# This file was @generated by cargo2nix 0.11.0. # It is not intended to be manually edited. args @ { release ? true, rootFeatures ? [ "extra-math/default" ], rustPackages, buildRustPackages, hostPlatform, hostPlatformCpu ? null, hostPlatformFeatures ? [], target ? null, codegenOpts ? null, profileOpts ? null, cargoUnstableFlags ? null, rustcLinkFlags ? null, rustcBuildFlags ? null, mkRustCrate, rustLib, lib, workspaceSrc, ignoreLockHash, }: let nixifiedLockHash = "74f9e44cc52b70b46b1a8e880aaaa90232d5db51c515bd0708c4b6732faf788b"; workspaceSrc = if args.workspaceSrc == null then ./. else args.workspaceSrc; currentLockHash = builtins.hashFile "sha256" (workspaceSrc + /Cargo.lock); lockHashIgnored = if ignoreLockHash then builtins.trace "Ignoring lock hash" ignoreLockHash else ignoreLockHash; in if !lockHashIgnored && (nixifiedLockHash != currentLockHash) then throw "Cargo.nix ${nixifiedLockHash} is out of sync with Cargo.lock ${currentLockHash}" else let inherit (rustLib) fetchCratesIo fetchCrateLocal fetchCrateGit fetchCrateAlternativeRegistry expandFeatures decideProfile genDrvsByProfile; profilesByName = { }; rootFeatures' = expandFeatures rootFeatures; overridableMkRustCrate = f: let drvs = genDrvsByProfile profilesByName ({ profile, profileName, }: mkRustCrate ({inherit release profile hostPlatformCpu hostPlatformFeatures target profileOpts codegenOpts cargoUnstableFlags rustcLinkFlags rustcBuildFlags;} // (f profileName))); in { compileMode ? null, profileName ? decideProfile compileMode release, }: let drv = drvs.${profileName}; in if compileMode == null then drv else drv.override {inherit compileMode;}; in { cargo2nixVersion = "0.11.0"; workspace = { extra-math = rustPackages.unknown.extra-math."0.2.0"; }; "unknown".extra-math."0.2.0" = overridableMkRustCrate (profileName: rec { name = "extra-math"; version = "0.2.0"; registry = "unknown"; src = fetchCrateLocal workspaceSrc; features = builtins.concatLists [ (lib.optional (rootFeatures' ? "extra-math/default") "default") (lib.optional (rootFeatures' ? "extra-math/u256") "u256") (lib.optional (rootFeatures' ? "extra-math/unstable") "unstable") ]; }); }