Roshan Pius 0790789114 msm8937-common: Uprev to supplicant 1.1
Bug: 65673412
Test: Device boots up and connects to wifi networks.
Change-Id: I2e51291b30fd242edbeae2c69ef9545383895bb3
2018-10-02 23:02:23 +05:30

531 lines
16 KiB

This is a skeleton device manifest. Notes:
1. android.hidl.*, android.frameworks.*, android.system.* are not included.
2. If a HAL is supported in both hwbinder and passthrough transport,
only hwbinder is shown.
3. It is likely that HALs in passthrough transport does not have
<interface> declared; users will have to write them by hand.
4. A HAL with lower minor version can be overridden by a HAL with
higher minor version if they have the same name and major version.
5. sepolicy version is set to 0.0. It is recommended that the entry
is removed from the manifest file and written by assemble_vintf
at build time.
<manifest version="1.0" type="device" target-level="1">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<transport arch="32+64">passthrough</transport>
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<transport arch="32+64">passthrough</transport>
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<transport arch="32+64">passthrough</transport>
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">
<hal format="hidl">