A164:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21709
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438E20, 0x44
.asciz "WARNING: GAP Conn Indication for Unexpected Bd Addr...Disconnecting"
.global $$21710
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438E64, 0x2C
.asciz "GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21777
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438E90, 0x28
.asciz "GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21798
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438EB8, 0x38
.asciz "GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP Is Congested (%d), CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global $$21708
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492CF8, 0x8
.asciz "*******"
@ -446,49 +446,102 @@ lbl_8008A790:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2882
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438EF0, 0x3C
.asciz " GAP Inquiry Complete Event (Status 0x%04x, Result(s) %d)"
.global $$2883
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438F2C, 0x34
.asciz " GAP Discovery Complete Event(SDP Result: 0x%04x)"
.global $$2884
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438F60, 0x28
.asciz " GAP Discovery Successfully Completed"
.global $$2885
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438F88, 0x34
.asciz " GAP Remote Name Complete Event (status 0x%04x)"
.balign 4
.global $$2887
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438FBC, 0x24
.4byte 0x8008A2A8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2B0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2B8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2D0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A2D8 ;# ptr
.global $$2905
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x438FE0, 0x44
.asciz "GAP Inquiry Results Callback (bdaddr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x])"
.balign 4
.global $$2906
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439024, 0x44
.asciz " (COD [%02x%02x%02x], clkoff 0x%04x)"
.balign 4
.global $$2942
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439068, 0x44
.asciz " GAP: FindAddrByName Rem Name Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x, Name [%s])"
.global $$2943
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4390AC, 0x3C
.asciz " GAP: FindAddrByName Rem Name Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x)"
.balign 4
.global $$2946
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4390E8, 0x24
.4byte 0x8008A500 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A508 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A510 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A538 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A518 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A518 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A520 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A528 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A530 ;# ptr
.global $$2945
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43910C, 0x24
.4byte 0x8008A468 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A470 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A478 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A4A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A480 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A480 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A488 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A490 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A498 ;# ptr
.global $$2979
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439130, 0x44
.asciz " GAP: FindAddrByName Inq Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x, Result(s) %d)"
.balign 4
.global $$2982
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439174, 0x24
.4byte 0x8008A6B4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6BC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6EC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6CC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6CC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6D4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6DC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A6E4 ;# ptr
.global $$2981
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439198, 0x24
.4byte 0x8008A644 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A64C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A654 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A67C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A65C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A65C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A664 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A66C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A674 ;# ptr
.global $$21009
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4391BC, 0x24
.4byte 0x8008A758 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A760 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A768 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A790 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A770 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A770 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A778 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A780 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008A788 ;# ptr
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global gap_cb
@ -1492,40 +1492,50 @@ lbl_80075C10:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2749
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436968, 0x18
.asciz "getbuf: Size is zero"
.balign 4
.global $$2750
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436980, 0x18
.asciz "getbuf: Size is too big"
.global $$2783
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436998, 0x18
.asciz "Free - Buf Corrupted"
.balign 4
.global $$2784
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4369B0, 0x14
.asciz "Freeing Linked Buf"
.balign 4
.global $$2785
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4369C4, 0xC
.asciz "Bad Buf QId"
.global $$2831
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4369D0, 0x18
.asciz "Sending to unknown dest"
.global $$2832
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4369E8, 0x18
.asciz "Send - Buffer corrupted"
.global $$2833
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436A00, 0x18
.asciz "Send - buffer linked"
.balign 4
.global $$2880
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436A18, 0x1C
.asciz "Enqueue - Buffer corrupted"
.balign 4
.global $$2881
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436A34, 0x20
.asciz "Eneueue - buf already linked"
.balign 4
.global $$2901
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436A54, 0x24
.asciz "Eneueue head - buf already linked"
.balign 4
.global $$2955
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436A78, 0x20
.asciz "GKI_get_buf_start:: bad addr"
.balign 4
.global $$21054
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436A98, 0x18
.asciz "Deleting bad pool"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -2805,4 +2805,7 @@ lbl_8008CEB0:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global $$21618
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404218, 0x10
.4byte 0xFFFFFFFF
.4byte 0xFFFFFFFF
.4byte 0xFF7F0000
.4byte 0
@ -492,23 +492,33 @@ hcisu_h2_handle_event:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global hcisu_h2
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x403EE8, 0x18
.4byte 0x800769E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80076A10 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80076A80 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80076AC0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80076AF0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2530
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436AB0, 0x3C
.asciz "HCIS: Unable to allocate buffer for incoming HCI message."
.balign 4
.global $$2531
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x436AEC, 0x34
.asciz "HCIS: Invalid length for incoming HCI message."
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "wa" # 0x8055DF80 - 0x805643C0
.global hcisu_preamble_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499448, 0x8
.4byte 0x03040302
.4byte 0
.global hcisu_msg_evt_table
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x499450, 0x8
.4byte 0x13001100
.4byte 0x12001000
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global hcisu_h2_cb
@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ lbl_8008CFC0:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21275
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4391E0, 0x18
.asciz "HID - Originate started"
.global $$21276
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4391F8, 0x18
.asciz "HID - Originate failed"
.balign 4
@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ lbl_8008D090:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$2651
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439210, 0x20
.asciz "hidd_proc_repage_timeout"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global hd_cb
@ -983,31 +983,40 @@ lbl_8008E184:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21051
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439230, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21052
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439248, 0x18
.balign 4
.global $$21053
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439260, 0x24
.asciz "HID_ERR_NO_CONNECTION dev_handle %d"
.global $$21083
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439284, 0x20
.asciz "Security Registration 1 failed"
.balign 4
.global $$21084
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4392A4, 0x20
.asciz "Security Registration 2 failed"
.balign 4
.global $$21085
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4392C4, 0x20
.asciz "Security Registration 3 failed"
.balign 4
.global $$21086
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4392E4, 0x20
.asciz "Security Registration 4 failed"
.balign 4
.global $$21087
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439304, 0x20
.asciz "Security Registration 5 failed"
.balign 4
.global $$21088
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439324, 0x24
.asciz "Security Registration 6 failed"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global hh_cb
@ -2311,75 +2311,102 @@ hidh_conn_dereg:
.section .rodata, "wa" # 0x80406560 - 0x80421040
.global hst_reg_info
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x404228, 0x28
.4byte 0x8008E4CC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008EA84 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x8008EDCC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008F074 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008F380 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008F644 ;# ptr
.4byte 0
.4byte 0x8008FA84 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8008F88C ;# ptr
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21580
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439348, 0x20
.asciz "HID Control Registration failed"
.global $$21581
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439368, 0x24
.asciz "HID Interrupt Registration failed"
.balign 4
.global $$21592
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43938C, 0x14
.asciz "HID - disconnect"
.balign 4
.global $$21638
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4393A0, 0x34
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, PSM: 0x%04x CID 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21639
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4393D4, 0x34
.asciz "HID - Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, but no CTL channel"
.balign 4
.global $$21640
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439408, 0x30
.asciz "HID - Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d"
.global $$21641
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439438, 0x30
.asciz "HID - Rcvd CTL L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21642
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439468, 0x44
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, sent config req, PSM: 0x%04x CID 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21652
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4394AC, 0x1C
.asciz "HID - Originate failed"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$21682
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4394C8, 0x20
.asciz "HID - Originator security pass."
.global $$21683
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4394E8, 0x1C
.asciz "HID - INTR Originate failed"
.global $$21724
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439504, 0x2C
.asciz "HID - Rcvd unexpected conn cnf, CID 0x%x "
.balign 4
.global $$21725
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439530, 0x34
.asciz "HID - got CTRL conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21747
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439564, 0x2C
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x"
.global $$21748
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439590, 0x2C
.asciz "HID - Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x"
.global $$21776
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4395BC, 0x2C
.asciz "HID - Rcvd cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x Result: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21798
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4395E8, 0x2C
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc, unknown CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21799
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439614, 0x24
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21816
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439638, 0x30
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, unknown CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21817
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439668, 0x28
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21833
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439690, 0x38
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, unknown CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.global $$21834
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4396C8, 0x38
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, CID: 0x%x Cong: %d"
.global $$21874
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439700, 0x30
.asciz "HID - Rcvd L2CAP data, unknown CID: 0x%x"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -872,127 +872,164 @@ lbl_80090D9C:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21653
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439730, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21654
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439760, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - no cb registering PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21655
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439788, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - invalid PSM value, PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21656
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4397B0, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - no RCB available, PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21663
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4397D8, 0x34
.asciz "L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21664
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43980C, 0x34
.asciz "L2CAP - PSM: 0x%04x not found for deregistration"
.balign 4
.global $$21682
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439840, 0x20
.asciz "L2CA_ConnectReq() PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21683
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439860, 0x38
.asciz "L2CA_ConnectReq() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$21684
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439898, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP connect req - BTU not ready"
.balign 4
.global $$21685
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4398BC, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - no RCB for L2CA_conn_req, PSM: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21686
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4398EC, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_req"
.balign 4
.global $$21687
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439910, 0x38
.asciz "L2CAP API - L2CA_conn_req rejected - link disconnecting"
.global $$21688
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439948, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_conn_req"
.balign 4
.global $$21689
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43996C, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - L2CA_conn_req() returned CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21706
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43999C, 0x38
.asciz "L2CA_ConnectRsp() CID: 0x%04x Result: %d Status: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21707
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x4399D4, 0x38
.asciz "L2CA_ConnectRsp() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x"
.balign 4
.global $$21708
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439A0C, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_rsp"
.balign 4
.global $$21709
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439A30, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_conn_rsp"
.balign 4
.global $$21710
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439A54, 0x34
.asciz "L2CAP - bad id in L2CA_conn_rsp. Exp: %d Got: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21716
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439A88, 0x20
.asciz "L2CA_ConfigReq() CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21717
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439AA8, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_cfg_req, CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21725
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439AD4, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CA_ConfigRsp() CID: 0x%04x Result: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21726
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439B00, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_cfg_rsp, CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21732
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439B2C, 0x24
.asciz "L2CA_DisconnectReq() CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21733
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439B50, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_disc_req, CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21738
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439B7C, 0x24
.asciz "L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21739
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439BA0, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_disc_rsp, CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21747
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439BCC, 0x28
.asciz "L2CA_DataWrite() CID: 0x%04x Len: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21748
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439BF4, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_DataWrite, CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21749
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439C20, 0x38
.asciz "L2CAP - cannot send message bigger than peer's mtu size"
.global $$21765
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439C58, 0x30
.asciz "L2CA_Ping() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x"
.global $$21766
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439C88, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_ping"
.balign 4
.global $$21767
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439CA8, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - rejected second L2CA_ping"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$21768
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439CD0, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - L2CA_ping rejected - link disconnecting"
.global $$21778
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439D00, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_SetIdleTimeout, CID: %d"
.global $$21804
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439D30, 0x38
.asciz "L2CA_SetAclPriority() bdaddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
.global $$21805
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439D68, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_SetAclPriority"
.balign 4
.global $$21812
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439D90, 0x60
.asciz "L2CA_SetCompression() local cid %d, direction %d, pe_type %d, mem_level %d, wbits %d, enable %d"
.global $$21827
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439DF0, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_Flush, CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21828
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439E18, 0x30
.asciz "L2CA_Flush() CID: 0x%04x flushed %d buffers"
.balign 4
.global $$21837
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439E48, 0x40
.asciz "L2CA_GetNumQueuedBufs() CID: 0x%04x abmormally returning 0"
.balign 4
.global $$21838
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439E88, 0x38
.asciz "L2CA_GetNumQueuedBufs() CID: 0x%04x returning %d"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -1434,100 +1434,371 @@ lbl_80092264:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21658
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439EC0, 0x24
.4byte 0x80090DCC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DD0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DD4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DD8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DDC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DE0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DE4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DE8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090DEC ;# ptr
.global $$21685
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439EE4, 0x1C
.asciz "L2CAP - st: CLOSED evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21686
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439F00, 0x44
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Disconnect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x No Conf Needed"
.balign 4
.global $$21687
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439F44, 0x3C
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling ConnectCfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x Status: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21690
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439F80, 0x7C
.4byte 0x80090EB4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090EE4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090E70 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090F68 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090F8C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090FD8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009105C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80090F2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091068 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091070 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009105C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091008 ;# ptr
.global $$21704
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x439FFC, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - st: ORIG_W4_SEC_COMP evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21707
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A024, 0x6C
.4byte 0x80091108 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009114C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091178 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911CC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800911C0 ;# ptr
.global $$21721
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A090, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - st: TERM_W4_SEC_COMP evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21722
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A0B8, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Connect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21725
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A0E8, 0x6C
.4byte 0x80091268 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091280 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800912E8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009131C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091304 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091310 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091344 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091304 ;# ptr
.global $$21744
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A154, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - st: W4_L2CAP_CON_RSP evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21745
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A17C, 0x38
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Success"
.balign 4
.global $$21746
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A1B4, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Connect_Pnd_Cb()"
.balign 4
.global $$21747
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A1D8, 0x40
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Failure Code: %d"
.global $$21748
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A218, 0x38
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Timeout"
.balign 4
.global $$21751
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A250, 0x70
.4byte 0x800913E0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009142C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009148C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800914E4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091584 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091578 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009158C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091584 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009152C ;# ptr
.global $$21770
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A2C0, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - st: W4_L2CA_CON_RSP evt: %d"
.global $$21773
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A2E4, 0x70
.4byte 0x8009161C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091738 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091664 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800916C4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091744 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091764 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091738 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800916E0 ;# ptr
.global $$21800
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A354, 0x1C
.asciz "L2CAP - st: CONFIG evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21801
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A370, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Config_Req_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21802
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A3A0, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Config_Rsp_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21803
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A3D0, 0x3C
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Config_Rsp_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Failure: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21804
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A40C, 0x40
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling Disconnect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x Conf Needed"
.balign 4
.global $$21805
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A44C, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling DataInd_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x"
.balign 4
.global $$21808
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A478, 0x70
.4byte 0x800917F8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009183C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800918A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009191C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091968 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091A7C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800919C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800919EC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091A38 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091A58 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091B2C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091ABC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091AE4 ;# ptr
.global $$21829
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A4E8, 0x1C
.asciz "L2CAP - st: OPEN evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21832
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A504, 0x6C
.4byte 0x80091BC0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091C04 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091C28 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091CA0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091CF8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D50 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D14 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D88 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091D38 ;# ptr
.global $$21848
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A570, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - st: W4_L2CAP_DISC_RSP evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21849
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A598, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling DisconnectCfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x"
.global $$21852
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A5C8, 0x70
.4byte 0x80091E20 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091EB0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091E64 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F64 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F6C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F64 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80091F10 ;# ptr
.global $$21863
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A638, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21866
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A660, 0x70
.4byte 0x80091FFC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920A0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800920C0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80092044 ;# ptr
.global $$21883
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A6D0, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - cannot send buffer, offset: %d"
.balign 4
@ -1291,43 +1291,56 @@ lbl_80093400:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21744
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A6F8, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP failed to allocate LCB"
.balign 4
.global $$21745
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A718, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP got conn_req while connected"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$21771
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A740, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP got conn_comp for unknown BD_ADDR"
.global $$21772
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A768, 0x34
.asciz "L2CAP got conn_comp in bad state: %d status: 0x%d"
.balign 4
.global $$21783
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A79C, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP got sec_comp for unknown BD_ADDR"
.balign 4
.global $$21822
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A7C4, 0x18
.asciz "L2CAP - ping timeout"
.balign 4
.global $$21869
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A7DC, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - Congested(), CID: 0x%04x, Congested"
.global $$21870
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A808, 0x40
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling CongestionStatus_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Congested"
.balign 4
.global $$21871
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A848, 0x20
.asciz "!!! L2CAP - buffer dropped"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$21872
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A868, 0x40
.asciz "L2CAP - Calling CongestionStatus_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Uncongested"
.global $$21907
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A8A8, 0x48
.asciz "LCB %d Priority:%d XmitWindow:%d Congestion Start:%d End:%d Discard:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$21949
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A8F0, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - dropping incomplete pkt"
.global $$21950
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A910, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - dropping too long pkt"
.balign 4
.global $$21986
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A930, 0x38
.asciz "L2CAP - rcvd segment complete, unknown handle: %d"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -1122,61 +1122,86 @@ lbl_80094428:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21563
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A968, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - expected pkt start, got: %d"
.global $$21564
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A98C, 0x54
.asciz "L2CAP - holding ACL for unknown handle:%d ls:%d cid:%d opcode:%d cur count:%d"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.global $$21565
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A9E0, 0x18
.asciz "L2CAP - unknown CID: %d"
.global $$21566
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43A9F8, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - got incorrect hci header"
.balign 4
.global $$21567
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AA1C, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - bad length in pkt. Exp: %d Act: %d"
.global $$21568
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AA48, 0x20
.balign 4
.global $$21662
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AA68, 0x34
.asciz "Command len bad pkt_len: %d cmd_len: %d code: %d"
.global $$21663
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AA9C, 0x24
.asciz "L2CAP - MTU rej Handle: %d MTU: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21664
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AAC0, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - rej with CID invalid, LCID: %d RCID: %d"
.global $$21665
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AAF0, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - rcvd conn req for unknown PSM: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21666
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AB1C, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - unable to allocate CCB"
.balign 4
.global $$21667
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AB3C, 0x30
.asciz "L2CAP - no CCB for conn rsp, LCID: %d RCID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21668
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AB6C, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - con rsp - bad ID. Exp: %d Got: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21669
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AB98, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - cfg rsp - bad ID. Exp: %d Got: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21670
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ABC4, 0x2C
.asciz "L2CAP - rcvd cfg rsp for unknown CID: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21671
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ABF0, 0x1C
.asciz "L2CAP - bad cmd code: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21674
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AC0C, 0x30
.4byte 0x80094270 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80093920 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800939F4 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80093AC0 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80093BB8 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80093E68 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x80094118 ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009418C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800941EC ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009422C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x8009424C ;# ptr
.4byte 0x800938A0 ;# ptr
.global $$21693
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AC3C, 0x14
.global $$21694
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AC50, 0x18
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.section .bss, "wa" # 0x80496700 - 0x805643FC
.global l2cb
@ -2213,27 +2213,34 @@ lbl_800962F4:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$22062
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AC68, 0x1C
.asciz "L2CAP - no buffer cmd_rej"
.balign 4
.global $$22067
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AC84, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - no buffer for conn_req"
.balign 4
.global $$22125
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ACA4, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - no buffer for cfg_rej"
.balign 4
.global $$22159
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ACC4, 0x20
.asciz "L2CAP - no buffer for echo_req"
.balign 4
.global $$22327
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ACE4, 0x44
.asciz "l2cu_create_conn - btm_is_sco_active_by_bdaddr() is_sco_active = %s"
.global $$22338
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AD28, 0x28
.asciz "L2CAP - no buffer for l2cu_create_conn"
.balign 4
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80556420 - 0x8055C6E0
.global $$22328
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492D00, 0x8
.asciz "TRUE"
.balign 4
.global $$22329
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x492D08, 0x8
.asciz "FALSE"
.balign 4
@ -1451,82 +1451,103 @@ lbl_80097730:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21517
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AD50, 0x14
.asciz "port_open_continue"
.balign 4
.global $$21518
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AD64, 0x24
.asciz "port_open_continue no mx channel"
.balign 4
.global $$21560
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AD88, 0x18
.asciz "PORT_StartCnf result:%d"
.global $$21561
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ADA0, 0x20
.asciz "PORT_StartCnf failed result:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$21573
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ADC0, 0x10
.asciz "PORT_StartInd"
.balign 4
.global $$21600
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ADD0, 0x20
.asciz "PORT_ParNegInd dlci:%d mtu:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$21601
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43ADF0, 0x20
.asciz "PORT_ParNegInd: port not found"
.balign 4
.global $$21618
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AE10, 0x2C
.asciz "PORT_ParNegCnf dlci:%d mtu:%d cl: %d k: %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21631
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AE3C, 0x24
.asciz "PORT_DlcEstablishInd dlci:%d mtu:%d"
.global $$21649
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AE60, 0x30
.asciz "PORT_DlcEstablishCnf dlci:%d mtu:%d result:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$21655
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AE90, 0x10
.asciz "PORT_PortNegInd"
.global $$21666
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AEA0, 0x10
.asciz "PORT_PortNegCnf"
.global $$21667
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AEB0, 0x18
.asciz "PORT_PortNegCnf no port"
.global $$21668
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AEC8, 0x28
.asciz "PORT_PortNegCnf Control Already sent"
.balign 4
.global $$21702
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AEF0, 0x10
.asciz "PORT_ControlInd"
.global $$21703
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AF00, 0x40
.asciz "PORT_ControlInd DTR_DSR : %d, RTS_CTS : %d, RI : %d, DCD : %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21717
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AF40, 0x10
.asciz "PORT_ControlCnf"
.global $$21732
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AF50, 0x14
.asciz "PORT_LineStatusInd"
.balign 4
.global $$21737
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AF64, 0x14
.asciz "PORT_DlcReleaseInd"
.balign 4
.global $$21746
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AF78, 0x10
.asciz "PORT_CloseInd"
.balign 4
.global $$21755
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AF88, 0x18
.asciz "Port_TimeOutCloseMux"
.balign 4
.global $$21780
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AFA0, 0x24
.asciz "PORT_DataInd with data length %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21781
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AFC4, 0x34
.asciz "PORT_DataInd. Buffer over run. Dropping the buffer"
.balign 4
.global $$21799
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43AFF8, 0x14
.asciz "PORT_FlowInd fc:%d"
.balign 4
.global $$21812
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B00C, 0x18
.asciz "Sending RFCOMM_DataReq"
.balign 4
.global $$21829
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B024, 0x2C
.asciz "port_rfc_closed in OPENING state ignored"
.balign 4
.global $$21830
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B050, 0x30
.asciz "port_rfc_closed state:%d sending events:%x"
.balign 4
.4byte 0
@ -435,22 +435,27 @@ lbl_80097D14:
.section .data, "wa" # 0x80421040 - 0x80496700
.global $$21174
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B080, 0x20
.asciz "port_select_mtu bad packet size"
.global $$21175
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B0A0, 0x38
.asciz "port_select_mtu selected %d based on connection speed"
.balign 4
.global $$21176
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B0D8, 0x38
.asciz "port_select_mtu selected %d based on l2cap PDU size"
.4byte 0
.global $$21177
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B110, 0x28
.asciz "port_select_mtu application selected %d"
.global $$21178
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B138, 0x48
.asciz "port_select_mtu credit_rx_max %d, credit_rx_low %d, rx_buf_critical %d"
.balign 4
.global $$21192
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B180, 0x18
.asciz "rfc_port_closed DONE"
.balign 4
.global $$21272
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x43B198, 0x30
.asciz "PORT_DataInd Data reached HW. Sending FC set."
.balign 4
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