add Natural

This commit is contained in:
Charlotte 🦝 Delenk 2022-09-01 10:40:35 +01:00
parent 06f6ae33c6
commit be8a2426b2
Signed by: darkkirb
GPG key ID: AB2BD8DAF2E37122
26 changed files with 418 additions and 8 deletions

List/partition.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
`partition` divides a `List` of elements into those that satisfy a predicate
and those that do not
let Partition
: Type → Type
= λ(a : Type) → { true : List a, false : List a }
let partition
: ∀(a : Type) → (a → Bool) → List a → Partition a
= λ(a : Type) →
λ(f : a → Bool) →
λ(xs : List a) →
(Partition a)
( λ(x : a) →
λ(p : Partition a) →
if f x
then { true = [ x ] # p.true, false = p.false }
else { true = p.true, false = [ x ] # p.false }
{ true = [] : List a, false = [] : List a }
let example0 =
: partition Natural Natural/even [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
≡ { true = [ 0, 2 ], false = [ 1, 3 ] }
in partition

Natural/build.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
--| `build` is the inverse of `fold`
let build
: ( ∀(natural : Type) →
∀(succ : natural → natural) →
∀(zero : natural) →
) →
= Natural/build
let example0 =
: build
( λ(natural : Type) →
λ(succ : natural → natural) →
λ(zero : natural) →
succ (succ (succ zero))
≡ 3
let example1 =
: build
( λ(natural : Type) →
λ(succ : natural → natural) →
λ(zero : natural) →
≡ 0
in build

Natural/divide.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
λ(nix : ../NixPrelude.dhall) →
let Number/fromNatural = ../Number/fromNatural.dhall nix
let Number/divide = ../Number/divide.dhall nix
let Number/toNatural = ../Number/toNatural.dhall nix
in λ(a : Natural) →
λ(b : Natural) →
(Number/divide (Number/fromNatural a) (Number/fromNatural b))

Natural/enumerate.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Generate a list of numbers from `0` up to but not including the specified
let enumerate
: Natural → List Natural
= λ(n : Natural) →
( λ(list : Type) →
λ(cons : Natural → list → list) →
{ index : Natural, value : {} }
( List/indexed
( List/build
( λ(list : Type) →
λ(cons : {} → list → list) →
Natural/fold n list (cons {=})
(λ(x : { index : Natural, value : {} }) → cons x.index)
let example0 = assert : enumerate 10 ≡ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
let example1 = assert : enumerate 0 ≡ ([] : List Natural)
in enumerate

View file

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
--| `equal` checks if two Naturals are equal.
let lessThanEqual =
? ./lessThanEqual.dhall
let lessThanEqual = ./lessThanEqual.dhall
let equal
: Natural → Natural → Bool

Natural/even.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--| Returns `True` if a number if even and returns `False` otherwise
let even
: Natural → Bool
= Natural/even
let example0 = assert : even 3 ≡ False
let example1 = assert : even 0 ≡ True
in even

Natural/fold.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
`fold` is the primitive function for consuming `Natural` numbers
If you treat the number `3` as `succ (succ (succ zero))` then a `fold` just
replaces each `succ` and `zero` with something else
let fold
: Natural →
∀(natural : Type) →
∀(succ : natural → natural) →
∀(zero : natural) →
= Natural/fold
let example0 = assert : fold 3 Text (λ(x : Text) → "A" ++ x) "B" ≡ "AAAB"
let example1 =
λ(zero : Text) →
: fold 3 Text (λ(x : Text) → "A" ++ x) zero
≡ "A" ++ ("A" ++ ("A" ++ zero))
let example2 =
λ(succ : Text → Text) →
λ(zero : Text) →
assert : fold 3 Text succ zero ≡ succ (succ (succ zero))
in fold

Natural/greaterThan.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
--| `greaterThan` checks if one Natural is strictly greater than another.
let lessThan = ./lessThan.dhall
let greaterThan
: Natural → Natural → Bool
= λ(x : Natural) → λ(y : Natural) → lessThan y x
let example0 = assert : greaterThan 5 6 ≡ False
let example1 = assert : greaterThan 5 5 ≡ False
let example2 = assert : greaterThan 5 4 ≡ True
let property0 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : greaterThan 0 n ≡ False
let property1 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : greaterThan n n ≡ False
in greaterThan

View file

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
`greaterThanEqual` checks if one Natural is greater than or equal to another.
let lessThanEqual =
? ./lessThanEqual.dhall
let lessThanEqual = ./lessThanEqual.dhall
let greaterThanEqual
: Natural → Natural → Bool

Natural/isZero.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--| Returns `True` if a number is `0` and returns `False` otherwise
let isZero
: Natural → Bool
= Natural/isZero
let example0 = assert : isZero 2 ≡ False
let example1 = assert : isZero 0 ≡ True
in isZero

Natural/lessThan.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
--| `lessThan` checks if one Natural is strictly less than another.
let greaterThanEqual = ./greaterThanEqual.dhall
let Bool/not = ../Bool/not.dhall
let lessThan
: Natural → Natural → Bool
= λ(x : Natural) → λ(y : Natural) → Bool/not (greaterThanEqual x y)
let example0 = assert : lessThan 5 6 ≡ True
let example1 = assert : lessThan 5 5 ≡ False
let example2 = assert : lessThan 5 4 ≡ False
let property0 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : lessThan n 0 ≡ False
let property1 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : lessThan n n ≡ False
in lessThan

Natural/listMax.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
λ(nix : ../NixPrelude.dhall) →
let max = ./max.dhall
let Optional/map = ../Optional/map.dhall nix
let listMax
: List Natural → Optional Natural
= λ(xs : List Natural) →
(λ(n : Natural) → List/fold Natural xs Natural max n)
(List/head Natural xs)
in listMax

Natural/listMin.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
λ(nix : ../NixPrelude.dhall) →
let min = ./min.dhall
let Optional/map = ../Optional/map.dhall nix
let listMin
: List Natural → Optional Natural
= λ(xs : List Natural) →
( λ(n : Natural) →
if Natural/isZero n
then n
else List/fold Natural xs Natural min n
(List/head Natural xs)
in listMin

Natural/max.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
--| `max a b` returns the larger of `a` or `b`
let lessThanEqual = ./lessThanEqual.dhall
let max
: Natural → Natural → Natural
= λ(a : Natural) → λ(b : Natural) → if lessThanEqual a b then b else a
let example0 = assert : max 1 2 ≡ 2
let example1 = assert : max 2 1 ≡ 2
let property0 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : max n n ≡ n
let property1 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : max 0 n ≡ n
in max

Natural/min.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
--| `min a b` returns the smaller of `a` or `b`
let lessThanEqual = ./lessThanEqual.dhall
let min
: Natural → Natural → Natural
= λ(a : Natural) → λ(b : Natural) → if lessThanEqual a b then a else b
let example0 = assert : min 1 2 ≡ 1
let example1 = assert : min 2 1 ≡ 1
let property0 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : min n n ≡ n
in min

Natural/odd.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--| Returns `True` if a number is odd and returns `False` otherwise
let odd
: Natural → Bool
= Natural/odd
let example0 = assert : odd 3 ≡ True
let example1 = assert : odd 0 ≡ False
in odd

Natural/package.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
λ(nix : ../NixPrelude.dhall) →
{ Type = Natural
, build = ./build.dhall
, divide = ./divide.dhall nix
, enumerate = ./enumerate.dhall
, even = ./even.dhall
, fold = ./fold.dhall
, isZero = ./isZero.dhall
, odd = ./odd.dhall
, product = ./product.dhall
, sum = ./sum.dhall
, show = ./show.dhall
, toDouble = ./toDouble.dhall
, toInteger = ./toInteger.dhall
, lessThan = ./lessThan.dhall
, lessThanEqual = ./lessThanEqual.dhall
, equal = ./equal.dhall
, greaterThanEqual = ./greaterThanEqual.dhall
, greaterThan = ./greaterThan.dhall
, min = ./min.dhall
, max = ./max.dhall
, listMin = ./listMin.dhall nix
, listMax = ./listMax.dhall nix
, sort = ./sort.dhall nix
, subtract = ./subtract.dhall

Natural/product.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--| Multiply all the numbers in a `List`
let product
: List Natural → Natural
= λ(xs : List Natural) →
List/fold Natural xs Natural (λ(l : Natural) → λ(r : Natural) → l * r) 1
let example0 = assert : product [ 2, 3, 5 ] ≡ 30
let example1 = assert : product ([] : List Natural) ≡ 1
in product

Natural/show.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Render a `Natural` number as `Text` using the same representation as Dhall
source code (i.e. a decimal number)
let show
: Natural → Text
= Natural/show
let example0 = assert : show 3 ≡ "3"
let example1 = assert : show 0 ≡ "0"
in show

Natural/sort.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
--| `sort` sorts a `List` of `Natural`s in ascending order
λ(nix : ../NixPrelude.dhall) →
let Any = ../Any/Type.dhall
let Any/toAny = ../Any/toAny.dhall nix
let Any/toTypeUnchecked = ../Any/toTypeUnchecked.dhall nix
let Any/lessThan = ../Any/lessThan.dhall nix
let coerceList =
λ(from : Type) →
λ(to : Type) →
λ(list : List from) →
Any/toTypeUnchecked (List to) (Any/toAny (List from) list)
in λ(xs : List Natural) →
(nix.builtins.sort Any/lessThan (coerceList Natural Any xs))

Natural/subtract.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
--| `subtract m n` computes `n - m`, truncating to `0` if `m > n`
let subtract
: Natural → Natural → Natural
= Natural/subtract
let example0 = assert : subtract 1 2 ≡ 1
let example1 = assert : subtract 1 1 ≡ 0
let example2 = assert : subtract 2 1 ≡ 0
let property0 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : subtract 0 n ≡ n
let property1 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : subtract n 0 ≡ 0
let property2 = λ(n : Natural) → assert : subtract n n ≡ 0
in subtract

Natural/sum.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--| Add all the numbers in a `List`
let sum
: List Natural → Natural
= λ(xs : List Natural) →
List/fold Natural xs Natural (λ(l : Natural) → λ(r : Natural) → l + r) 0
let example = assert : sum [ 2, 3, 5 ] ≡ 10
let example = assert : sum ([] : List Natural) ≡ 0
in sum

Natural/toDouble.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--| Convert a `Natural` number to the corresponding `Double`
let toDouble
: Natural → Double
= λ(n : Natural) → Integer/toDouble (Natural/toInteger n)
let example0 = assert : toDouble 3 ≡ 3.0
let example1 = assert : toDouble 0 ≡ 0.0
in toDouble

Natural/toInteger.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
--| Convert a `Natural` number to the corresponding `Integer`
let toInteger
: Natural → Integer
= Natural/toInteger
let example0 = assert : toInteger 3 ≡ +3
let example1 = assert : toInteger 0 ≡ +0
in toInteger

Optional/map.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
λ(nix : ../NixPrelude.dhall) →
let Any = ../Any/Type.dhall
let Any/toTypeUnchecked = ../Any/toTypeUnchecked.dhall nix
let Any/equal = ../Any/equal.dhall nix
let Any/toAny = ../Any/toAny.dhall nix
let null = Any/toAny (Optional Any) (None Any)
let isNone =
λ(t : Type) →
λ(o : Optional t) →
Any/equal (Any/toAny (Optional t) o) null
let unwrapUnsafe =
λ(t : Type) →
λ(o : Optional t) →
Any/toTypeUnchecked t (Any/toAny (Optional t) o)
let map
: ∀(a : Type) → ∀(b : Type) → (a → b) → Optional a → Optional b
= λ(a : Type) →
λ(b : Type) →
λ(f : a → b) →
λ(o : Optional a) →
if isNone a o then None b else Some (f (unwrapUnsafe a o))
in map

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
, Integer = ./Integer/package.dhall nix
, Misc = ./Misc/package.dhall nix
, Monoid = ./Monoid.dhall
, Natural = ./Natural/package.dhall nix
, Number = ./Number/package.dhall nix
, Path = ./Path/package.dhall nix
, Set = ./Set/package.dhall nix