/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_TAG "QCameraMuxer" // System dependencies #include #include #include #include #define STAT_H #include STAT_H // Camera dependencies #include "QCameraMuxer.h" #include "QCamera2HWI.h" #include "QCamera3HWI.h" extern "C" { #include "mm_camera_dbg.h" } /* Muxer implementation */ using namespace android; namespace qcamera { QCameraMuxer *gMuxer = NULL; //Error Check Macros #define CHECK_MUXER() \ if (!gMuxer) { \ LOGE("Error getting muxer "); \ return; \ } \ #define CHECK_MUXER_ERROR() \ if (!gMuxer) { \ LOGE("Error getting muxer "); \ return -ENODEV; \ } \ #define CHECK_CAMERA(pCam) \ if (!pCam) { \ LOGE("Error getting physical camera"); \ return; \ } \ #define CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam) \ if (!pCam) { \ LOGE("Error getting physical camera"); \ return -ENODEV; \ } \ #define CHECK_HWI(hwi) \ if (!hwi) { \ LOGE("Error !! HWI not found!!"); \ return; \ } \ #define CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi) \ if (!hwi) { \ LOGE("Error !! HWI not found!!"); \ return -ENODEV; \ } \ /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getCameraMuxer * * DESCRIPTION : Creates Camera Muxer if not created * * PARAMETERS: * @pMuxer : Pointer to retrieve Camera Muxer * @num_of_cameras : Number of Physical Cameras on device * * RETURN : NONE *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::getCameraMuxer( QCameraMuxer** pMuxer, uint32_t num_of_cameras) { *pMuxer = NULL; if (!gMuxer) { gMuxer = new QCameraMuxer(num_of_cameras); } CHECK_MUXER(); *pMuxer = gMuxer; LOGH("gMuxer: %p ", gMuxer); return; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCameraMuxer * * DESCRIPTION : QCameraMuxer Constructor * * PARAMETERS: * @num_of_cameras : Number of Physical Cameras on device * *==========================================================================*/ QCameraMuxer::QCameraMuxer(uint32_t num_of_cameras) : mJpegClientHandle(0), m_pPhyCamera(NULL), m_pLogicalCamera(NULL), m_pCallbacks(NULL), m_bAuxCameraExposed(FALSE), m_nPhyCameras(num_of_cameras), m_nLogicalCameras(0), m_MainJpegQ(releaseJpegInfo, this), m_AuxJpegQ(releaseJpegInfo, this), m_pRelCamMpoJpeg(NULL), m_pMpoCallbackCookie(NULL), m_pJpegCallbackCookie(NULL), m_bDumpImages(FALSE), m_bMpoEnabled(TRUE), m_bFrameSyncEnabled(FALSE), m_bRecordingHintInternallySet(FALSE) { setupLogicalCameras(); memset(&mJpegOps, 0, sizeof(mJpegOps)); memset(&mJpegMpoOps, 0, sizeof(mJpegMpoOps)); memset(&mGetMemoryCb, 0, sizeof(mGetMemoryCb)); memset(&mDataCb, 0, sizeof(mDataCb)); // initialize mutex for MPO composition pthread_mutex_init(&m_JpegLock, NULL); // launch MPO composition thread m_ComposeMpoTh.launch(composeMpoRoutine, this); //Check whether dual camera images need to be dumped char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("persist.camera.dual.camera.dump", prop, "0"); m_bDumpImages = atoi(prop); LOGH("dualCamera dump images:%d ", m_bDumpImages); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCameraMuxer * * DESCRIPTION : QCameraMuxer Desctructor * *==========================================================================*/ QCameraMuxer::~QCameraMuxer() { if (m_pLogicalCamera) { delete [] m_pLogicalCamera; m_pLogicalCamera = NULL; } if (m_pPhyCamera) { delete [] m_pPhyCamera; m_pPhyCamera = NULL; } if (NULL != m_pRelCamMpoJpeg) { m_pRelCamMpoJpeg->release(m_pRelCamMpoJpeg); m_pRelCamMpoJpeg = NULL; } // flush Jpeg Queues m_MainJpegQ.flush(); m_AuxJpegQ.flush(); // stop and exit MPO composition thread m_ComposeMpoTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC, TRUE, FALSE); m_ComposeMpoTh.exit(); pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_JpegLock); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : get_number_of_cameras * * DESCRIPTION : Provide number of Logical Cameras * * RETURN : Number of logical Cameras *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::get_number_of_cameras() { return gMuxer->getNumberOfCameras(); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : get_camera_info * * DESCRIPTION : get logical camera info * * PARAMETERS: * @camera_id : Logical Camera ID * @info : Logical Main Camera Info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * ENODEV : Camera not found * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::get_camera_info(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info) { int rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); cam_sync_type_t type; if ((camera_id < 0) || (camera_id >= gMuxer->getNumberOfCameras())) { LOGE("Camera id %d not found!", camera_id); return -ENODEV; } if(info) { rc = gMuxer->getCameraInfo(camera_id, info, &type); } LOGH("X, rc: %d", rc); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : set_callbacks * * DESCRIPTION : Not Implemented * * PARAMETERS: * @callbacks : Camera Module Callbacks * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::set_callbacks(__unused const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks) { // Not implemented return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : camera_device_open * * DESCRIPTION: static function to open a camera device by its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @modue: hw module * @id : camera ID * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * BAD_VALUE : Invalid Camera ID * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::camera_device_open( __unused const struct hw_module_t *module, const char *id, struct hw_device_t **hw_device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("id= %d",atoi(id)); if (!id) { LOGE("Invalid camera id"); return BAD_VALUE; } rc = gMuxer->cameraDeviceOpen(atoi(id), hw_device); LOGH("id= %d, rc: %d", atoi(id), rc); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : open_legacy * * DESCRIPTION: static function to open a camera device by its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @modue: hw module * @id : camera ID * @halVersion: hal version * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * BAD_VALUE : Invalid Camera ID * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::open_legacy(__unused const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id, __unused uint32_t halVersion, struct hw_device_t** hw_device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("id= %d", atoi(id)); if (!id) { LOGE("Invalid camera id"); return BAD_VALUE; } rc = gMuxer->cameraDeviceOpen(atoi(id), hw_device); LOGH("id= %d, rc: %d", atoi(id), rc); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : set_preview_window * * DESCRIPTION: Set Preview window for main camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @window: Preview window ops * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::set_preview_window(struct camera_device * device, struct preview_stream_ops *window) { int rc = NO_ERROR; CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); // Set preview window only for primary camera if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->set_preview_window(pCam->dev, window); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error!! setting preview window"); return rc; } break; } } return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : set_callBacks * * DESCRIPTION: Set Framework callbacks to notify various frame data asynchronously * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @notify_cb: Notification callback * @data_cb: data callback * @data_cb_timestamp: data timestamp callback * @get_memory: callback to obtain memory * @user : userdata * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::set_callBacks(struct camera_device * device, camera_notify_callback notify_cb, camera_data_callback data_cb, camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp, camera_request_memory get_memory, void *user) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); // Set callbacks to HWI for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); hwi->set_CallBacks(pCam->dev, notify_cb, data_cb, data_cb_timestamp, get_memory, user); // Set JPG callbacks // sending the physical camera description with the Jpeg callback // this will be retrieved in callbacks to get the cam instance // delivering JPEGs hwi->setJpegCallBacks(jpeg_data_callback, (void*)pCam); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { rc = gMuxer->setMainJpegCallbackCookie((void*)(pCam)); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGW("Error setting Jpeg callback cookie"); } } } // Store callback in Muxer to send data callbacks rc = gMuxer->setDataCallback(data_cb); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGW("Error setting data callback"); } // memory callback stored to allocate memory for MPO buffer rc = gMuxer->setMemoryCallback(get_memory); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGW("Error setting memory callback"); } // actual user callback cookie is saved in Muxer // this will be used to deliver final MPO callback to the framework rc = gMuxer->setMpoCallbackCookie(user); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGW("Error setting mpo cookie"); } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : enable_msg_type * * DESCRIPTION: Enable msg_type to send callbacks * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @msg_type: callback Message type to be enabled * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::enable_msg_type(struct camera_device * device, int32_t msg_type) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); hwi->enable_msg_type(pCam->dev, msg_type); } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : disable_msg_type * * DESCRIPTION: disable msg_type to send callbacks * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @msg_type: callback Message type to be disabled * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::disable_msg_type(struct camera_device * device, int32_t msg_type) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); hwi->disable_msg_type(pCam->dev, msg_type); } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : msg_type_enabled * * DESCRIPTION: Check if message type enabled * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @msg_type: message type * * RETURN : true/false *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::msg_type_enabled(struct camera_device * device, int32_t msg_type) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { return hwi->msg_type_enabled(pCam->dev, msg_type); } } LOGH("X"); return false; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : start_preview * * DESCRIPTION: Starts logical camera preview * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::start_preview(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); // prepare preview first for all cameras for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->prepare_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error preparing preview !! "); return rc; } } if (cam->numCameras > 1) { uint sessionId = 0; // Set up sync for camera sessions for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if(pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { // bundle primary cam with all aux cameras for (uint32_t j = 0; j < cam->numCameras; j++) { if (j == cam->nPrimaryPhyCamIndex) { continue; } sessionId = cam->sId[j]; LOGH("Related cam id: %d, server id: %d sync ON" " related session_id %d", cam->pId[i], cam->sId[i], sessionId); rc = hwi->bundleRelatedCameras(true, sessionId); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error Bundling physical cameras !! "); return rc; } } } if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_SECONDARY) { // bundle all aux cam with primary cams sessionId = cam->sId[cam->nPrimaryPhyCamIndex]; LOGH("Related cam id: %d, server id: %d sync ON" " related session_id %d", cam->pId[i], cam->sId[i], sessionId); rc = hwi->bundleRelatedCameras(true, sessionId); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error Bundling physical cameras !! "); return rc; } } } // Remember Sync is ON cam->bSyncOn = true; } // Start Preview for all cameras for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->start_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error starting preview !! "); return rc; } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : stop_preview * * DESCRIPTION: Stops logical camera preview * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::stop_preview(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_preview(pCam->dev); } //Flush JPEG Queues. Nodes in Main and Aux JPEGQ are not valid after preview stopped. gMuxer->m_MainJpegQ.flush(); gMuxer->m_AuxJpegQ.flush(); LOGH(" X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : preview_enabled * * DESCRIPTION: Checks preview enabled * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : true/false *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::preview_enabled(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { return hwi->preview_enabled(pCam->dev); } } LOGH("X"); return false; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : store_meta_data_in_buffers * * DESCRIPTION: Stores metadata in buffers * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @enable: Enable/disable metadata * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::store_meta_data_in_buffers(struct camera_device * device, int enable) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->store_meta_data_in_buffers(pCam->dev, enable); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error storing metat data !! "); return rc; } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : start_recording * * DESCRIPTION: Starts recording on camcorder * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::start_recording(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; bool previewRestartNeeded = false; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); // In cases where recording hint is not set, hwi->start_recording will // internally restart the preview. // To take the preview restart control in muxer, // 1. call pre_start_recording first for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->pre_start_recording(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error preparing recording start!! "); return rc; } } // 2. Check if preview restart is needed. Check all cameras. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (hwi->isPreviewRestartNeeded()) { previewRestartNeeded = hwi->isPreviewRestartNeeded(); break; } } if (previewRestartNeeded) { // 3. if preview restart needed. stop the preview first for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->restart_stop_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in restart stop preview!! "); return rc; } } //4. Update the recording hint value to TRUE for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->setRecordingHintValue(TRUE); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in setting recording hint value!! "); return rc; } gMuxer->m_bRecordingHintInternallySet = TRUE; } // 5. start the preview for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->restart_start_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in restart start preview!! "); return rc; } } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { rc = hwi->start_recording(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error starting recording!! "); } break; } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : stop_recording * * DESCRIPTION: Stops recording on camcorder * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::stop_recording(struct camera_device * device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_recording(pCam->dev); break; } } // If recording hint is set internally to TRUE, // we need to set it to FALSE. // preview restart is needed in between if (gMuxer->m_bRecordingHintInternallySet) { // stop the preview first for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); rc = hwi->restart_stop_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in restart stop preview!! "); return; } } // Update the recording hint value to FALSE for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); rc = hwi->setRecordingHintValue(FALSE); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in setting recording hint value!! "); return; } gMuxer->m_bRecordingHintInternallySet = FALSE; } // start the preview for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); rc = hwi->restart_start_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in restart start preview!! "); return; } } } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : recording_enabled * * DESCRIPTION: Checks for recording enabled * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : true/false *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::recording_enabled(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { return hwi->recording_enabled(pCam->dev); } } LOGH("X"); return false; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : release_recording_frame * * DESCRIPTION: Release the recording frame * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @opaque: Frame to be released * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::release_recording_frame(struct camera_device * device, const void *opaque) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { QCamera2HardwareInterface::release_recording_frame(pCam->dev, opaque); break; } } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : auto_focus * * DESCRIPTION: Performs auto focus on camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::auto_focus(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); // Call auto focus on main camera if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::auto_focus(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error auto focusing !! "); return rc; } break; } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : cancel_auto_focus * * DESCRIPTION: Cancels auto focus * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::cancel_auto_focus(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); // Cancel auto focus on primary camera if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::cancel_auto_focus(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error cancelling auto focus !! "); return rc; } break; } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : take_picture * * DESCRIPTION: Take snapshots on device * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::take_picture(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; bool previewRestartNeeded = false; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("persist.camera.dual.camera.mpo", prop, "1"); gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled = atoi(prop); // If only one Physical Camera included in Logical, disable MPO int numOfAcitvePhyCam = 0; gMuxer->getActiveNumOfPhyCam(cam, numOfAcitvePhyCam); if (gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled && numOfAcitvePhyCam <= 1) { gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled = 0; } LOGH("dualCamera MPO Enabled:%d ", gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled); if (!gMuxer->mJpegClientHandle) { // set up jpeg handles pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, 0); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->getJpegHandleInfo(&gMuxer->mJpegOps, &gMuxer->mJpegMpoOps, &gMuxer->mJpegClientHandle); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error retrieving jpeg handle!"); return rc; } for (uint32_t i = 1; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->setJpegHandleInfo(&gMuxer->mJpegOps, &gMuxer->mJpegMpoOps, gMuxer->mJpegClientHandle); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error setting jpeg handle %d!", i); return rc; } } } // prepare snapshot for main camera for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { rc = hwi->prepare_snapshot(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error preparing for snapshot !! "); return rc; } } // set Mpo composition for each session rc = hwi->setMpoComposition(gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled); //disable MPO if AOST features are enabled if (rc != NO_ERROR) { gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled = 0; rc = NO_ERROR; } } // initialize Jpeg Queues gMuxer->m_MainJpegQ.init(); gMuxer->m_AuxJpegQ.init(); gMuxer->m_ComposeMpoTh.sendCmd( CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_DATA_PROC, FALSE, FALSE); // In cases where recording hint is set, preview is running, // hwi->take_picture will internally restart the preview. // To take the preview restart control in muxer, // 1. call pre_take_picture first for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); // no need to call pre_take_pic on Aux if not MPO (for AOST,liveshot...etc.) if ( (gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled == 1) || (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) ) { rc = hwi->pre_take_picture(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error preparing take_picture!! "); return rc; } } } // 2. Check if preview restart is needed. Check all cameras. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if (hwi->isPreviewRestartNeeded()) { previewRestartNeeded = hwi->isPreviewRestartNeeded(); break; } } if (previewRestartNeeded) { // 3. if preview restart needed. stop the preview first for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->restart_stop_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in restart stop preview!! "); return rc; } } //4. Update the recording hint value to FALSE for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->setRecordingHintValue(FALSE); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in setting recording hint value!! "); return rc; } } // 5. start the preview for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = hwi->restart_start_preview(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in restart start preview!! "); return rc; } } } // As frame sync for dual cameras is enabled, the take picture call // for secondary camera is handled only till HAL level to init corresponding // pproc channel and update statemachine. // This call is forwarded to mm-camera-intf only for primary camera // Primary camera should receive the take picture call after all secondary // camera statemachines are updated for (int32_t i = cam->numCameras-1 ; i >= 0; i--) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); // no need to call take_pic on Aux if not MPO (for AOST) if ( (gMuxer->m_bMpoEnabled == 1) || (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) ) { rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::take_picture(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error taking picture !! "); return rc; } } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : cancel_picture * * DESCRIPTION: Cancel the take picture call * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::cancel_picture(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::cancel_picture(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error cancelling picture !! "); return rc; } } gMuxer->m_ComposeMpoTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC, FALSE, FALSE); // flush Jpeg Queues gMuxer->m_MainJpegQ.flush(); gMuxer->m_AuxJpegQ.flush(); LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : set_parameters * * DESCRIPTION: Sets the parameters on camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @parms : Parameters to be set on camera * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::set_parameters(struct camera_device * device, const char *parms) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); bool needRestart = false; CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::set_parameters(pCam->dev, parms); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error setting parameters !! "); return rc; } needRestart |= hwi->getNeedRestart(); } if (needRestart) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); LOGD("stopping preview for cam %d", i); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::stop_after_set_params(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error stopping camera rc=%d!! ", rc); return rc; } } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); LOGD("commiting parameters for cam %d", i); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::commit_params(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error committing parameters rc=%d!! ", rc); return rc; } } if (needRestart) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); LOGD("restarting preview for cam %d", i); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::restart_after_set_params(pCam->dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error restarting camera rc=%d!! ", rc); return rc; } } } LOGH(" X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : get_parameters * * DESCRIPTION: Gets the parameters on camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : Parameter string or NULL *==========================================================================*/ char* QCameraMuxer::get_parameters(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); if (!gMuxer) return NULL; char* ret = NULL; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); if (!cam) { LOGE("Error getting logical camera"); return NULL; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); if (!pCam) { LOGE("Error getting physical camera"); return NULL; } QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; if (!hwi) { LOGE("Allocation of hardware interface failed"); return NULL; } if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { // Get only primary camera parameters ret = QCamera2HardwareInterface::get_parameters(pCam->dev); break; } } LOGH("X"); return ret; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : put_parameters * * DESCRIPTION: Puts parameters on camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @parm : parameters * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::put_parameters(struct camera_device * device, char *parm) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { // Parameters are not used in HWI and hence freed QCamera2HardwareInterface::put_parameters(pCam->dev, parm); break; } } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : send_command * * DESCRIPTION: Send command to camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @cmd : Command * @arg1/arg2 : command arguments * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::send_command(struct camera_device * device, int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::send_command(pCam->dev, cmd, arg1, arg2); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error sending command !! "); return rc; } } switch (cmd) { #ifndef VANILLA_HAL case CAMERA_CMD_LONGSHOT_ON: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::send_command_restart(pCam->dev, cmd, arg1, arg2); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error sending command restart !! "); return rc; } } break; case CAMERA_CMD_LONGSHOT_OFF: gMuxer->m_ComposeMpoTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC, FALSE, FALSE); // flush Jpeg Queues gMuxer->m_MainJpegQ.flush(); gMuxer->m_AuxJpegQ.flush(); break; #endif default: // do nothing rc = NO_ERROR; break; } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : release * * DESCRIPTION: Release the camera * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::release(struct camera_device * device) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI(hwi); QCamera2HardwareInterface::release(pCam->dev); } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : dump * * DESCRIPTION: Dump the camera info * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * @fd : fd * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::dump(struct camera_device * device, int fd) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(device); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::dump(pCam->dev, fd); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error dumping"); return rc; } } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : close_camera_device * * DESCRIPTION: Close the camera * * PARAMETERS : * @hw_dev : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::close_camera_device(hw_device_t *hw_dev) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); int rc = NO_ERROR; qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; camera_device_t *cam_dev = (camera_device_t*)hw_dev; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = gMuxer->getLogicalCamera(cam_dev); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(cam); // Unlink camera sessions if (cam->bSyncOn) { if (cam->numCameras > 1) { uint sessionId = 0; // unbundle primary camera with all aux cameras for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); if(pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { // bundle primary cam with all aux cameras for (uint32_t j = 0; j < cam->numCameras; j++) { if (j == cam->nPrimaryPhyCamIndex) { continue; } sessionId = cam->sId[j]; LOGH("Related cam id: %d, server id: %d sync OFF" " related session_id %d", cam->pId[i], cam->sId[i], sessionId); rc = hwi->bundleRelatedCameras(false, sessionId); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error Bundling physical cameras !! "); break; } } } if (pCam->mode == CAM_MODE_SECONDARY) { // unbundle all aux cam with primary cams sessionId = cam->sId[cam->nPrimaryPhyCamIndex]; LOGH("Related cam id: %d, server id: %d sync OFF" " related session_id %d", cam->pId[i], cam->sId[i], sessionId); rc = hwi->bundleRelatedCameras(false, sessionId); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error Bundling physical cameras !! "); break; } } } } cam->bSyncOn = false; } // Attempt to close all cameras regardless of unbundle results for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { pCam = gMuxer->getPhysicalCamera(cam, i); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); hw_device_t *dev = (hw_device_t*)(pCam->dev); LOGH("hw device %x, hw %x", dev, pCam->hwi); rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::close_camera_device(dev); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error closing camera"); } pCam->hwi = NULL; pCam->dev = NULL; } // Reset JPEG client handle gMuxer->setJpegHandle(0); LOGH("X, rc: %d", rc); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setupLogicalCameras * * DESCRIPTION : Creates Camera Muxer if not created * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::setupLogicalCameras() { int rc = NO_ERROR; char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; int i = 0; int primaryType = CAM_TYPE_MAIN; LOGH("[%d] E: rc = %d", rc); // Signifies whether AUX camera has to be exposed as physical camera property_get("persist.camera.aux.camera", prop, "0"); m_bAuxCameraExposed = atoi(prop); // Signifies whether AUX camera needs to be swapped property_get("persist.camera.auxcamera.swap", prop, "0"); int swapAux = atoi(prop); if (swapAux != 0) { primaryType = CAM_TYPE_AUX; } // Check for number of camera present on device if (!m_nPhyCameras || (m_nPhyCameras > MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS)) { LOGE("Error!! Invalid number of cameras: %d", m_nPhyCameras); return BAD_VALUE; } m_pPhyCamera = new qcamera_physical_descriptor_t[m_nPhyCameras]; if (!m_pPhyCamera) { LOGE("Error allocating camera info buffer!!"); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(m_pPhyCamera, 0x00, (m_nPhyCameras * sizeof(qcamera_physical_descriptor_t))); uint32_t cameraId = 0; m_nLogicalCameras = 0; // Enumerate physical cameras and logical for (i = 0; i < m_nPhyCameras ; i++, cameraId++) { camera_info *info = &m_pPhyCamera[i].cam_info; rc = QCamera2HardwareInterface::getCapabilities(cameraId, info, &m_pPhyCamera[i].type); m_pPhyCamera[i].id = cameraId; m_pPhyCamera[i].device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0; m_pPhyCamera[i].mode = CAM_MODE_PRIMARY; if (!m_bAuxCameraExposed && (m_pPhyCamera[i].type != primaryType)) { m_pPhyCamera[i].mode = CAM_MODE_SECONDARY; LOGH("Camera ID: %d, Aux Camera, type: %d, facing: %d", cameraId, m_pPhyCamera[i].type, m_pPhyCamera[i].cam_info.facing); } else { m_nLogicalCameras++; LOGH("Camera ID: %d, Main Camera, type: %d, facing: %d", cameraId, m_pPhyCamera[i].type, m_pPhyCamera[i].cam_info.facing); } } if (!m_nLogicalCameras) { // No Main camera detected, return from here LOGE("Error !!!! detecting main camera!!"); delete [] m_pPhyCamera; m_pPhyCamera = NULL; return -ENODEV; } // Allocate Logical Camera descriptors m_pLogicalCamera = new qcamera_logical_descriptor_t[m_nLogicalCameras]; if (!m_pLogicalCamera) { LOGE("Error !!!! allocating camera info buffer!!"); delete [] m_pPhyCamera; m_pPhyCamera = NULL; return NO_MEMORY; } memset(m_pLogicalCamera, 0x00, (m_nLogicalCameras * sizeof(qcamera_logical_descriptor_t))); // Assign MAIN cameras for each logical camera int index = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_nPhyCameras ; i++) { if (m_pPhyCamera[i].mode == CAM_MODE_PRIMARY) { m_pLogicalCamera[index].nPrimaryPhyCamIndex = 0; m_pLogicalCamera[index].id = index; m_pLogicalCamera[index].device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0; m_pLogicalCamera[index].pId[0] = i; m_pLogicalCamera[index].type[0] = CAM_TYPE_MAIN; m_pLogicalCamera[index].mode[0] = CAM_MODE_PRIMARY; m_pLogicalCamera[index].facing = m_pPhyCamera[i].cam_info.facing; m_pLogicalCamera[index].numCameras++; LOGH("Logical Main Camera ID: %d, facing: %d," "Phy Id: %d type: %d mode: %d", m_pLogicalCamera[index].id, m_pLogicalCamera[index].facing, m_pLogicalCamera[index].pId[0], m_pLogicalCamera[index].type[0], m_pLogicalCamera[index].mode[0]); index++; } } //Now assign AUX cameras to logical camera for (i = 0; i < m_nPhyCameras ; i++) { if (m_pPhyCamera[i].mode == CAM_MODE_SECONDARY) { for (int j = 0; j < m_nLogicalCameras; j++) { int n = m_pLogicalCamera[j].numCameras; ///@note n can only be 1 at this point if ((n < MAX_NUM_CAMERA_PER_BUNDLE) && (m_pLogicalCamera[j].facing == m_pPhyCamera[i].cam_info.facing)) { m_pLogicalCamera[j].pId[n] = i; m_pLogicalCamera[j].type[n] = CAM_TYPE_AUX; m_pLogicalCamera[j].mode[n] = CAM_MODE_SECONDARY; m_pLogicalCamera[j].numCameras++; LOGH("Aux %d for Logical Camera ID: %d," "aux phy id:%d, type: %d mode: %d", n, j, m_pLogicalCamera[j].pId[n], m_pLogicalCamera[j].type[n], m_pLogicalCamera[j].mode[n]); } } } } //Print logical and physical camera tables for (i = 0; i < m_nLogicalCameras ; i++) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < m_pLogicalCamera[i].numCameras; j++) { LOGH("Logical Camera ID: %d, index: %d, " "facing: %d, Phy Id: %d type: %d mode: %d", i, j, m_pLogicalCamera[i].facing, m_pLogicalCamera[i].pId[j], m_pLogicalCamera[i].type[j], m_pLogicalCamera[i].mode[j]); } } LOGH("[%d] X: rc = %d", rc); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getNumberOfCameras * * DESCRIPTION: query number of logical cameras detected * * RETURN : number of cameras detected *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::getNumberOfCameras() { return m_nLogicalCameras; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getCameraInfo * * DESCRIPTION: query camera information with its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @info : ptr to camera info struct * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::getCameraInfo(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info, __unused cam_sync_type_t *p_cam_type) { int rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E, camera_id = %d", camera_id); if (!m_nLogicalCameras || (camera_id >= m_nLogicalCameras) || !info || (camera_id < 0)) { LOGE("m_nLogicalCameras: %d, camera id: %d", m_nLogicalCameras, camera_id); return -ENODEV; } if (!m_pLogicalCamera || !m_pPhyCamera) { LOGE("Error! Cameras not initialized!"); return NO_INIT; } uint32_t phy_id = m_pLogicalCamera[camera_id].pId[ m_pLogicalCamera[camera_id].nPrimaryPhyCamIndex]; // Call HAL3 getCamInfo to get the flash light info through static metatdata // regardless of HAL version rc = QCamera3HardwareInterface::getCamInfo(phy_id, info); info->device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0; // Hardcode the HAL to HAL1 LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setCallbacks * * DESCRIPTION: set callback functions to send asynchronous notifications to * frameworks. * * PARAMETERS : * @callbacks : callback function pointer * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::setCallbacks(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks) { if(callbacks) { m_pCallbacks = callbacks; return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_TYPE; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setDataCallback * * DESCRIPTION: set data callback function for snapshots * * PARAMETERS : * @data_cb : callback function pointer * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::setDataCallback(camera_data_callback data_cb) { if(data_cb) { mDataCb = data_cb; return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_TYPE; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setMemoryCallback * * DESCRIPTION: set get memory callback for memory allocations * * PARAMETERS : * @get_memory : callback function pointer * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::setMemoryCallback(camera_request_memory get_memory) { if(get_memory) { mGetMemoryCb = get_memory; return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_TYPE; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setMpoCallbackCookie * * DESCRIPTION: set mpo callback cookie. will be used for sending final MPO callbacks * to framework * * PARAMETERS : * @mpoCbCookie : callback function pointer * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::setMpoCallbackCookie(void* mpoCbCookie) { if(mpoCbCookie) { m_pMpoCallbackCookie = mpoCbCookie; return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_TYPE; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getMpoCallbackCookie * * DESCRIPTION: gets the mpo callback cookie. will be used for sending final MPO callbacks * to framework * * PARAMETERS :none * * RETURN :void ptr to the mpo callback cookie *==========================================================================*/ void* QCameraMuxer::getMpoCallbackCookie(void) { return m_pMpoCallbackCookie; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setMainJpegCallbackCookie * * DESCRIPTION: set jpeg callback cookie. * set to phy cam instance of the primary related cam instance * * PARAMETERS : * @jpegCbCookie : ptr to jpeg cookie * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::setMainJpegCallbackCookie(void* jpegCbCookie) { if(jpegCbCookie) { m_pJpegCallbackCookie = jpegCbCookie; return NO_ERROR; } else { return BAD_TYPE; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getMainJpegCallbackCookie * * DESCRIPTION: gets the jpeg callback cookie for primary related cam instance * set to phy cam instance of the primary related cam instance * * PARAMETERS :none * * RETURN :void ptr to the jpeg callback cookie *==========================================================================*/ void* QCameraMuxer::getMainJpegCallbackCookie(void) { return m_pJpegCallbackCookie; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : cameraDeviceOpen * * DESCRIPTION: open a camera device with its ID * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : camera ID * @hw_device : ptr to struct storing camera hardware device info * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int QCameraMuxer::cameraDeviceOpen(int camera_id, struct hw_device_t **hw_device) { int rc = NO_ERROR; uint32_t phyId = 0; qcamera_logical_descriptor_t *cam = NULL; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= m_nLogicalCameras) { LOGE("Camera id %d not found!", camera_id); return -ENODEV; } if ( NULL == m_pLogicalCamera) { LOGE("Hal descriptor table is not initialized!"); return NO_INIT; } char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("persist.camera.dc.frame.sync", prop, "1"); m_bFrameSyncEnabled = atoi(prop); // Get logical camera cam = &m_pLogicalCamera[camera_id]; if (m_pLogicalCamera[camera_id].device_version == CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0) { // HW Dev Holders hw_device_t *hw_dev[cam->numCameras]; if (m_pPhyCamera[cam->pId[0]].type != CAM_TYPE_MAIN) { LOGE("Physical camera at index 0 is not main!"); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Open all physical cameras for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cam->numCameras; i++) { phyId = cam->pId[i]; QCamera2HardwareInterface *hw = new QCamera2HardwareInterface((uint32_t)phyId); if (!hw) { LOGE("Allocation of hardware interface failed"); return NO_MEMORY; } hw_dev[i] = NULL; // Make Camera HWI aware of its mode cam_sync_related_sensors_event_info_t info; info.sync_control = CAM_SYNC_RELATED_SENSORS_ON; info.mode = m_pPhyCamera[phyId].mode; info.type = m_pPhyCamera[phyId].type; info.is_frame_sync_enabled = m_bFrameSyncEnabled; rc = hw->setRelatedCamSyncInfo(&info); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("setRelatedCamSyncInfo failed %d", rc); delete hw; return rc; } rc = hw->openCamera(&hw_dev[i]); if (rc != NO_ERROR) { delete hw; return rc; } hw->getCameraSessionId(&m_pPhyCamera[phyId].camera_server_id); m_pPhyCamera[phyId].dev = reinterpret_cast(hw_dev[i]); m_pPhyCamera[phyId].hwi = hw; cam->sId[i] = m_pPhyCamera[phyId].camera_server_id; LOGH("camera id %d server id : %d hw device %x, hw %x", phyId, cam->sId[i], hw_dev[i], hw); } } else { LOGE("Device version for camera id %d invalid %d", camera_id, m_pLogicalCamera[camera_id].device_version); return BAD_VALUE; } cam->dev.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; cam->dev.common.version = HARDWARE_DEVICE_API_VERSION(1, 0); cam->dev.common.close = close_camera_device; cam->dev.ops = &mCameraMuxerOps; cam->dev.priv = (void*)cam; *hw_device = &cam->dev.common; return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getLogicalCamera * * DESCRIPTION: Get logical camera descriptor * * PARAMETERS : * @device : camera hardware device info * * RETURN : logical camera descriptor or NULL *==========================================================================*/ qcamera_logical_descriptor_t* QCameraMuxer::getLogicalCamera( struct camera_device * device) { if(device && device->priv){ return (qcamera_logical_descriptor_t*)(device->priv); } return NULL; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getPhysicalCamera * * DESCRIPTION: Get physical camera descriptor * * PARAMETERS : * @log_cam : Logical camera descriptor * @index : physical camera index * * RETURN : physical camera descriptor or NULL *==========================================================================*/ qcamera_physical_descriptor_t* QCameraMuxer::getPhysicalCamera( qcamera_logical_descriptor_t* log_cam, uint32_t index) { if(!log_cam){ return NULL; } return &m_pPhyCamera[log_cam->pId[index]]; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getActiveNumOfPhyCam * * DESCRIPTION: Get active physical camera number in Logical Camera * * PARAMETERS : * @log_cam : Logical camera descriptor * @numOfAcitvePhyCam : number of active physical camera in Logical Camera. * * RETURN : * NO_ERROR : success * ENODEV : Camera not found * other: non-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::getActiveNumOfPhyCam( qcamera_logical_descriptor_t* log_cam, int& numOfAcitvePhyCam) { CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(log_cam); numOfAcitvePhyCam = log_cam->numCameras; return NO_ERROR; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : sendEvtNotify * * DESCRIPTION: send event notify to HWI for error callbacks * * PARAMETERS : * @msg_type: msg type to be sent * @ext1 : optional extension1 * @ext2 : optional extension2 * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::sendEvtNotify(int32_t msg_type, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); qcamera_physical_descriptor_t *pCam = NULL; pCam = (qcamera_physical_descriptor_t*)(gMuxer->getMainJpegCallbackCookie()); CHECK_CAMERA_ERROR(pCam); QCamera2HardwareInterface *hwi = pCam->hwi; CHECK_HWI_ERROR(hwi); LOGH("X"); return pCam->hwi->sendEvtNotify(msg_type, ext1, ext2); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : composeMpo * * DESCRIPTION: Composition of the 2 MPOs * * PARAMETERS : none * @main_Jpeg: pointer to info to Main Jpeg * @aux_Jpeg : pointer to info to Aux JPEG * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::composeMpo(cam_compose_jpeg_info_t* main_Jpeg, cam_compose_jpeg_info_t* aux_Jpeg) { LOGH("E Main Jpeg %p Aux Jpeg %p", main_Jpeg, aux_Jpeg); CHECK_MUXER(); if(main_Jpeg == NULL || aux_Jpeg == NULL) { LOGE("input buffers invalid, ret = NO_MEMORY"); gMuxer->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&m_JpegLock); m_pRelCamMpoJpeg = mGetMemoryCb(-1, main_Jpeg->buffer->size + aux_Jpeg->buffer->size, 1, m_pMpoCallbackCookie); if (NULL == m_pRelCamMpoJpeg) { LOGE("getMemory for mpo, ret = NO_MEMORY"); gMuxer->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_JpegLock); return; } // fill all structures to send for composition mm_jpeg_mpo_info_t mpo_compose_info; mpo_compose_info.num_of_images = 2; mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_filled_len = main_Jpeg->buffer->size; mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_vaddr = (uint8_t*)(main_Jpeg->buffer->data); mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_filled_len = aux_Jpeg->buffer->size; mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_vaddr = (uint8_t*)(aux_Jpeg->buffer->data); mpo_compose_info.output_buff.buf_vaddr = (uint8_t*)m_pRelCamMpoJpeg->data; mpo_compose_info.output_buff.buf_filled_len = 0; mpo_compose_info.output_buff_size = main_Jpeg->buffer->size + aux_Jpeg->buffer->size; LOGD("MPO buffer size %d\n" "expected size %d, mpo_compose_info.output_buff_size %d", m_pRelCamMpoJpeg->size, main_Jpeg->buffer->size + aux_Jpeg->buffer->size, mpo_compose_info.output_buff_size); LOGD("MPO primary buffer filled lengths\n" "mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_filled_len %d\n" "mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_vaddr %p", mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_filled_len, mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_vaddr); LOGD("MPO aux buffer filled lengths\n" "mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_filled_len %d" "mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_vaddr %p", mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_filled_len, mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_vaddr); if(m_bDumpImages) { LOGD("Dumping Main Image for MPO"); char buf_main[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH]; memset(buf_main, 0, sizeof(buf_main)); snprintf(buf_main, sizeof(buf_main), QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_LOCATION "Main.jpg"); int file_fd_main = open(buf_main, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777); if (file_fd_main >= 0) { ssize_t written_len = write(file_fd_main, mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_vaddr, mpo_compose_info.primary_image.buf_filled_len); fchmod(file_fd_main, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); LOGD("written number of bytes for main Image %zd\n", written_len); close(file_fd_main); } LOGD("Dumping Aux Image for MPO"); char buf_aux[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH]; memset(buf_aux, 0, sizeof(buf_aux)); snprintf(buf_aux, sizeof(buf_aux), QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_LOCATION "Aux.jpg"); int file_fd_aux = open(buf_aux, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777); if (file_fd_aux >= 0) { ssize_t written_len = write(file_fd_aux, mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_vaddr, mpo_compose_info.aux_images[0].buf_filled_len); fchmod(file_fd_aux, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); LOGD("written number of bytes for Aux Image %zd\n", written_len); close(file_fd_aux); } } int32_t rc = mJpegMpoOps.compose_mpo(&mpo_compose_info); LOGD("Compose mpo returned %d", rc); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("ComposeMpo failed, ret = %d", rc); gMuxer->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_JpegLock); return; } if(m_bDumpImages) { char buf_mpo[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH]; memset(buf_mpo, 0, sizeof(buf_mpo)); snprintf(buf_mpo, sizeof(buf_mpo), QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_LOCATION "Composed.MPO"); int file_fd_mpo = open(buf_mpo, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777); if (file_fd_mpo >= 0) { ssize_t written_len = write(file_fd_mpo, m_pRelCamMpoJpeg->data, m_pRelCamMpoJpeg->size); fchmod(file_fd_mpo, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); LOGD("written number of bytes for MPO Image %zd\n", written_len); close(file_fd_mpo); } } mDataCb(main_Jpeg->msg_type, m_pRelCamMpoJpeg, main_Jpeg->index, main_Jpeg->metadata, m_pMpoCallbackCookie); if (NULL != m_pRelCamMpoJpeg) { m_pRelCamMpoJpeg->release(m_pRelCamMpoJpeg); m_pRelCamMpoJpeg = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_JpegLock); LOGH("X"); return; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : matchFrameId * * DESCRIPTION: function to match frame ids within queue nodes * * PARAMETERS : * @data: pointer to queue node to be matched for condition * @user_data: caller can add more info here * @match_data : value to be matched against * * RETURN : true or false based on whether match was successful or not *==========================================================================*/ bool QCameraMuxer::matchFrameId(void *data, __unused void *user_data, void *match_data) { LOGH("E"); if (!data || !match_data) { return false; } cam_compose_jpeg_info_t * node = (cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *) data; uint32_t frame_idx = *((uint32_t *) match_data); LOGH("X"); return node->frame_idx == frame_idx; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : findPreviousJpegs * * DESCRIPTION: Finds Jpegs in the queue with index less than delivered one * * PARAMETERS : * @data: pointer to queue node to be matched for condition * @user_data: caller can add more info here * @match_data : value to be matched against * * RETURN : true or false based on whether match was successful or not *==========================================================================*/ bool QCameraMuxer::findPreviousJpegs(void *data, __unused void *user_data, void *match_data) { LOGH("E"); if (!data || !match_data) { return false; } cam_compose_jpeg_info_t * node = (cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *) data; uint32_t frame_idx = *((uint32_t *) match_data); LOGH("X"); return node->frame_idx < frame_idx; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseJpegInfo * * DESCRIPTION: callback function for the release of individual nodes * in the JPEG queues. * * PARAMETERS : * @data : ptr to the data to be released * @user_data : caller can add more info here * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::releaseJpegInfo(void *data, __unused void *user_data) { LOGH("E"); cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *jpegInfo = (cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *)data; if(jpegInfo && jpegInfo->release_cb) { if (jpegInfo->release_data != NULL) { jpegInfo->release_cb(jpegInfo->release_data, jpegInfo->release_cookie, NO_ERROR); } } LOGH("X"); } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : composeMpoRoutine * * DESCRIPTION: specialized thread for MPO composition * * PARAMETERS : * @data : pointer to the thread owner * * RETURN : void* to thread *==========================================================================*/ void* QCameraMuxer::composeMpoRoutine(__unused void *data) { LOGH("E"); if (!gMuxer) { LOGE("Error getting muxer "); return NULL; } int running = 1; int ret; uint8_t is_active = FALSE; QCameraCmdThread *cmdThread = &gMuxer->m_ComposeMpoTh; cmdThread->setName("CAM_ComposeMpo"); do { do { ret = cam_sem_wait(&cmdThread->cmd_sem); if (ret != 0 && errno != EINVAL) { LOGE("cam_sem_wait error (%s)", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } } while (ret != 0); // we got notified about new cmd avail in cmd queue camera_cmd_type_t cmd = cmdThread->getCmd(); switch (cmd) { case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_START_DATA_PROC: { LOGH("start ComposeMpo processing"); is_active = TRUE; // signal cmd is completed cam_sem_post(&cmdThread->sync_sem); } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_STOP_DATA_PROC: { LOGH("stop ComposeMpo processing"); is_active = FALSE; // signal cmd is completed cam_sem_post(&cmdThread->sync_sem); } break; case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB: { if (is_active == TRUE) { LOGH("Mpo Composition Requested"); cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *main_jpeg_node = NULL; cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *aux_jpeg_node = NULL; bool foundMatch = false; while (!gMuxer->m_MainJpegQ.isEmpty() && !gMuxer->m_AuxJpegQ.isEmpty()) { main_jpeg_node = (cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *) gMuxer->m_MainJpegQ.dequeue(); if (main_jpeg_node) { LOGD("main_jpeg_node found frame idx %d" "ptr %p buffer_ptr %p buffer_size %d", main_jpeg_node->frame_idx, main_jpeg_node, main_jpeg_node->buffer->data, main_jpeg_node->buffer->size); // find matching aux node in Aux Jpeg Queue aux_jpeg_node = (cam_compose_jpeg_info_t *) gMuxer-> m_AuxJpegQ.dequeue(); if (aux_jpeg_node) { LOGD("aux_jpeg_node found frame idx %d" "ptr %p buffer_ptr %p buffer_size %d", aux_jpeg_node->frame_idx, aux_jpeg_node, aux_jpeg_node->buffer->data, aux_jpeg_node->buffer->size); foundMatch = true; // start MPO composition gMuxer->composeMpo(main_jpeg_node, aux_jpeg_node); } } if (main_jpeg_node) { if ( main_jpeg_node->release_cb ) { main_jpeg_node->release_cb( main_jpeg_node->release_data, main_jpeg_node->release_cookie, NO_ERROR); } free(main_jpeg_node); } else { LOGH("Mpo Match not found"); } if (aux_jpeg_node) { if ( aux_jpeg_node->release_cb ) { aux_jpeg_node->release_cb( aux_jpeg_node->release_data, aux_jpeg_node->release_cookie, NO_ERROR); } free(aux_jpeg_node); } else { LOGH("Mpo Match not found"); } } } break; } case CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_EXIT: LOGH("ComposeMpo thread exit"); running = 0; break; default: break; } } while (running); LOGH("X"); return NULL; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : jpeg_data_callback * * DESCRIPTION: JPEG data callback for snapshot * * PARAMETERS : * @msg_type : callback msg type * @data : data ptr of the buffer * @index : index of the frame * @metadata : metadata associated with the buffer * @user : callback cookie returned back to the user * @frame_idx : frame index for matching frames * @release_cb : callback function for releasing the data memory * @release_cookie : cookie for the release callback function * @release_data :pointer indicating what needs to be released * * RETURN : none *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraMuxer::jpeg_data_callback(int32_t msg_type, const camera_memory_t *data, unsigned int index, camera_frame_metadata_t *metadata, void *user, uint32_t frame_idx, camera_release_callback release_cb, void *release_cookie, void *release_data) { LOGH("E"); CHECK_MUXER(); if(data != NULL) { LOGH("jpeg received: data %p size %d data ptr %p frameIdx %d", data, data->size, data->data, frame_idx); int rc = gMuxer->storeJpeg(((qcamera_physical_descriptor_t*)(user))->type, msg_type, data, index, metadata, user, frame_idx, release_cb, release_cookie, release_data); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { gMuxer->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); } } else { gMuxer->sendEvtNotify(CAMERA_MSG_ERROR, UNKNOWN_ERROR, 0); } LOGH("X"); return; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : storeJpeg * * DESCRIPTION: Stores jpegs from multiple related cam instances into a common Queue * * PARAMETERS : * @cam_type : indicates whether main or aux camera sent the Jpeg callback * @msg_type : callback msg type * @data : data ptr of the buffer * @index : index of the frame * @metadata : metadata associated with the buffer * @user : callback cookie returned back to the user * @frame_idx : frame index for matching frames * @release_cb : callback function for releasing the data memory * @release_cookie : cookie for the release callback function * @release_data :pointer indicating what needs to be released * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraMuxer::storeJpeg(cam_sync_type_t cam_type, int32_t msg_type, const camera_memory_t *data, unsigned int index, camera_frame_metadata_t *metadata, void *user,uint32_t frame_idx, camera_release_callback release_cb, void *release_cookie, void *release_data) { LOGH("E jpeg received: data %p size %d data ptr %p frameIdx %d", data, data->size, data->data, frame_idx); CHECK_MUXER_ERROR(); if (!m_bMpoEnabled) { if (cam_type == CAM_TYPE_MAIN) { // send data callback only incase of main camera // aux image is ignored and released back mDataCb(msg_type, data, index, metadata, m_pMpoCallbackCookie); } if (release_cb) { release_cb(release_data, release_cookie, NO_ERROR); } LOGH("X"); return NO_ERROR; } cam_compose_jpeg_info_t* pJpegFrame = (cam_compose_jpeg_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(cam_compose_jpeg_info_t)); if (!pJpegFrame) { LOGE("Allocation failed for MPO nodes"); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(pJpegFrame, 0, sizeof(*pJpegFrame)); pJpegFrame->msg_type = msg_type; pJpegFrame->buffer = const_cast(data); pJpegFrame->index = index; pJpegFrame->metadata = metadata; pJpegFrame->user = user; pJpegFrame->valid = true; pJpegFrame->frame_idx = frame_idx; pJpegFrame->release_cb = release_cb; pJpegFrame->release_cookie = release_cookie; pJpegFrame->release_data = release_data; if(cam_type == CAM_TYPE_MAIN) { if (m_MainJpegQ.enqueue((void *)pJpegFrame)) { LOGD("Main FrameIdx %d", pJpegFrame->frame_idx); if (m_MainJpegQ.getCurrentSize() > 0) { LOGD("Trigger Compose"); m_ComposeMpoTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); } } else { LOGE("Enqueue Failed for Main Jpeg Q"); if ( pJpegFrame->release_cb ) { // release other buffer also here pJpegFrame->release_cb( pJpegFrame->release_data, pJpegFrame->release_cookie, NO_ERROR); } free(pJpegFrame); pJpegFrame = NULL; return NO_MEMORY; } } else { if (m_AuxJpegQ.enqueue((void *)pJpegFrame)) { LOGD("Aux FrameIdx %d", pJpegFrame->frame_idx); if (m_AuxJpegQ.getCurrentSize() > 0) { LOGD("Trigger Compose"); m_ComposeMpoTh.sendCmd(CAMERA_CMD_TYPE_DO_NEXT_JOB, FALSE, FALSE); } } else { LOGE("Enqueue Failed for Aux Jpeg Q"); if ( pJpegFrame->release_cb ) { // release other buffer also here pJpegFrame->release_cb( pJpegFrame->release_data, pJpegFrame->release_cookie, NO_ERROR); } free(pJpegFrame); pJpegFrame = NULL; return NO_MEMORY; } } LOGH("X"); return NO_ERROR; } // Muxer Ops camera_device_ops_t QCameraMuxer::mCameraMuxerOps = { .set_preview_window = QCameraMuxer::set_preview_window, .set_callbacks = QCameraMuxer::set_callBacks, .enable_msg_type = QCameraMuxer::enable_msg_type, .disable_msg_type = QCameraMuxer::disable_msg_type, .msg_type_enabled = QCameraMuxer::msg_type_enabled, .start_preview = QCameraMuxer::start_preview, .stop_preview = QCameraMuxer::stop_preview, .preview_enabled = QCameraMuxer::preview_enabled, .store_meta_data_in_buffers= QCameraMuxer::store_meta_data_in_buffers, .start_recording = QCameraMuxer::start_recording, .stop_recording = QCameraMuxer::stop_recording, .recording_enabled = QCameraMuxer::recording_enabled, .release_recording_frame = QCameraMuxer::release_recording_frame, .auto_focus = QCameraMuxer::auto_focus, .cancel_auto_focus = QCameraMuxer::cancel_auto_focus, .take_picture = QCameraMuxer::take_picture, .cancel_picture = QCameraMuxer::cancel_picture, .set_parameters = QCameraMuxer::set_parameters, .get_parameters = QCameraMuxer::get_parameters, .put_parameters = QCameraMuxer::put_parameters, .send_command = QCameraMuxer::send_command, .release = QCameraMuxer::release, .dump = QCameraMuxer::dump, }; }; // namespace android